Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2344: Reforged Flesh

69 Net 69, the fastest update and rebirth of the peerless waste! "What about a little Nascent Soul, just to let you survive the thunder calamity? Give up your resistance, come to this emperor obediently, and tell your powerful secrets. If you behave well, this emperor can open up and forgive me. You are not dead."

The ancient emperor of the West whispered, his eyes were full of greed, and suddenly a giant that covered the sky came out and grabbed Ye Tian's Nascent Soul.

The size of the giant palm is huge, thousands of feet in radius, like a cloud that hangs down the sky, and it sets off Ye Tian's egg-sized Nascent Soul like an ant. No, it can't even compare to an ant. to be negligible.

He could vaguely see that the extraordinary skills Ye Tian practiced were absolutely superior to any martial arts in the Beichen Star Region.

If he can get the immortal method that Ye Tian cultivated, he might be able to get a glimpse of the real road to spiritual transformation.

In the depths of the Beichen Star Territory, the reason why the top sects were able to give birth to divine infants and even divine transformations was not only because their disciples had extraordinary talents. The peerless Tianjiao, Daxi Xingchen also appeared. The reason why it is difficult for Daxi to have Divine Infants and Deity Transformations is mainly because the cultivation techniques are not extraordinary enough, and they cannot compare with those top sects in the depths of the star field.

It is no wonder that Daxi is not a pure planet of immortality. He has devoted half of his energy to the development of technology, and has been trying to make up for the shortage of Dao with the power of technology. So much so that they fell behind in the creation of exercises.

Only now they have discovered that shortcuts are not so easy to take, and the power of technology is also a double-edged sword. While it is beneficial, it also brings hidden dangers.


A voice resounded in the sky, like the sound of the Great Dao, it actually suppressed the thunder in the sky, and the universe trembled.

It was unbelievable that this sound was actually made by an egg-sized Nascent Soul.

In the next second, countless divine chains of order stretched out from the golden Nascent Soul, and quickly serialized the scattered bones and rotten flesh together, making a sound, creating a prelude to life.

The blood of the purple gold that flew out quickly flowed back, and every piece of flesh and blood was also reversed, merged together, blended with each other, and re-formed into a whole.


A dazzling divine light pervaded, rushing out from every pore of his body, his fleshly body was intact, his blood energy filled the sky, and two hundred-zhang-long golden beams shot out from his eyes, and his spirit and spirit returned to its peak state.

Infinite thunder and lightning and the vitality of heaven and earth rushed towards his body, his body became bigger and bigger, and the bright light set him off like a great sun, illuminating the whole world.

After breaking through a thousand zhang, his giant spirit Dharma body is still skyrocketing, and finally reached a height of five thousand zhang, which is five times larger than before.

Although there is still a huge disparity between the 5,000-zhang Dharma body and the 20,000-zhang-high armor, this is a gratifying progress.

"Daxi's dog emperor, die for me!"

With the fifth finger on the right, Ye Tian threw an earth-shattering punch, and the endless thunder and lightning came together, like a huge thunderball smashed out, which was extremely terrifying.

Ye Tian was very angry, because Daxi Ancient Emperor punched all the Tu people in front of him. Except for Xia Shuangshuang who was rescued by him, his life and death in the Qiankun Ring were unknown at this moment.

He has guarded them for so long, so attentively, he thought that they could survive, but he did not expect that it would be empty in the end.

"It's like an ant!"

The giant armour slapped his palm down, and a yin and yang taiji map suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. It collided with Ye Tian's fist, and immediately made Ye Tian's fist feel like it was hitting cotton, and his power was dissolved a lot. .

Tai Chi, to overcome rigidity with softness.

Simple, but extremely practical.

Terrifying energy fluctuations spread out and swept across the earth for thousands of miles, but did not really affect the giant armor.

"Boy, I've already said it, it's useless. You can't even break my defense, so how can you kill me? Obediently surrendering to my feet is your only way to survive." The ancient emperor of the West said coldly.

Up to now, the outcome is very clear, he can't possibly lose. At least he thought so.

"Really? You are optimistic!"





"Break it for me!"


Ye Tian's fist was terrifying, and four divine beasts appeared out of thin air behind him, blessing his fist.

Four thunder gates also appeared, rushing out of the torrent of thunder rags, making the thunder **** condensed by his fists fuller and more violent.

Coupled with the four combat skills of Wuji Shenquan, as the fists were displayed one after another, the Taiji map on the palm of the giant armor was shattered at once, and then hundreds of energy shields were connected one after another like soap bubbles. broken.


Ye Tian's punch really hit the palm of the body A.

Immediately, a huge force rushed in, causing Ye Tian's fist, which had been destructive, to suddenly decrease in speed.

"Bro Po Po Po!"

Ye Tian didn't care, and used the martial arts to the extreme.

"Useless boy, the power of a god-level weapon is beyond your imagination. This weapon has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years by our family, and hundreds of millions of spell formations have been branded into it, and it has been used countless times. All the treasures of heaven and earth are like a **** who lives in the world. …”

Before the words of the ancient emperor of the West were finished, there was a loud clatter from the palm of the giant palm, and it turned out to be a

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is still another page ^0^ I broke through it, and a big hole appeared. With the big hole as the heart, countless cracks spread throughout the palm.

"Damn, you actually hurt me again." The Great Western Ancient Emperor roared, and his entire palm was almost blown up. Although he could heal up, it made him so angry that he couldn't bear it.

However, when he attacked, Ye Tian disappeared in a flash and ducked.


At this moment, UU Reading lost the sun, moon, stars, and everything in the world, only a vast sea of ​​thunder, surging like a vast ocean, shocking people.

The earth-shattering thunder sounded like the roar of the sky drum, and the mountains, rivers and the earth continued to rupture. The Arctic continent, which was originally covered with snow and ice, is now hard to see the ice and snow in a radius of thousands of kilometers, and all evaporated into water vapor.

This is the power of heaven, ruthless and terrifying.

The thundercloud storm has covered a radius of 5,000 miles, and it is still spreading in all directions. The entire Upper Realm is horrified. They have never seen such a terrifying thunderstorm.

It is the Holy Infant Tribulation, and the range of the Thunder Tribulation is only a thousand miles.

"Shen Ying, this guy really wants to prove the Dao Divine Infant, which can be seen from the horror of Lei Jie." Countless people from the upper realm exclaimed.

This kind of thunder calamity, Jin Dan will instantly turn into ashes, even Nascent Soul can't bear it for too long.

The chilling atmosphere filled the air, making it hard to imagine that someone was fighting in this earth-shattering thunder calamity.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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