Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2190: The first ray of fairy qi

The eye of the East China Sea, a small underground world.

Ye Tian waited for three months at the ancient well, and finally, a loud buzzing sound came from the ancient well, and a bright golden light burst out.

"Is the first ray of immortal energy coming out?" Ye Tian was overjoyed and quickly stood up and looked at the ancient well.

I saw that the magical energy that was originally filled with ink from an ancient well has disappeared completely, and the boundless life essence that has been sprayed out has been transmitted to Penglai Xiandao, causing the island to undergo earth-shaking changes. And in the ancient well, only a ray of brilliant fairy light remained, like a small golden sun, dazzling.

"Sure enough, hahaha!" Ye Tian laughed loudly, looking at the fairy qi greedily.

A ray of immortality, as if there is life, is erratic, with bright golden light on the outside, but colorful brilliance shining inside, as if it contains a gorgeous little world.

A small golden light illuminates the entire hall with a radius of one hundred thousand meters, like the rising sun.

The hall was quiet, all the monsters were stunned, and they didn't dare to move.

"Is this fairy qi?"

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land was also stunned, and couldn't help but stretch out a hand, wanting to catch the immortal energy floating out of the ancient well.


Ye Tian shot a big ear scraper and almost didn't take him out.

"Small animal..., you..." The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land has a canthus and madness with hatred.

He is a magnificent heavenly monarch, but it is a shame that someone has slapped his ears.

"If you dare to say more nonsense? Believe it or not, I threw you into the magic well for training?" Ye Tian threatened.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land gritted his teeth in anger, but he dared not say anything, and sat aside honestly.

In the past three months, he has also been receiving the essence of the qi erupted from the ancient well to practice, but the injury on the Yuan Ying is too serious, it is difficult to make progress in his cultivation, and the healing of the wound is not optimistic.

If there is immortality, it may be able to dissolve the sword intent and the power of time, and let Yuan Ying's wounds heal.

However, the immortal spirit is right in front of him, but he can only look at it eagerly.

At this moment, he had an impulse to push Ye Tian into the ancient well, and he was uniquely immortal.

Although he didn't do anything in the end, the idea took root in his heart and continued to grow crazily.

At this time, Ye Tian grabbed his hand and grabbed a ray of fairy energy in his hand. After taking a look, he said: "Although the quality is a little worse than the fairy light that came out in the Arctic Continent in a thousand years, it is also very rare. , The fairy light of the Arctic Continent can only produce a ray of light for thousands of years. There is a refining well with millions of monsters. At least it can give me ten wisps of celestial energy."

Ye Tian said, and swept the monsters all over the hall again.

Most of these monsters that have not yet opened their minds, I don't know if they saw through Ye Tian's careful thoughts, and they all felt chills in their hearts.

"It takes three months to refine a ray of fairy qi from a refining well. If I want to get ten wisps of fairy qi, it will take 30 months, more than two years." Ye Tian calculated in his heart.

For more than two years, it was a little urgent, because he had been delayed for a long time on this ancient star.

"Look at what kind of transformation these fairy qi can bring to me, and then let's talk about it. Some things are really impatient. Maybe there is really no way of heaven on this ancient star, then I can only prove Taoism here. God, cross the void again. By then, it will not take a few years, but more than ten years, decades."

Ye Tian thought, while slowly spinning the chaotic golden body, refining a ray of fairy energy in his hand.

He is now at the level of the golden body of the chaotic golden body, and he is only a short step away from reaching the level of the purple-gold divine body.

The Zijin Divine Body will be another level of physique. In the early stage, it can rival the late Yuanying stage, and it is not the ordinary Yuanying stage, but the super-grade Yuanying, Holy Infant, and Divine Infant.

The Zijin divine body is small, comparable to the body of the **** of transformation, or the body of the late fairy infant,

Of course, fairy infants are extremely rare, even rarer than Ye Tian's super-grade golden pill, even looking at the entire universe, they are also rare to appear every ten thousand years.

Generally speaking, the **** of transformation can sweep all Yuan Ying, but the Fairy Ying is an exception.

Once the fairy baby is born, it can be used to fight against the gods.

At this moment, as the ray of fairy energy was being refined by Ye Tian's body, surging energy flowed in his body, and the body suddenly became crystal clear, bursting with bright golden light, and the whole person was like a jade statue.

Not only the surface of his body, but all the bones, tendons, and internal organs in his body are glowing, gorgeous and boundless, revealing an immortal breath.

The energy produced by Immortal Qi is different from ordinary energy. It is the carrier of the law. If you look closely, you will find that it contains complex and complex Dao runes. Each rune is like a cast of **** gold, immortal, and has strange power.

Ye Tiandacheng's golden body is advancing. Although the pace of advancing is very slow, the changes it brings are not as big as before, but Ye Tian's keen intuition and insight can still really feel the changes.

It takes at least three days to refine a ray of immortal energy. Ye Tian didn’t want to waste this world, so he gave Lao Tianjun, the sacred land of Zixiao, a task to grab monsters and refine the magic well. Fill it up and prepare for the second ray of fairy qi.

"Brother Ye Dao, I have an unsympathetic request. Can this second ray of fairy qi belong to me? I don't want a ray of all the remaining celestial qi, but all belong to you. I only need a ray of fairy qi." The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land suggested, with a very humble attitude, almost begging.

"Are you looking for death? Dare to bargain with me? What do you say? I am happy to serve you, maybe you can reward you with a thread and a half. If you annoy me, just throw you at your magic well "Ye Tian said coldly.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land gritted his teeth and bitterly, anger rose in his chest, but in the end he had to accept the reality, lowered his noble head, and honestly did what Ye Tian said.

Boom boom boom!

The blood flowing in Ye Tian's body was like mercury slurry, vigorous and powerful, making the rushing sound of the Yangtze River, shaking the whole hall with thunderous noises, making all the monsters terrified.

Countless golden clouds and countless divine brilliance bloomed on Ye Tian's body surface, and a law of law emerged, and the power of order spread, the whole person was in conjunction with the road, and the divine power fluctuated like a sea.

"This kid is obviously a Nascent Soul, why is his physical body stronger than mine? What kind of physique does he cultivate, so fits the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and contains so many laws?" The Lord Tianjun of the Purple Night Holy Land was horrified. Grabbing the monster and throwing it into the refining well, while watching Ye Tian's changes.

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