Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2363: sneak attack


Among the electric flint flowers, Ye Tian sat cross-legged, but his body suddenly shook, a chaotic energy surged out, turning into a tsunami-like wave, and the infinite laws of chaos were intertwined in it.

For a while, the 100-zhang void centered on him seemed to freeze, time seemed to stand still, and everything stopped, only the chaotic energy was still surging.


The piercing sword beam was immediately scattered, and an iron sword shattered inch by inch. Then an old man in black robe fell out of the void, with a shriveled appearance and a gloomy expression, like a dead man, without the slightest vitality on his body.

His vertebrae were clanging, and he shot out the sword energy that rushed into the sky, twisting the surrounding mountains, rocks and plants into powder.

Suddenly, he made an astonishing move, pulling out his vertebrae, turning it into a human bone sword, and beheading Ye Tian.

Above the vertebrae, the sword energy is dense, dense and full of textures, and the iron and silver hooks are all sword-shaped, constantly circulating, containing endless kendo killing intent.

Legend has it that the masters of kendo who practiced kendo to the extreme, comprehend the true meaning of kendo in the dark, can engrave the texture of kendo on their own bones, and every bone can be turned into a sword.

Obviously, this is a great kendo master who has cultivated his own sword bones.

Clang clang!

The sound of the sword moved the sky, the light of the sword was dazzling, and the immortal sword intent swept the sky and the ground, almost shattering the soul of a person.

The huge royal garden was shocked by this invisible sword intent, thousands of trees and leaves withered, and many mountains burst into large cracks, spreading the whole mountain, which was extremely terrifying.

"Death!" The black-robed old man shouted angrily, his face was neither sad nor happy, and he had completely put life and death aside.

A flaming sword light became the only one in the world, shattering all visible qualities, and splitting the mountain Ye Tian sat on from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, countless pairs of eyes from the ancient imperial city stared at them, all holding their breaths, expecting the black-robed old man to give Ye Tian a fatal blow.

It is also strange that the old man's complexion is unfamiliar, and no one recognizes it, nor does he know which major force is responsible.

Some of the powerhouses are also about to make a move, sharpening their knives a lot. As long as the black-robed old man can test out Ye Tian's depth and whether he is injured or not, he will choose to shoot or not.

Boom boom boom!

A chaotic surging, a chaotic golden lotus rose from behind Ye Tian, ​​and the branches grew wildly, as if piercing the sky, and even resisted the black-robed old man's spine with a big sword.

"It's useless, break it for me!" the black-robed old man shouted.

The terrifying vertebrae sword actually came alive, and each segment of the joint was bent and turned into a dragon-shaped sword, which wrapped around Ye Tian's body and cut frantically.

However, it was useless at all. Ren Jianlong was furious, cutting Ye Tian's body like a chainsaw, but he couldn't shake Ye Tian's body in the slightest. On the contrary, the true meaning of kendo in the vertebrae sword is constantly being wiped out by the chaotic golden lotus.

Chaos opened up, yin and yang were divided, and the five elements were rotated, turning into a small world, trapping the black-robed old man in it.

"Damn, how could this happen?" The black-robed old man changed color and tried his best to attack, but in vain.


Suddenly, an ancient scroll was thrown out by him shaking his hand. The rays of light were bright, with endless stars shining, turning into a black hole and madly swallowing it towards Ye Tian.

This is a great avenue artifact, powerful and unparalleled, even mountains and rivers can swallow it.


Ye Tian suddenly burst out with another breath, like a tsunami, filling the city in an instant.

This is the power of the Immortal Infant, and Ye Tian finally couldn't help but burst out.


The ancient scroll was directly shattered in the void, and Ye Tian didn't need to shoot directly.

"I really don't know whether to live or die."

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian shot, and slapped the black-robed old man with a palm.

The eyes of the black-robed old man flickered with a strange light, which was extremely flaming, and suddenly shattered the void, wanting to escape. As a result, all the void was imprisoned by Ye Tian's golden light giant palm, and there was no way to escape.

"You can't catch me." The black-robed old man knew that he was going to die, Jie Jie smiled, and a blazing flame suddenly erupted from his body, trying to burn himself to death.

"I let you die, so you can die."

A chaotic energy rushed down, instantly extinguishing the flames on the black-robed old man's body and imprisoning his body.

However, the black-robed old man has already died, his spiritual senses have been extinguished, and only a dry corpse is left, which seems to have been dead for many years, giving people an old and outdated feeling. But the strength of the corpse is amazing, full of the true meaning of kendo, comparable to a magic weapon.


Staring at the corpse, Ye Tian muttered to himself.

This is really an old corpse. It has been dead for an unknown number of years. It was settled in by someone with divine sense and used as a puppet to assassinate Ye Tian.


Ye Tian still slapped it down with a palm, and shattered the black-robed old man's body into ashes.

Then his eyes were like torches, and he looked into the imperial city.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to track down the mastermind behind a puppet corpse with spiritual sense.

However, how can Ye Tian's ability be imagined by these ant natives?

Under everyone's shocked and terrified eyes, Ye Tian stretched out a big hand and grabbed it towards a luxurious courtyard building more than ten miles away.

In the splendid hall, carved beams and painted buildings, brightly lit, there are many figures shaking, and the energy is amazing, among them there is no lack of Yuan Ying, peak Jindan.

"This human-shaped weapon, which was sacrificed from the corpse of the peak Yuanying, is the strongest forbidden weapon I can come up with. Unfortunately, I still failed to kill him." A middle-aged man wearing an armored armor with nine golden dragons Said, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there was a killing spirit in his body.

"With my strength, it is really difficult to kill him. Let's go to Beichen's main star, and ask Beichen's strength to help." Another man said, the same is true of the armor on his body, decorated with nine golden dragons.

This is the unique standard battle armor of the Daxi royal family, and only the royal family with a certain status is qualified to wear it. UU Reading

The identities of this group of people were also revealed. The remnants of the royal family gathered together and wanted to plot against Ye Tian.

"No, he found us, run away."

Just as a group of people were discussing, a big hand covering the sky with bright golden light and chaos shrouded the sky above the courtyard.

When the big palm flipped and slapped it down, it seemed as if the sky collapsed, and the buildings below collapsed instantly.

Half of the people in the courtyard died at once, and there were still some powerful and strong people left, fighting to flee in all directions.

Even Nascent Soul Tianjun will feel powerless in the face of this big hand that covers the sky, it feels like he is fighting against a god, and it is impossible to win.

puff puff!

People keep turning into blood mist, first ordinary golden core, then later golden core, peak golden core...

When Ye Tian's palm landed on the ground, except for the two Nascent Soul Heavenly Monarchs who escaped, the rest of the people were shot dead.

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