Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2400: step on

Remember [New] for a second,! He took out a magical medicine that was tens of thousands of years old, crushed it into pieces, squeezed out the medicinal juice, fragrant and fragrant, thousands of Rui Cai, swallowed it directly, quickly healed the wounds on the body, and supplemented the consumption of the body.

All the other big figures who survived were like this, and they all had treasures on their bodies, or divine pills and holy medicines, or all-purpose potions, and so on.

However, even if their combat strength recovered, they would not dare to take action, even if they were bewitched by the old emperor Beichen.

And Ye Tian didn't seem to target them anymore, and only walked towards the old emperor Beichen alone.

"Kid, don't think that if you beat me, you will truly defeat my Beichen Starfield and become the master of this starfield. The background of my Beichen Life Starfield is far beyond your expectations. Suppressing Demons The mainland is just a barren enclave, and you have taken advantage of you to fight here. If you fought on my Beichen main star, you would have been crushed to death ten or eight times." The old emperor Beichen said, his eyes lighted. As sharp as a blade, he stared at Ye Tian.

"Oh, is it?" Ye Tian was noncommittal.

"My clan's Divine Monarch Qitian will arrive soon, killing you is like killing a chicken. You should think about how to atone for your sin. If you let me go now, I can ask the ancestors for mercy for you and leave it for you. A whole corpse."

"You're talking so much, but you're just delaying time, it's really naive and ridiculous. Even if the ancestor of your clan **** is here, this seat also said that if you kill you, you can kill you, believe it or not?"

Ye Tian said lightly, and stepped out.


He took this step, and he was already close to a hundred feet in front of the old emperor Beichen, so he was close at hand.

The old emperor Beichen felt the threat and couldn't bear it any longer. A more terrifying power suddenly erupted from his body. The divine light was soaring to the sky and the breath was mighty. Once again standing proudly in the supreme position of the Quasi-God.

"Kill! Little beast, I fought with you."

The old emperor Beichen held the remaining half of the imperial weapon, and took the initiative to kill Ye Tian, ​​fierce as a tiger and a leopard, posing as if he was going to fight Ye Tian desperately.

However, after all, he is too far behind Ye Tian. Whether it is physical body, mana, or magical powers in cultivation, he is several steps behind Ye Tian.

Except that Ye Tian has not cultivated the Divine Core, he is essentially no different from the Divine Transformation, so that as long as the Nascent Soul Realm is complete, he can directly demonstrate the Taoist Transformation, and it is still the highest-level Divine Transformation without any The natural chasm needs to be bridged.


With a wave of Ye Tian's hand, he tore off an arm of the old emperor Beichen, and threw another punch, sending the half-cut soldier flying out.

Then he stepped on it again, and with a bang, he stepped on the old emperor Beichen under his feet.


At that moment, the audience was silent, and everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Too cruel, this is the old emperor of Beichen, the ruler of this star field, his arm was torn off and he stepped on his feet.

This is the shame of the entire Beichen Star Region!

Many people's eyes are splitting and their teeth are itching with hatred, but due to the strong power of the young man, they dare not speak out.

"Go away! How dare you insult me?"

The old emperor Beichen shouted angrily and swallowed several ten thousand year medicines one after another. His blood gushed out like a scarlet tide, tearing his robes to shreds, and his eyes were bloodshot and scarlet.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying divine power burst out from him, causing the earth in a radius of 100 miles to shake, as if a major earthquake had occurred, the ground continued to collapse, and the great rift valley spread out.

However, a big golden foot is like Mount Tai, majestic, majestic, steady and heavy, and the old emperor Ren Beichen struggled and roared, his divine power exploded, and he did not move, and firmly stepped on him under his feet.

Ye Tian lowered his head and looked down at the old emperor Beichen, his contemptuous eyes were like looking down at an ant, his voice was like thunder, and he said, "You say that I am a barbarian, do you think you are noble?"

"Let go of me." The breath of the old emperor Beichen erupted again, and the terrifying blood energy burst out from the 100,000 acupoints all over the body, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a blood man.

There are more infinite laws, Dao patterns, manifested all over the body, like the decree of the gods, blasting away Ye Tian.

However, Chaos Immortals also appeared around Ye Tian, ​​and they suppressed the old emperor Beichen's **** so much that he let out a whimper, and was constantly annihilated in the void, even Ye Tian's body could not be touched.


The body of the old emperor Beichen was directly trampled to pieces, the bones as hard as iron kept shattering, the tendons were broken, and the flesh and blood turned into mud.


The old emperor Beichen let out a scream, not only the physical body was being destroyed, but even a Nascent Soul couldn't bear it anymore, and it was about to fall.

"Ye Xiaoyou, killing people is nothing but a nod to the ground. It's enough. Right now, I will wait until the ancient demon domain is re-sealed. Once the gate of the ancient demon domain is opened, hundreds of millions of ancient demons will be reborn, and the entire star domain will suffer." Zu suddenly spoke and persuaded Ye Tian.

He has persuaded Ye Tian many times, but he is cruel and ruthless in his actions against Ye Tian.

If it hadn't been for him to start the Demon Suppression Array, he wouldn't have been in such a situation.

Boom boom boom!

In the long and narrow abyss, the demonic energy surged into the sky, becoming more and more terrifying, and even some weak demons rushed out. Moreover, the earth rumbled and vibrated, and the cracks continued to spread and expand. It felt that the entire continent was about to be unbearable and could be torn apart at any time.


Ye Tian didn't even care about it, and punched it out from the air.

A fist mark the size of a grinding plate, shattering the void, like a bolt of lightning, instantly imprinted on the face of the ancestor of the town demon, and half of his face was blown up, countless blood splashed, and the whole person flew out for dozens of miles.

"Enough is enough? When you take action against this seat, how can you stop when you are uncomfortable? The ancient demon is reborn, and this star field suffers, so what does it have to do with me?" Ye Tian said coldly, his eyes were like stars, showing cold electricity.

"My God, this is the ancestor of Demon Suppression." All the people in the audience were stunned again.

"This seat is only here for the spiritual roots of the Middle Earth. UU reading never thought about killing people. You are too arrogant and think I am easy to bully." Ye Tian's eyes were cold. , glanced at the audience lightly.

Everyone bowed their heads, so guilty that they didn't dare to look directly at him.

"Little beast, it's useless for you to kill me. You can never get the spiritual roots of the Middle Earth." The old emperor Beichen said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't make any sense. If I say you can't get it, you just can't get it."

"Don't say yes? Believe it or not, I trample you to death?"

"Hahaha, the ancestor of my clan **** is here, you are dead."

The old emperor Beichen suddenly burst out laughing.


At the moment when his laughter sounded, suddenly the whole world trembled, and an unimaginable qi and blood rose into the sky in the Demon Suppressing Heaven City, shocking the entire ancient continent.

Under this starry sky, all the monks, all the creatures, thumping, couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

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