Crunch, crunch!

Under the action of the powerful force field, even the cosmic mothership, which was strong enough to withstand the impact of a meteorite, began to twist, deform, and crack.

Through the window strings, you can see that the front is dark, there is no starlight, there is not a trace of light, it is as dark as ink, and it is difficult to see five fingers.

Silent, but there is a force that shakes the sky and the earth, like an ancient cosmic demon that has existed since ancient times, opened its **** mouth, and wanted to devour this star field, so that everything no longer exists, Only empty darkness.

The force field is getting bigger and bigger, the speed at which the cosmic carrier is being dragged is getting faster and faster, and the distortion and deformation are getting stronger and stronger, and it may be broken at any time.

Even if Ye Tian maximized the power output of the cosmic mothership, he could not break free from the shackles of this gravitational force, as if he was attracted by a magnet with infinite magnetic force.

Ren Yetian's physique was extraordinary, comparable to the body of a god. At this time, he also felt a sense of tearing, the uncontrollable boiling of divine blood, and the burst of divine power to resist this external force.

"Big brother, what happened? Have we been attacked? Why do I feel bad? What should I do now?" Xia Shuangshuang screamed in shock.

She just felt like a moth to a flame, rushing uncontrollably towards a land of death.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Don't stay here for a long time, let's go!"

Ye Tian punched through the cosmic mothership, smashed an exceptionally transparent hole, then grabbed Xia Shuangshuang with one hand and rushed outside.

Space is distorted, and even the flow of time is chaotic, eternal darkness, boundless death.

Ye Tian knew that this was a black hole, a terrifying celestial body in the universe.


Just as he and Xia Shuangshuang had just left the cosmic carrier with their front feet, the rear-footed cosmic carrier shattered into pieces, turning into countless pieces that covered the sky and hurried away toward the depths of the starry sky.

Ye Tian took Xia Shuangshuang and rushed in the opposite direction.

The violent power of space caused the void to shatter, and space cracks and space fragments were everywhere, turning into a terrifying void storm. This kind of void storm is far more terrifying than what Ye Tian encountered in the space passage before, and even Nascent Soul can be torn apart.

With his powerful body and terrifying divine power, Ye Tian evaded urgently.

At the same time, he sacrificed the Heaven-shattering Seal to protect him and Xia Shuangshuang below.

If it wasn't for Xia Shuangshuang's transformation of Nascent Soul's body, in this case, Ye Angel would do everything in his power to save her, and she was destined to be shredded into powder by the power of the black hole.

Ye Tian knew that he was trapped by Tianleizong.

The original space jump coordinate point must be closer to the black hole. Fortunately, he fine-tuned the coordinate point and kept it away from the black hole body. Otherwise, life and death would be unpredictable, and it might fall.

"When he returns, he will slaughter the Heavenly Thunder Sect!" Ye Tian said fiercely in his heart.

Chi Chi Chi!

His body was hit by countless space debris, and the blood shot out one after another.

But these are all minor injuries, and they won't hurt the source of the Dao, so they can bear it.

In the end, he turned into a vermillion bird, used a powerful space-traveling supernatural power, spent a lot of effort, cut through hundreds of millions of miles in the sky, and finally got rid of the shackles of the power of black holes.


Ye Tian settled on an asteroid, bathed in purple-gold divine blood all over his body, every drop of blood was as thick as mercury slurry, as clear as glass, and there were strands of chaotic laws intertwined in it.

In the wound, there are more space fragments like broken glass stuck in it, depriving the flesh of the vitality and making it difficult for the wound to heal.

"Woo, brother, are you okay? Don't scare me."

Seeing Ye Tian hurt like this, the little girl Xia Shuangshuang cried so much that it rained.

She knew that the reason why Ye Tian was hurt like this was mainly to protect her, so that she was hardly hurt.

"Don't cry, don't cry, isn't my brother okay? This little injury is nothing at all." Ye Tian smiled lightly, heaving a long sigh of relief, fortunate that he finally escaped from life.

He sat cross-legged and began to heal himself.

This is not the first time he has done this for refining space debris. He is familiar with the road. After only a few hours, the space debris that was tied into the hedgehog disappeared. It was transformed into nutrients and replenished in the body. The wounds healed, and the purple gold body became perfect. flawless.

"Uncle, where is this place? Will we never be able to go back?" Xia Shuangshuang asked, her face pale and frightened.

After all, she was still an eleven or twelve year old child.

Ye Tian had indeed considered keeping her in Daxi before, but there was no one he could trust, worried that she would be bullied, and finally took her with him.

"Are you afraid of it?"

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of anything with my brother here." The little girl said with determination, her big eyes were round and full of spirituality.

Ye Tian is not in a hurry, he has already traveled most of the distance, and he knows the coordinates of the main star of Beichen. As long as he calculates the position, the rest of the distance can be flown by flying, but it is just a waste of time.

Immortal infants are comparable to gods, and can already cross the universe with their fleshly bodies, provided they know the coordinates.

"If I remember correctly, the nearest place of life here is a place called Demon Suppression Continent." Ye Tian said to himself, making some calculations in his heart, and quickly turned his eyes to the darkness one direction of the universe.

Although recently, Demon Suppression Continent was far out of sight. Ordinary Nascent Souls rely solely on flying, which would take at least a few months.

Ye Tian proves the Dao Immortal Infant, and also has the supernatural power of the Suzaku Dharma, which can shatter the void and descend, and the time is much shorter.

Demon Suppression Continent, as the name suggests, is a continent that suppresses demons.

In Beichen Star Territory, there used to be a forbidden area for death called Ancient Demon Territory.

The size of the ancient demon world can be measured in millions of light-years. It can be called a large world. It has endless demon soldiers, and the demon commander, demon emperor, and demon emperor, who can be compared with the human race. It is the human race. The great power also dare not set foot in it easily.

The ancient demon domain of Beichen Lord Star is far from such a large volume, it should be just a fragment of the ancient demon Although it is only a fragment of the ancient demon world, the ancient demon domain is still extremely terrifying, and has invaded the human race many times in history. , let the people cause a lot of casualties.

Once the human race came to the Demon Realm, it would be suppressed by the laws here, and 100% of its combat power would be able to exert 70% or 80% of its strength. But the demons came to the territory of the human race, but this was not the case.

One hundred thousand years ago, after the efforts of countless human races, the void crack connecting the ancient demon domain to the Beichen star region was finally sealed, and a huge piece of land was refined to suppress the void crack.

The above information was all searched by Ye Tian in the Daxi Imperial City with his divine sense, and there should be no fakes.

In addition, among the information obtained, there is also an ancient legend that this huge piece of land of demon-suppression was originally a star. Tens of thousands of years ago, Xuantian Daojun and a transformation **** of Beichen’s main star fought here and broke apart. After this star, it became an irregular continent.

On the Demon Suppression Continent, there is a super teleportation array that connects all the life stars in the Beichen Star Region, and you can use it if you give a certain amount of money.

Therefore, Ye Tian was going to transfer to the Demon Suppression Continent.

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