Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2199: The power of the battle body

The five-color divine light lingered, and a purple-gold divine scar revived, as if a heavenly monarch had awakened.

The cold blade light directly rushed out of the blade for several feet long, as if the birdling magic sword had expanded more than ten times in an instant.

"The Peacock tribe is shameless."

Many people in the audience denounced, filled with righteous indignation.

It seems that the use of Zhenzong's artifacts like this kind of juvenile and junior fights is already very contemptuous, and even several clan elders shot at the same time, helping to mobilize the magic soldiers, and even more shameless interpretation to the extreme.

However, the Peacocks were so thick-skinned that they ignored them. As long as you can achieve your goal, you can do whatever it takes.

"Little Po boy, if you surrender, I can spare you not to die." New Little Bird King said.

It seemed that he had drawn strength from the Queling Divine Sword, and his breath rose by a few points. Every word spit out, like thunder and explosion, shocked many people in the field.

"That little bird, I still lack a flying mount. If you come over, this young master can consider it." Little Xuan Phoenix tilted his head and said, with his little finger on his right hand digging out his ears, without any fear at all.

"act recklessly!"

The new little bird king's eyes froze, and he slashed it down.

Suddenly, a bird's song stunned Jiu Xiao.


The sky is falling apart.

The birdling magic sword, which was originally only three feet long, was directly transformed into a huge magic sword with a length of hundreds of feet, which stretched across the sky.

The endless void is shattered, the road roars, the law emerges

Before the light of the sword arrived, the terrifying coercion had already locked the little Xuan Phoenix's 100-square-meter space around him, condensing the air into a piece of iron.

This is the resurrected Dao Shenbing, and everyone in the audience pales in horror. Even Dacheng Golden Core can't guarantee that it will be intercepted.

Just when everyone thought that Little Xuan Phoenix was going to die, Boom, Suddenly, a great power of great power erupted from his body, and his brows flashed, and he rushed out of a golden cauldron and slammed into the new little bird king's lingering sword.

A blazing divine light broke out between the two, sweeping away in all directions like a tsunami. Wherever they passed, the mountains were like paper, constantly collapsing and shattering.

Many people have hidden far enough, but they are still affected. If the cultivation base is weak, it will burst directly, even if the cultivation base is strong, it will vomit blood.


A Hong Zhong Dalu-like voice resounded across the world, and the golden gods gleamed brightly, quickly magnifying them, and even resisted the chopping of the Queling **** sword.

Little Xuanhuang's mana is simply not enough to spur the Nine Phoenix Cauldron. At this moment, the Nine Phoenix Cauldron is resuscitating on its own, with only the ability to guard and lack of attack power.

This was the first time that the Nine Phoenix Ding appeared in front of the world and shocked everyone in the audience.

The Nine Phoenix Tripod, the first supreme artifact of the legendary Penglai ancient star, tens of thousands of years later, once again sees the sky.

Of course, there are only a few who can recognize the Nine Phoenix Ding at a glance. More people are amazed at what this is, it can stop the blow of the magic soldier.

"I don't believe it, come again!"

The new little bird king yelled and smashed again with the magic sword of birdling in his hand.

At this moment, his hair was flying wildly, his eyes were terrifying, and there was a hint of breath swallowing mountains and rivers.


The little Xuan Phoenix shook hard with the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, sparks splashed with dazzling sparks, and even a trace of scars did not appear on the divine cauldron.

Even if there is no Recovery Divine Mark, the Nine Phoenix Cauldron cannot be destroyed by ordinary divine tools.


A great power of great power rushed out of the sacred cauldron, and the fire spewed out hundreds of feet, sweeping across the wasteland, and a piece of land became a desert. The mountains continued to collapse and the land continued to sink.

The new little bird king's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling a great horror, and he hurriedly crossed the sword in front of him.

In the end, although he blocked Dingwei and avoided death, he flew out with a knife.

The little Xuanhuang shot out a real fire, and his body glowed with immeasurable golden light, just like a young god, swallowing the nine-phoenix cauldron, and smashed it out. Every blow was magnificent, the cauldron sounded lingering, and there was a kind of groundbreaking.的气机。 The air machine.

The new little bird king was beaten back and forth again and again, vomiting blood constantly.

Seeing that the new little bird king was about to be defeated, and might even be killed by the town, suddenly a cold light flew out of the Peacock tribe's boat.

It was a silver cone as long as chopsticks, and it was a forbidden instrument that pierced the center of Little Xuanhuang's eyebrows to nail it to death.

Among the electric flint flowers, the little Xuanhuang turned sideways and didn't pick it up, because the silver cones of chopsticks were too terrifying, the runes were in pieces, the avenue fluctuated like a sea, and it was terrifying. Obviously, it was not something ordinary people could sacrifice.


A hill behind Little Xuanhuang was hit, and a loud noise erupted. The hill was instantly flattened, and then a huge crater was blown out on the spot, as if it had been hit by a heavy missile. .

"People of the little bird tribe, you are too mean. I wanted to keep this little bird king alive, but now I change my attention and want to kill him." The little Xuan Huang yelled, really angry, holding nine in one hand. Huang Ding zoomed in quickly, and smashed the new little bird king like a big mountain.

Although he was very young and not very old, he had amazing divine power in his body, and the phoenix blood all over his body was about to boil. He made a sound like the rush of the Yangtze River, and his hair was dancing full of hair, like a crown of peers.

The new little bird king angrily scolded, his whole body bloomed with colorful brilliance, and he also opened up a five-color field, holding knives in both hands, and cleaving forcefully, trying to destroy the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.

But it was too difficult. The Nine Phoenix Ding was indestructible, and his own hands were tingled with every knife.

The little Xuanhuang divine is majestic, in charge of the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, offensive and defensive, like a roaring tank, constantly pushing forward.


It was another blow, sparks flew everywhere, and the bird ling magic knife flew out.


The new King Sparrow also vomited a mouthful of blood, flying upside down like a kicked ball.


Little Xuanhuang rushed out like a cannonball out of its chamber, and with a punch, Tianyu trembled. The golden fist suddenly smashed the new little bird king's body that had been severely injured, and blood was splashed.

"Little Bird King!"

The Peacocks exclaimed, all dumbfounded and angrily eliminated.

All this happened in the electric flint flower, no one can stop it, the powerful battle body of the little Xuan Phoenix bloomed with divine brilliance, the terrifying fist was unstoppable, and it had unparalleled speed and strength.

"Okay, I won!"

On the other hand, the people of Dashang, UU reading www. uukánshu. com was a burst of cheers.

"The little guy won. It's amazing. He is only ten years old, and he is invincible in the same realm of his generation. In the future, he will break through the golden core, and he will not continue to sweep?"

People couldn't help sighing.


At this moment, a big hand dropped from the Peacock Clan's warship, and the Nine Phoenix Cauldron that hit the new little bird king with a palm flew out.

But shortly afterwards, something irritating happened. This big hand patted the little Xuan Phoenix again, with mighty power and power, and it was shockingly to shake the little Xuan Phoenix into blood mud, and strangle a peerless genius in the cradle.

At the same time, on the Peacock Clan’s flying boat and among the crowd watching the battle, there were several other big hands sticking out and grabbing the Nine Phoenix Cauldron that had been shot in the air.

These people may have recognized it. This is the legendary ancient star's first supreme artifact, the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.

They shot silently, because they didn't want others to know the identity of the tripod and compete with themselves.

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