Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2369: grandfather birthday


Suddenly, a crack in the void shook, and it seemed that even the entire Demon Suppressing Continent trembled, and a Jindan-level demon dragon with a length of 1,000 meters rushed out.

Its huge body is like a mountain, its two bat wings are like two **** clouds, its whole body is covered with black scales, its magical energy is lingering, its claws are sharp as knives, and its eyes are shining with demonic evil lights. To choose people and eat the general.

Boom boom boom!

The power of the Suppressing Demon Continent fell, causing the dragon's body to be slashed by thousands of knives, its scales constantly flying off, and the two bat wings shattered.

With all the bruises all over his body, the Demon Dragon finally rushed out alive, broke the seal, opened his **** mouth, and fought against a small team patrolling here.

The team consists of ten people, five Jindan and five Xiantian, which can be regarded as a powerful force. However, fighting against this bruised Golden Core Demon Dragon quickly fell into a disadvantage, and in just a moment, more than half of them were killed or injured.

Seeing this, the other patrol teams rushed to support, but there was simply not enough time. When they arrived, 80% of the patrol squad would be wiped out.

"Brother, can you help them? Otherwise, they will all die." Xia Shuangshuang said, asking Ye Tian for help.

Although their distance was farther than other patrol teams, hundreds of kilometers, she knew that Ye Tian must have a way to save these people.

"Okay!" Ye Tian said lightly, then raised a big hand and grabbed the Golden Core-level Demon Dragon.

Hundreds of kilometers away, but when Ye Tian's five fingers tightened, a powerful force of control landed on the Jindan-level demon dragon. The surrounding void seemed to be imprisoned, and his body movements were bound by hands and feet. .


In the end, when Ye Tian clenched his five fingers into a fist, the Jindan-level Demon Dragon was crushed and turned into a **** mud.

If Ye Tian stood beside the magic dragon and used this method, it would be fine, he could still understand. But obviously hundreds of kilometers away, to be able to squeeze a Jindan-level magic dragon out of thin air, such means are too heaven-defying.

Not only Xia Shuangshuang was stunned, but all the patrolling guards who saw this scene were also stunned.

A huge patrol warship came quickly, and a peak Jindan patrol warlord stood proudly on the bow, and when he came close, he bowed to Ye Tian.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your help, I don't know what your name is?" The peak Jindan patrol officer asked Ye Tian, ​​his eyes like a torch, scanning back and forth on Ye Tian like a radar.

It is definitely a Nascent Soul, but it is difficult to see the depth!

This is the conclusion he came to after some peeping.

In fact, from the move Ye Tian showed just now, it can be seen that he is at least a Nascent Soul, and he is not an ordinary Nascent Soul.

Then the peak Jindan patrol warlord looked at Xia Shuangshuang again, and was shocked again.

The little girl's breath is very weak, like ordinary people, but there is an immortal breath in her body, and if he faces a peak gold core, he will feel a sense of self-pity.

"Are you restrained? To be able to disguise your aura like an ordinary person, he must be a genius, and he should not be taken lightly." The peak Jindan patrol officer said to himself.

He looked around again, and the dark universe was empty and empty.

It was hard for him to imagine how Ye Tian and Xia Shuangshuang appeared here.

"It's just an effort, nothing to worry about." Ye Tian said humbly.

"Your Excellency is also here to participate in the 13,000th birthday of our ancestor, right? If you don't mind, I can send you there by boat to repay your kindness for helping you just now."

"Ancestor? Thirteen thousand years old?" Ye Tian was shocked.

According to the information he searched, there was indeed a figure in the Demon Suppression Continent called Ancestor Suppression Demon. He was a Quasi-Humanization God who was extremely powerful. He should have been this person.

Ye Tian was not at all interested in this person's birthday, but suddenly had an idea in his heart.

According to legend, tens of thousands of years ago, Xuantian Daojun once had an earth-shattering battle with a god-turning ancestor of Beichen's main star. After this war, the traces of Xuantian Daojun and the god-turning ancestor disappeared, and they never appeared in the history books. Some people say that they hit the depths of the universe and eventually perished together, but there is no way to verify it.

If you didn't come here, that's all.

Now that we're here, let's just inquire.

Deep down in his heart, he still had some illusions about Xuantian Daojun.

Even the goddess of the Nine Phoenixes can come up with a genius idea and use the belief power of all living beings to work hard to live out the second life. Xuantian Daojun has already proved the Taoist transformation in his later years, and it is impossible for him to disappear for no reason.

The Demon Suppressing Ancestor of the Demon Suppressing Continent lived for more than 10,000 years. Maybe he knew something, but maybe he knew something.

So, Ye Tian followed the words of the peak Jindan patrol warlord: "Yes, we are here to participate in the long-lived birthday of the ancestor of the demon. If you can send me a ride, I will be very grateful."

Then, Ye Tian and Xia Shuangshuang got on the patrol boat and drove towards the Demon Suppression Continent.

This floating continent is irregular in shape, huge and boundless, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. Surrounding the continent, there is an asteroid belt, which is a fragment of stars, which can be proved to be formed by the disintegration of a large star.

It is unimaginable that on this broken floating continent, there will be living beings, and there are many, many.

However, the truly vital areas only account for a very small part of the Floating Continent. In the vast majority of areas, UU reading is the contact between Chi Guoguo and the vacuum of the universe, and it is difficult for any living being to survive.

In the center of the Floating Continent, there is a huge city with a radius of thousands of miles, called Zhenmo Tiancheng, where the ancestors of Zhenmo lived, ruled the entire continent, and suppressed the ancient demon domain.

The ancient city is shrouded in a huge magic circle. The outside of the city is barren, but the inside of the city is full of inspiration. The vegetation is prosperous. , is spectacular.

Under the shade of trees, there are palaces and platforms, wide streets, and people coming and going.

Now coincides with the 13,000-year-old birthday of the ancestor of the demon, and all the life planets in the Beichen Star Region have received the news, and guests come from all directions, and there is an endless stream.

The super teleportation array in the ancient city lights up the sky from time to time, and walks out of a stalwart figure.

Others came in flying boats and warships, and worked tirelessly just to congratulate the ancestors of the demon town.

The demon-suppressing ancestor belonged to an ancient demon-suppressing family, who suppressed the ancient demons here for generations. They worked hard and made great achievements. Even the main star of Beichen gave him three points. So there will be so many big people to celebrate the birthday.

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