Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2339: step on

69 Net 69, the fastest update and rebirth of the peerless waste! Facing the earth-shattering blow of Ye Tianbaihu's dharma body, the giant with ten thousand feet of armor did not dodge or evade, and his feet took root on the ground, like a towering mountain, still just lifted and shot out with one palm.


This piece of heaven collapsed, as if two ancient stars collided, the aftermath was very wide, the ten directions trembled, and the rumbling sound was endless.


The white tiger screamed, the sound wave collapsed and scattered the clouds in all directions, and the huge body like a mountain flew out, rushing out of the atmosphere again.


Halfway through, the thousand-zhang white tiger dharma body also shattered, unable to withstand the power of the Great Western Ancient Emperor's palm.

The Great Western Emperor is really too strong. With the blessing of god-level weapons, it is not a god, but a god, and this man can't fight at all.

Of course, it was also because Ye Tian had fought many battles before, from the chaotic abyss, all the way to the Arctic Continent, and killed millions of enemies.

If his body is at its peak, how could he fail so miserably?

However, if you win or lose, you lose. No one cares about the process, but only about the result.

As a result, the ancient emperor of the West slapped Ye Tian's two avatars with two palms, and he was like a god, invincible.

At that moment, everyone who saw this scene was silent and deeply shocked.

Even the big figures in the upper realm don't know how powerful the royal god-level armament is. Today is really eye-opening.

Those sect clans with impure hearts, who think they have some strength, and want to replace them with the idea of ​​the royal family, will be scared at this moment, how can they dare to have a different heart.

"It's over, my clan is over!"

"How could this be? I'm going to win, I don't want to see this result."

"Failed, really defeated! My Tu people are completely done."

"If I had known the result earlier, I would rather that nothing happened, and my clan would still be conscientious in front of its fourth-class slave clan."

"Harmful! Without diamonds, what kind of porcelain work is there? This is good, let's not talk about killing ourselves, and killing our Tu people."

The Tu people were very uneasy, and a depressing aura that was about to come and the wind filled the building enveloped everyone's hearts.

Frightened, some people once again spread their anger on Ye Tian, ​​uttering filthy and contemptuous words.

"You..., how can you say that? Big brother is obviously fighting very hard. You don't help him, you blame him. How can you be like you?" The little girl Xia Shuangshuang was very dissatisfied and said for Ye Tian. Fight for injustice.

"What do you know, a little brat? I don't have the right to speak here, keep your mouth shut." A young man with big yellow teeth glared at her.

"Humph!" Xia Shuangshuang's face flushed with anger.

"Okay, okay, let's talk less. No matter what the outcome is, it is the fate of my Tu people. Since it is destined, the outcome is already destined. It's useless to say more, just accept it calmly." Patriarch Xia Changgeng road.


The thunderclouds and storms on the sky are still gathering, getting bigger and more terrifying.

As long as the thundercloud storm is there, it means that Ye Tian is still alive.


Sure enough, a dragon roar shocked Jiuxiao, and a dragon-shaped figure rushed out of the thundercloud storm, rushing out of the thundercloud storm, and spit out a cyan thunder, like a curtain hanging down from the sky, whistling down.

With the sound of dragon groans, the clouds in the sky collapsed, the icebergs and glaciers on the earth collapsed, and thousands of icebergs and glaciers fell into the dust and were permanently wiped away.

Bang bang bang!

Those space battleships in the upper realms burst into pieces like a barrage of cannons.

They were clearly far enough away, but they were still accidentally injured. By now, one-third of the battleships have been destroyed. Without firing a single shot, they were simply affected by the aftermath of the battle, and there were no tears if they wanted to cry.

It can be said that the gods fight, and the mortals suffer!

This is Ye Tian's Azure Dragon Dharma body, like a continuous mountain range, mercilessly attacking the armored giant.

At this moment, the whole world is silent again!

"You have so many bloodlines of divine beasts, no wonder you are so powerful." The Great Western Emperor said lightly, his eyes were as scary as a knife, staring at the blue dragon that was attacking furiously.

Ye Tian responded with only one word: "Kill!"

As this word was uttered, the universe seemed to be torn apart, and chaos was scraped out, and the sky and the ground were chilled.

He is like a real dragon rushing out of the sky above the sky, with divine might and mighty Jiuzhongtian, he came to this world to carry out the action of destroying the world, and his murderous aura was whistling like a hurricane.

There is no distance, the breath of death is lingering, and the long river of time seems to be penetrated.

"Such a powerful blow, shouldn't you be defeated again?"

Some Tu people murmured, and a glimmer of hope rose again in their hearts.


They saw with their eyes that Giant Armor first shot with a palm, the universe shook violently, chaos tumbling, and the breath of the world opened up, drowning everything.

The storm that the blue dragon breathed out was like a cloud, and it was shattered at once, sweeping away cleanly.

Immediately afterwards, the giant armor stepped out with one foot, the endless talismans shone, and the infinite chains of order were intertwined, wrapping the whole big foot tightly.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ It is hard to resist, crush everything.

In the next second, an unbelievable scene really happened. The Qianzhang Qinglong was actually stepped on by the giant armor, and the huge sole of the foot was like stepping on an earthworm.


The ground was directly cracked, and a huge pit of footprints appeared, and the cracks spread like a valley to the end of the world.

The power of the armour giant's foot is really too great, and the breath of death is overwhelming, as if to trample Ye Tian to death,

The Qinglong Dharma body was immediately shattered, and Ye Tian turned into a human-shaped giant spirit Dharma body, supported by the giant feet, his body was blurred, his bones were broken, and his tendons were broken, even severely deformed, and the blood in his mouth was crazy. threw up.

"Since ancient times, there are so many arrogances. If you can't enter the level of transforming gods, you are nothing. Only gods can truly be called great powers, and they are worthy of being called great powers." The ancient emperor's eyes are like stars, like feet Stepping on the ants, his expression is full of indifference and alienation.

He already had the chance to win, and he was very calm, with the divine chain of order flying all over his body, clanging, making him look like a god.

"But with the help of the power of an armed magic weapon, what kind of spirit transformation are you? It's just a fake spirit." Ye Tian sarcastically said, from the tense spirit and muscles, it can be seen that there is no Give up hope and keep holding on.

"Hahaha, it's a fake god, and it's also a god. It's more than enough to kill you!"


As soon as the words fell, the ancient emperor of the West exerted a huge force again, and he stepped on Ye Tian down another 100 meters, his chest was almost against his belly, and only one head was still exposed.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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