Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2217: Destroy 1 family

"Oh My God!"

In the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe, all the creatures looked up and looked at this scene with horror on their faces.

One thousand feet, or more than three thousand meters, such a huge mountain, falling from the sky, is even bigger than a meteorite, and terrifying. It suddenly covered the sun in the sky and cast a large shadow.

In an instant, the huge ancestral land of the Peacock tribe was shrouded in darkness, as if night fell, and there was a mighty coercion. People can't breathe.

Ye Tian just raised his hand and grabbed it, and he could grab a mountain of thousands of feet. What a terrible power is this?

What a powerful capability is this?

To be an enemy of this kind of person is simply to seek abuse by oneself, and the old birthday star is too long to live.

Of course, the guardian formation of the Peacock tribe's ancestral land is not paper-cut. It can not only protect, but also actively attack and kill the enemy.

At this moment, I saw that under the control of the elders of the Peacock tribe, above the guardian array, divine lights rushed into the sky, like a heavenly sword, slashing horizontally and vertically in the void, killing them. A boulder falling from the sky.

And the fire and phoenix roared, the white tiger roared,..., all kinds of brutal beasts appeared, and their huge bodies filled the sky.


Strangled by the terrifying attacking force of the Guardian Array, the Qianzhang Mountain fell apart in mid-air, without touching the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe.


Suddenly, the cheers of the Peacock clan's ancestral land became a movie.

From all directions, some onlookers came to pay close attention to the battle.

Some even brought a projection sky screen, a teleportation array that could transmit real-time images over a long distance, and teleported everything that happened in the Peacock tribe's ancestors to all parts of the ancient star, so that more people could see this battle.

Of course, it is mainly some famous sects and big powers, and ordinary people are not qualified to see it.

When the first Qianzhang Mountain was intercepted by the Peacock Clan's guardian formation, cheers came from some famous sects around the world.

At this moment, they are with the Peacock tribe.

Although this race is very strong, it doesn't take advantage of bullying, but after all, it is his own.

And Ye Tian is an outsider, and has many enemies.


But I saw that the first mountain was just an appetizer, and then more mountains rose from the ground, blasting towards the Peacock tribe's ancestors.

At this moment, Ye Tian was like a giant spirit **** in myths and legends, possessing infinite divine power, capable of throwing mountains and mountains, and overwhelming the sea.

As soon as he raised his hand, the mountain weighing hundreds of millions rose from the ground and was smashed out like a cannonball.

In a short while, he threw hundreds of mountains, and the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe would be bald.

If it were two big mountains, the Peacock Clan's guardian formation could still stop them. Dozens or hundreds of people smashed their heads and faces, and no matter how powerful the circle was, it was impossible to completely intercept them.

Boom, boom!

A huge explosion sounded above the magic circle, smashing the ground and shaking the mountain, and the sound was shaking the sky and the earth.

In the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe, many people with weak cultivation bases, as well as some old, weak, sick, disabled and young, were directly put to death, or exploded to death, or died of bleeding from Qiqiao.

Such a shocking crit, don't say that the mere Yuan Ying formation, the ancestor of the Peacock tribe, may not be able to stop it.

"It's terrible, too cruel."

"It's worthy of the name of the devil."

"Unlucky who provokes."

The countless spectators outside the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe slapped their tongues, all of them were stunned and frightened.

Click, click!

Above the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe, large formations were fragmented, and under the unparalleled force, they collapsed. In the end, only a quarter of the circle remained intact.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Tian might be tired from the fight and was about to take a break, suddenly they saw Ye Tian clenched his palm into a fist, and Yaoyao slammed it out.


This fist seemed to move the heavens and the earth, the avenues roared, and the purple-gold runes filled the sky. A purple-gold rune was blazing more than the sun in the sky, filling the world, like a chariot of the ancient gods. Crush everything.

Boom boom boom!

Behind him, three thunder gates suddenly appeared, rushing out three terrifying thunders, and finally all the power of thunder was gathered in one punch.

I saw that the punch had not yet blasted out, and the shock wave like a nuclear explosion had already shot out from the fist. A large void around it collapsed, and it couldn't bear the power of the punch.

"No, run away!" a clan elder of the Peacock clan shouted.

"Ye Tianjun, wait for a while, my Peacock tribe surrenders."


However, it was too late, whether it was fleeing or begging for mercy.

There was no sadness or joy in Ye Tian's eyes, and he had already made up his mind to destroy the Peacock Clan.


When Ye Tian punched out, the whole world lost its color.

It was like a supernova explosion, and even the space was shaken with countless cracks. The strong light of a nuclear explosion swept in all directions, and everything was destroyed wherever it went.

In an instant, everything ceased to exist in the center of the boxing strength. Not only did the remaining array of the Peacock tribe's ancestors be torn apart, countless mountains, rocks, and plants also turned into pieces, and countless tall palace buildings were wiped out.

In the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe, all the creatures disappeared. At least one glance could not see a living creature, all under Ye Tian's fist, there was no place to be buried.

At this moment, the scene was deadly silent.

All the spectators were dumbfounded and gasped.

"This... is too strong, right?"

The crowd couldn't calm down, and the whole ancient star trembled.

That is the ancestral land of the Peacock tribe. It has a radius of a hundred miles and has been in business for tens of thousands of years. Even every brick has spirituality and is indestructible.

In the blink of an eye, an immortal orthodoxy disappeared, and UU Reading www.uukā was completely erased, which is too dreamy.

Many people didn't believe it and rubbed their eyes vigorously.

However, there is nothing on the earth except a huge pit.

"This kid is not able to transform the gods? How else would there be such a powerful force? You know, one punch to erase an immortal Taoism, the average Yuan Ying simply can't do it."

"Hua Shen? You too underestimate the Hua Shen, the whole ancient star can be destroyed when the **** is out. He, I think it is probably the same level of power as the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl before the ages, Holy Infant."

"Holy Infant? What is Holy Infant?"

"I also read the description in ancient books, saying that the primordial infants on this ancient star are all ordinary primordial primordial infants, and there are holy infants, divine infants, and fairy infants on them. The possibility of ordinary primordial primordial infants proving Taoism The **** is not big, only the Holy Infant, the God Infant and the Fairy Infant will be able to prove Taoism and transform God in the future."

"But, he is obviously just a golden pill, how can he have the power of the holy infant? Is it possible that he is proving the ninth-grade golden pill"

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