Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2187: Open the big array

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land kept talking, trying to distract Ye Tian.

But the next second, his whole person was dumbfounded, and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.


The otherwise unremarkable ancient well suddenly shined brightly, and a brilliant beam of light rose into the sky, rushing directly onto the dome that was several tens of feet high, and then spread out on the dome like a celestial flower.

The empty underground world was originally dark, but now it was brightly lit, as if endless stars were lit up, and it was shining brightly.

All the monsters moved sternly, let out a cry of horror, and some grinned, trying to attack Xiang Ye Tian and Zixiao Holy Land Laotian, the two instigators.

However, that well has a strange magical power, with a radius of ten feet, and the monsters can't get close, otherwise they will be sucked into the well and be directly refined into a pool of ink.

Several monsters took the risk, just under Ye Tian's eyelids, they fell into the well and were refined.

"You..., how did you open it?"

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land murmured, his eyes were almost staring, and he looked at Ye Tian incredulously, like a ghost.

He didn't know that Ye Tian was half a Penglai, and he had forged an indissoluble bond with Penglai a long time ago. Penglai's way and Penglai's method can be said to be easy to come by.

Coupled with the vision of the true immortal in his previous life, he broke through the ninety-nine levels of magic refining formation, and it was not like playing.


Ye Tian ignored it, sitting cross-legged next to the ancient well, slowly gripping his hands, embracing the void, and spinning slowly, as if pushing an invisible great mill.

In the ancient well, more and more bright rays of light illuminate, dense runes shining, this is a small magic circle after layer after layer, being spurred by Ye Tian, ​​it glows with divine power that can refine magic energy. .

A total of ninety-nine layers of magic circle, after ninety-nine turns, the devil energy can be refined into immortal energy.

This kind of big-handedness, with Ye Tian's current level, can't be laid down.

Not to mention the countless treasures of heaven and earth needed for formation, such a huge project, the requirements for a person's mana are also enormous, and it takes a long time.

Maybe it's true, as said by the Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land, the reason why the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl can step into the realm of God Transformation with half her foot, this demon refining well has exerted a lot of power, with the help of the power of fairy qi.

Without the help of Immortal Qi, it would be too difficult to prove Taoism and God in the world where the laws are incomplete and the avenues are suppressed.

It was Ye Tian, ​​who wanted to prove Taoism and Transform God here, he had to spend a lot of thoughts and blast the heavens to suppress it with absolute power.

The demon refining array in the ancient well seems to have not been activated for a long time, and it has accumulated a huge amount of demon energy, thick as ink.

At this moment, as the layers of refining magic arrays were opened, the walls of the well glowed, and the runes shone, and the whole ancient well seemed to turn into an avenue oven. Inside, the ink-like thick magical energy rolled up and down like boiling water.


A vast and majestic breath spreads out in this small world, pervasive, like a substantive coercion, as if it can crush the heavens.

Every time an additional layer of magical refining formation opens, the heavy coercion further increases, and monsters continue to collapse on the ground, shivering.

When the fiftieth floor of the magic refining formation was opened, even the innate monsters couldn't bear it and thumped and knelt down.

In the end, when the ninety-nine layers of magic refining formation were all opened, the golden core demon was like an ant, capable of crushing to death at any time.

This is just a trace of breath leaking from the ancient well, it is terrifying, one can imagine how terrifying the real power of refining magic in the ancient well.

"That's... Saint-level magic circle? No, it's a god-level magic circle higher than Saint-level." Zixiao Holy Land Old Tianjun's voice trembled.

Stronger than Zixiao, his old man is extremely frightened, and Yuan Ying feels cold.

He thought to himself that if his Nascent Soul is thrown into the magical refining formation, although it can persist for a period of time, it will eventually inevitably be extinct. It will be refined into pure life essence and be transported to Penglai Fairy Island. , Nurturing this small world.

The Nine Phoenix Goddess deserves to be half-footed into the invincible existence, able to lay such a powerful magic circle.

Even the pseudo-transformation god, in the cosmic star sea, can be called a powerful one, stomping one foot can make a small universe of invincible existence shocked.

At this moment, on the Penglai Fairy Island, some of the remaining Penglai descendants clearly felt a wave of fluctuations, and the surging life essence was so strong that it leaked from the ground, turned into a mist, and floated in the void.

Where these life essences passed, the withered flowers bloomed again, the broken tree germinated again, the cracked earth healed again,...

Everything is changing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and a piece of earth is transforming towards the gods.

Under normal circumstances, it would take hundreds of thousands of years to complete the evolution by natural forces. Now, because of the opening of the ninety-nine-layer magic circle, the time has been greatly shortened. In just two or three years, or even less, Penglai Xiantu will return to its former glory.

"It's the Nine Phoenix Goddess who appeared."

The remaining descendants of Penglai wept loudly and bowed together in front of the tomb of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl.

In the eyes of the sea, they did not know the back hand laid by the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl, thinking that in the dark, the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Goddess might reappear.

At this moment, deep in the eyes of the sea, beside the ancient well, the Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land was still stunned, as if facing a god, UU reading www.uukanshu. com looked at Ye Tian incredulously.

Seeing Ye Tian squeezing the Fa Jue with his hand, the Fa seals flew out, chanting words in his mouth.

As these countless ancient runes fell into the ancient well, the refining magic array was opened for the first time, like ancient mythical beasts in deep sleep, constantly being awakened.


The bright rays of light rushed into the sky, and there were violent energy fluctuations. This was the life essence transformed into devil qi. It was extremely pure, and it was comparable to knocking a spirit stone by just taking a sip.

This surging vitality exploded on the "dome", and then disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea. Through the magic circle, all the energy was directly transported to Penglai Xian Island. Therefore, the ruins of Penglai Xiandao will change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Who on earth are you? Why can you crack Penglai's ultimate Daoist Array?" Lao Tianjun, the sacred land of Zixiao, asked Ye Tian with a panic expression on his face.

I could only tell him that there must be a story behind this young man, and it must have a great background, and it is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

You know, in the eyes of Hai, there are several Yuan Yings who have been suppressed, but none of them can crack the divine formation left by the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl. Ye Tian just glanced at it and broke it open, which was unbelievable.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land said, his voice was trembling, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Ye Tian's impact on him was too great, making him feel like a trash, living on a dog for thousands of years.

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