Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2179: Yuan Ying Hua Dao

With the bravery of a strong man with a broken wrist, Taoist Xuangui abandoned his body, wrapped his soul with the soul infant, and rushed towards the crack in the world membrane.

The fight just now was too tragic. It pierced the boundary of Penglai Fairy Island, the endless earth was sunk, and a piece of divine soil turned into a bad soil.

"Human race junior, you have harmed me a lot, and I will never forgive you in the future." Taoist Xuangui's roar came, thinking that he could escape.

Indeed, he was very close to the gap in the boundary membrane, as long as he rushed out of this gap and returned to the ocean, his life would be guaranteed.

With the vast ocean of Penglai Ancient Star and the complicated environment, Ye Tian couldn't find him at all.

As long as he is given enough time, he can reshape his body in the future, and sooner or later his combat power will return to its peak.

However, just as his Nascent Soul was about to rush into the crack in the boundary membrane, a big golden hand suddenly protruded out and grabbed it from a distance.


The space around Taoist Xuangui's body suddenly solidified, turning into a mass of amber-like crystals.

The soul infant of Taoist Xuangui is like a small worm in amber, solidified in the crystal.

However, after only being imprisoned for a moment, he casually saw Taoist Xuangui's Yuan Ying brilliance flashing, bursting out with all his power, the amber-like crystal burst suddenly, and Taoist Xuangui's Yuan Ying burst out.

However, at this instant of delay, the crack in the boundary membrane closed on its own to only a narrow gap, and the Taoist Xuangui Taoist Yuan Ying could not pass.

The Taoist Xuangui hates and madly, sticks out his two palms, is full of power, and wants to tear open the boundary membrane with his bare hands.

How could Ye Tian give him this time and hit him with a punch.

"It's over!" Ye Tian's voice sounded, with the charm of death.


When the punch came out, the divine light tens of thousands of times, the power of the terrifying magnetism roared, and the space of thousands of square meters seemed to be distorted and collapsed, as if a black hole had been punched out.

Under the extremely strong gravitational force, everything in the range seemed like water flowing to a low place, actively rushing towards Ye Tian's fist.

Even the Nascent Soul of Taoist Xuangui couldn't resist the force that could distort and compress the space, and his body wanted to fly away with his fist.

"Little beast, don't deceive people too much. If you make me anxious, Yuan Ying will blew himself up, and you will be buried with you." Taoist Xuangui roared again and again, angrily and frustrated.

Seventy to eighty percent of Yuanying Tianjun's mana was concentrated on one Yuanying, abandoning a physical body, it was nothing at all, and the combat power did not decrease much.

If his Nascent Soul really blew himself up and dragged Ye Tian to bury him with him, it was not impossible.

However, the stronger the existence, the more greedy for life, evil and death, less than the critical juncture of a lifetime, a Yuanying Tianjun will never blew his own Yuanying.

For example, the ancestor of the Star Lin family just now kept saying that he would blew himself up, but in the end he couldn't decide his courage. Because even if he blew himself up, he was still making clothes for others without any value.

In the roar, Taoist Xuangui's Nascent Infant was constantly squeezed, surging out endless divine power, suddenly clenched his fist, bursting out infinite light and heat, like a small sun-like fist, violently colliding with Ye Tian's golden fist mark.


This was an extreme confrontation. The space and the earth in a radius of hundreds of miles broke apart in an instant, and countless earth and rocks flew up into the sky and turned into a chaotic small world.

The boundary membrane of Penglai Fairy Island was torn apart again, and a big eye-catching hole appeared in the sky, and even the black mist of the Devil Sea floated in.

Taoist Xuangui's Nascent Soul was thrown out, and his body kept cracking and blood stained the sky.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Taoist Xuangui let out a heartbreaking roar.

After this full punch, his already precarious realm of Heavenly Sovereign, finally fell, down to the level of the golden core.

Although it is not a permanent fall, as long as the injury is taken care of, Tianjun's strength can be restored, but now, he is not qualified to fight Ye Tian and has become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Ye Tian climbed into the sky, chasing him straight, and it was impossible for him to escape.

Taoist Xuangui panted, and shuttled in the chaotic turbulence.

"Stop, you can't escape. What I said just now is still valid, be my old servant, and give you a way out." Ye Tian said, like a phantom, chasing after him.


One of his big golden hands reached out again, locking a space, and the broken Nasal Infant from Taoist Black Tortoise was once again imprisoned like a mosquito.

The waves were rough and the sea was below, but as close as the end of the world, Taoist Xuangui couldn't escape.

"Fleeing? Who said I was running away?" Taoist Xuangui was surprisingly calm and stopped fighting hard.


Suddenly, a huge fluctuation spread from his body, the main road was roaring, as if a thousand troops were impacting, and it seemed that endless creatures were crying.

"Want to explode?"

Ye Tian's eyes froze, his palms became stronger, and he wanted to lock the soul of Taoist Xuangui to prevent him from exploding.

Although Taoist Xuangui was beaten to a fall, Yuan Ying is Yuan Ying after all. Once he blew himself up, the consequences would be disastrous. Not only this sea of ​​devil may disappear, but even the small world of Penglai Fairy Island will be affected and damaged.

However, letting Ye Tiantang do everything he could, peeling off a piece of void and condensing it into a crystal ball, that great wave of waves always spread out, and a monstrous energy spilled out, which could not be controlled at all.

"No, it's not self-destruction, but..."

Ye Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw Taoist Xuangui's Yuan Ying brighten up, and a shower of light flew out. It was the fragments of the avenue intertwined by the rules of the Yuan Ying, and the crystals that Ye Tian grasped could not stop it at all. Live, spilled in all directions.

Surprisingly, the Taoist Xuangui is transforming the Tao, giving back to this world the gains of his life, the comprehension of his life, and the learning of his life.

You know, when a Yuanying grows up, UU reads www.uukanshu. The resources consumed by com is an astronomical figure, because at the same time as the metaphysical infant grows up, there is also metaphysical transformation to feed back the world, so the resources of a piece of heaven and earth can be balanced.

Self-detonation is different, it is one hundred, and nothing is there anymore.

After all, there are a small number of Yuan Ying who blew up. Most Yuan Ying who died normally will choose to Hua Dao to end their life.

Of course, not only the Nascent Soul, but all the powerful monks on it, transforming the gods, returning to the void, combining the Tao, ..., because they have touched the level of the law, they can transform the Tao, return to the origin of the heaven and the earth, and feed back the heaven and the earth.


Yuan Ying Huadao, heaven and earth screamed, a sad mood, instantly enveloped the whole ancient star. The more powerful the existence, the more true it feels, and can even make inferences based on this, that the Yuan Ying has transformed into a Tao, and has fallen into this world.

If it is to transform the gods into the Tao, it will even affect a star field.

And if it is Transcending Tribulation Immortal Zun Hua Dao, the highest in the universe, even the entire universe will be affected.

"You know something."

Seeing Taoist Xuangui choose to transform the way, Ye Tian's palm was relaxed a bit.

"Haha!" Taoist Xuangui gave a chuckle. There was something sly in that smile, and said, "Teenage human, do you know why this sea of ​​devil exists? You know, why does Penglai Immortal Island exist? here?"

"Appreciate further details."

Ye Tian said lightly, the corners of his eyes twitched, with a bad premonition.

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