Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2201: 1 punch

Bang bang bang!

Da Shang Lao Huang shot and flew three Dao artifacts one after another, but was shocked by the fourth Dao Art Soldier and had to take it back.

"You are bad guys, you all deserve to die." Little Xuan Huang cursed loudly.

After speaking, he jumped into the Nine Phoenix Cauldron and protected his body with the Shen Cauldron.

"This is the legendary Nine Phoenix Ding. I can't find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. Hahaha!" The old dragon clam laughed loudly.

"Let it go!" The big business emperor roared.

"Huh!" The old man Long Clam only snorted coldly, and the sea rioted again, rolling up a wave of thousands of feet high, surging towards the coast.

Hundreds of thousands of sea clan battlefields also erupted with mighty power, killing human monks.

To save the little Xuanhuang, the old emperor of the business had to give up the human monks on the shore, including his daughter, Xiao Shiqi. Moreover, he may not be saved.

And if he wanted to save the human monks on the shore, he could only temporarily give up Little Xuan Phoenix.

In the end, he chose to temporarily abandon the Little Xuan Phoenix, slashing several swords in succession, smoothing the huge tsunami waves, and disintegrating the attack of the sea clan battle formation.

At this time, the old dragon clam was about to grab the Jiuhuangding Ding with one claw.

Suddenly, a crystal-clear finger appeared out of thin air, all the time.

The dragon-shaped giant claws that could tear the mountains were firmly blocked in front of the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, and they couldn't make any progress.

"Don't you want an answer? I'll tell you the answer. All the six heavenly monarchs were killed by me."

Immediately afterwards, a magnetic voice was uploaded from the sky.

The sound was dull, but everyone's eardrums buzzed, which was unreal.

One person killed six heavenly monarchs, isn't it a joke?

However, the next time, when a young man appeared in the court, everyone's pupils shrank.

It was a young man with black hair and black eyes. His exquisite features seemed to be finely crafted without a trace of flaws. His waist pen was as strong as a gun. One hand was placed behind his back, the other was leaning out, with one finger pointing down. Step by step, stepping down.

One of his fingers, like a pin of Dinghai, pressed firmly against the claws of the old man Longclam.


Little Xuanhuang poked a head out of the Nine Phoenix Cauldron and shouted in surprise.

"Little Ye Zi." Princess Seventeen also laughed, with crystal tears falling from the corners of her eyes, and her heart fluctuated.

It was Ye Tian who came!

All of a sudden there was a commotion, whether it was Human Race or Sea Race.

Three years ago, he swept across his peers and invincible in the same realm, and even escaped from Yuanying's hands. His name spread to this ancient star and he was called the Demon King.

Later, he disappeared, without a trace for three years, and gradually forgotten by the world.

But now that he appeared, many people recognized him at once, and the invincible past is vivid.

"It's just a golden pill, and he dares to speak up and say that he killed six heavenly monarchs. It's ridiculous."

Soon, there was a voice of disdain, not believing what he said.

"Who are you?" Long Clam asked the old man, slowly retracting his hand, his eyes condensed.

Although it did not use its full strength just now, with the cultivation base of Yuan Ying, it can completely crush a mountain of thousands of meters to the ground, sink the earth and destroy a city with a population of one million. However, it was stopped by Ye Tian District with a finger. Can't be surprised?

Many human monks at the scene were also surprised. Three years ago, Ye Tian only created a story about escaping from Yuan Ying, and it was still a lifetime of nine deaths, and the gap in combat effectiveness was still very large.

But now, facing Yuan Ying's blow, he not only failed to dodge, but blocked it, indicating that his strength has really improved a lot in the three years since he disappeared.

"Who I am, you don't need to know. You have to remember that I killed six Yuanying Tianjun." Ye Tian said lightly, facing a sea clan Tianjun, without a trace of fear, as if facing one. Ant-like.

"You're not ashamed, you can kill six Yuanying Tianjun, unless the sun comes out from the west. Since you dare to oppose the Tianjun, you will be opened today to wash away the sins of your human race." .

Based on his Nascent Soul cultivation base, it is easy to make a judgment, and Ye Tian is just the middle stage of the Golden Core. It's just that the physical body is stronger, and the true essence is stronger, and it is still a thousand miles away from the Yuan Ying.

"Go to death for me!"

In the roar, the clam shell behind the old dragon clam rushed out and flew towards Ye Tian.

The black gold shines, and the runes on the shell of the clam are densely covered with an immortal breath.

The clam shells on both sides quickly enlarged, half closed, forming a time-space-like crack, and the aura of infinite aura was infinite, as if to accommodate everything in it.

The old dragon clam pinched the tactic with lightning with both hands, and finally saw the purple and gold scars on the clam shell resurrected.

People were horrified that this old dragon clam actually made his own clam shell sacrifice into a great artifact.

Being one with the physical body, this is a real natal artifact!


The clam shell exudes majestic majesty, which instantly enlarges to the size of hundreds of meters, covering a large area of ​​the cage, even if you are thousands of miles away, you can feel the fluctuations of the road.


Everyone could see that the squally wind roared, the cracks in the clam shell swallowed the world, and the mountains broke apart and were absorbed by the clam shell.

At least more than a hundred human monks who were watching the battle were affected, and they could not help flying into the air, flying towards the cracks in the clam shell, many of which were powerful.

Yuan Ying Tianjun's natal artifact, so overbearing!

But Ye Tian didn't evade.

He shook his fist directly and smashed it out.

I saw that when the fist was punched, his whole person's breath rose sharply like an erupting super volcano. The fist that was originally white jade-like crystal suddenly covered a layer of purple gold, and then this layer of purple gold continued to spread. Soon it spread all over his body.

In just a short moment, he was like a completely changed person. The whole body was made of purple **** gold. The hair and the eyes were all purple and gold, giving people a sense of devilishness.


He slammed a punch, UU reading purple and gold fist domineering boundless, the sound of the road and the sound of the ring, the infinite divine light shines, all kinds of runes linger in the palm of the finger, as if hitting the nine heavens. After wearing it, just the aftermath of the shaking destroyed the mountains and the earth, turning a large area of ​​the world into a desert, with no vitality.

Then, in the stunned eyes of everyone, there was a click, and the old dragon clam used his own clam shell to sacrifice his life artifact, which was hit by Ye Tian's punch and broke into countless pieces.




Since the ages, almost no one on the ancient star of Penglai has been able to destroy an artifact with a physical body, at least there is no record in the history of cultivation, because the artifact is immortal and strong to an incredible degree. destroy. As a result, there are many ancient artifacts handed down.

But now, Ye Tian has created a history and forged a myth.

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