Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2335: God-level armament

69 Net 69, the fastest update and rebirth of the peerless waste! Boom!

Hearing a terrifying explosion, Ye Tianhua's thousand-zhang Vermilion Bird Dharma image was smashed out, hitting the ground straight, like a ball that was kicked into the air.


In the middle of the journey, the Vermillion Bird even began to crack, and large cracks spread over the huge dharma. Finally, a huge crater-like pit was knocked out on the ground, and the entire dharma was completely fragmented, and the giant crater appeared. Ye Tian's true body.

And at this time, there was also a loud noise that shook the world more than ten thousand feet away.

Although all the protective layers of the Tiangong War Fort were not broken by Ye Tian, ​​the overwhelming force of the Suzaku method completely poured into the War Fort, so that when Ye Tian flew, the War Fort was also unstable and hit the ground. And go.

Boom! Boom!

Two mushroom clouds erupted from the ground, and the enormous power was comparable to the detonation of two fusion nuclear weapons with the equivalent of 100 million tons, and Wanli Qingtian was pale.

At this time, more battleships and big figures from the upper realm came, and a large area of ​​Wuyangyang covered the sky and the sun.

The millions of elite soldiers from the upper realm that Ye Tian killed just now were only a drop in the bucket of the upper realm's strength.

You must know that the Daxi Royal Family alone has nine huge legions, and the War Demon Legion is just one of them.

At this moment, following the footsteps of the Great Western Ancient Emperor, another royal legion came, driving thousands of space battleships.

Of course, there are other famous clans in the upper realm who also sent people here.

The amazing reappearance of history, as if Ye Tian's **** battle just now was just a dream, and when he wakes up from the dream, he has to face so many enemies and such ferocious firepower, and start a new slaughter.

Daxi Upper Realm has a history of more than 100,000 years, and the background of more than 100,000 years, how can it be so easily wiped out?

"What? My emperor's Tiangong Battle Fort was actually beheaded? This is a god-level weapon!"

"Who is the enemy? Why is it so powerful?"

"Could it be the god-turning ancestor of Beichen's main star?"

"Whoever it is, help my emperor and crush him to death."

The Onishi soldiers and bigwigs who arrived were furious, and tens of thousands of gun muzzles stretched out from the ship, aiming in the same direction.

"Don't come out, just leave this person to me."

At this moment, the voice of the ancient emperor of the West came, and the sound wave was like a vast ocean, shaking Jiuxiao.

Even without the help of the power of the Tiangong War Fort, the ancient emperor of the West cannot be underestimated. He is one of the most powerful beings in the upper realm. At the peak of the Holy Infant, he has reached the limit on the path of the Nascent Infant, and he can already see the realm of God Transformation from afar. .

The giant crater hit by the Tiangong Battle Fort, the battle fort burst out with dazzling electric lights, and the electric currents as thick as a dragon danced on the surface of the hull, and dense talismans shone out.

Click click!

At this moment, the entire Tiangong Battle Fort seemed to be injected with life, all the joints became active, and the huge armed units began to combine and deform.

In the end, the huge Tiangong Battle Fort, which was dozens of kilometers away, turned from an irregular shape into a giant armored giant.

What is the concept of ten thousand feet high, that is, more than ten thousand meters, almost four times the height of Mount Everest. This height, placed on the earth, will poke a hole in the earth's atmosphere.

When the giant armor stood up, the whole world was silent.

Even all the soldiers and adults who came from the upper realms were stunned.

The Daxi Upper Realm has been in peace for too long, and there have been no major wars, and even the god-level weapons of the Tiangong War Fort have not been used for a long time. Like a space station, it floats on the synchronous orbit of Daxi Star day and night, and is regarded as the Daxi royal family. back yard.


The moment he finished his transformation, a mighty aura, like a raging wave, swept across all directions of Wannuxing.

This breath is too terrifying, majestic and vast, like the sun and the moon sinking, like the stars shining brightly, shining brightly in the sky and the ground, a flow of the most divine and holy breath, making everyone in awe.

This breath is everywhere, even in Antarctica, you can feel it.

Plop, plop!

On Wannu Star, hundreds of millions of creatures knelt on the ground and worshipped in the direction of the Arctic continent.

"God Transformation!"

"This is the breath of a god!"

The Onishi soldiers and bigwigs at the scene are going crazy.

In their lifetime, it was a great blessing to see the god-level armament of the Tiangong War Fort awake and burst out the legendary power of transforming the gods.

The battleship that came to the scene has a media broadcast vehicle from the upper realm. Through various powerful transmission segments, the scene on Wannuxing can be relayed to the upper realm of Daxi with almost no delay for live broadcast.

At this moment, the entire Daxi Upper Realm went crazy.

All the departments, all the organizations, all the schools, ..., in short, all the people stopped their work, turned on the TV, and watched the live broadcast from Wannuxing.

In the bustling city, countless open-air big screens were also broadcast live, and pedestrians on the road stopped one after another and looked at the big screen.

"My emperor is mighty!"

"My emperor is boundless!"

"I am number one in the world!"

"With such a powerful god-level armament, Beichen Lord Star is a piece of shit!"

"Yes, my Daxi is the first in Beichen Star Region. No, it should be called Daxi Star Region."

"If you want to conquer Beichen,

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Count me in. "

One after another, the shouts rang out in any corner of the Great Western Upper Realm.

It has been too long, and the Daxi Upper Realm has not been so collectively fanatical.

Some young people couldn't help being dizzy, killing all over the place, the blood of the expedition was restless, and even the main star of Beichen didn't pay attention.

"It sure is him!"

The Daxi Royal Family, in a luxurious private screening room, the little princess Daxi and a group of siblings, as well as other members of the royal family, are also watching the live broadcast of the lower realm with gusto.

When a camera was locked on Ye Tian and kept zooming in, the little princess Daxi suddenly shrank her pupils.

Although the face has changed a bit and there are more vicissitudes, the little princess Daxi can still recognize it at a glance, UU reading www. and can be sure that this person is the young man she saw on Saturn a few years ago, when she was defeated.

The little princess Daxi was short of breath, she couldn't believe it was true.


At this time, the giant armored giant transformed into the Tiangong War Fort, with a flick of his finger, was suspended above the ancient mine and guarded tens of thousands of Tu people. end.

"What's this?"

"My goodness!"

"It's over."

"I used to naively thought that Ye Zhenjun would win, but now it seems that my thoughts are so naive and ridiculous."

All the Tu people were in despair, kneeling on the ground with suffocation, their bodies shivering, like prisoners on death row, waiting to be sent to the execution ground.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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