Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2402: The strongest confrontation

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"Young man, your hostility is too heavy, and it is not good for your cultivation. At your level, you can't let go of all kinds of human beings, and it is really a kind of sadness. Cultivating immortals and immortals is not only a cultivation base, but also a kind of sadness. To have a Dao heart. Let go of the world, forget lust, and focus on the Dao. This is the realm that my generation of cultivators should pursue." Like an elder, Qitian Shenjun was earnest and sincere.

All the onlookers were stunned for a while. They didn't know where Qi Tian Shenjun was acting, but he even preached to Ye Tian.

The Divine Monarch Qitian in everyone's impression has always been decisive in killing and killing. I don't know how many times I have done one person to destroy a sect. It is rare to support the younger generation like this, let alone an enemy.

After a pause, Qitian Shenjun continued: "This **** is a pity, I really can't bear to see a rising star, go astray, go further and further. Otherwise, how about you join me, Ben The gods accept you as a closed disciple, carefully teach you Daoism, and teach you how to cultivate a Taoist heart that will never be worn out. When you grow up in the future, you can become a giant pillar of my Beichen. Similarly, you can also become Beichen and Beichen. A bridge of friendship between China and Turkey. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to do both with one stone?”

"Accept me as a closed disciple?" Ye Tian couldn't help laughing and sneered, but the killing intent in his eyes became a little more solemn.

With his status as the reincarnation of a dignified true immortal, if he wants to accept him as a disciple, he must at least be a Mahayana quasi-immortal, or a calamity-transcending immortal.

In a mere cosmos starfield, a low-level first-level **** transformation, what is it, to accept him as a disciple, it is a big joke in the world.

"Are you coveting the fairy magic on me?"

"As your master, I naturally have the responsibility to help you sort out what you have learned, so as not to go astray." Qi Tianshen Jun said righteously.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly felt amused.

Qitian Shenjun is using his power to oppress people. He is clearly following the path of bandits, but he presents himself as a decent gentleman.

As a result, I heard Ye Tian say:

"A waste like you who has cultivated for tens of thousands of years before becoming a **** in the early stage, even if you worship me as a teacher, I will not agree. You dare to say that you accept me as a closed disciple? If you kneel in front of me now and beg for mercy, I can consider it. I won't cure your sin of disrespect. But if you lost the spiritual roots of my Middle Earth, you Beichen must give me an explanation."

"you wanna die!"

Qitian Divine Sovereign's voice was like ice, and then he waved his long sleeves, and suddenly a colorful divine light hung up, turning into a long rainbow that pierced the sky, and swept toward Ye Tian.


Immediately, a dense rain-like sonic boom was heard in the void.

If you look carefully, you will find that the dazzling and colorful divine light is composed of countless tiny Yuan magnetic needles, and each Yuan magnetic needle can be subdivided into countless Dao runes.

Yes, this is the Yuan Magnetic Divine Light, the Void Yuan Magnetic Principle cultivated by Qitian Shenjun.


The void was directly punched out of a hole, and a big hand of Qi Tian Shenjun reached into it, breaking through the sky, appearing in front of Ye Tian in an instant, and fell on the head of the Tianling cover.

At the same time, Ye Tian stepped down.


In the shocked eyes of everyone, the old emperor Beichen, who was struggling desperately, was trampled into blood mud by Ye Tian, ​​and even Yuanying and the gods were completely dead.

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"I'm going, he really trampled the old emperor Beichen to death, it's too cruel."

"It's so domineering. This is a Quasi-Humanization God. He was trampled to death by one foot, and no one will believe it."

"Will Qitian Divine Monarch be his opponent?"

The crowd exclaimed, unable to calm down.

From the moment Ye Tian stepped on the old emperor Beichen to death, the relationship between him and Qi Tian Shenjun would be endless.

"Junior, you are courting death!" Qi Tian Divine Monarch stared at the cold light, and the monstrous killing intent swept out from his body, shocking the universe, terrifying the world, and confining the void with one palm, and slammed it down.

But how could Ye Tian be hit by him, punched out, smashed the world, and broke the imprisoned void.

Then his fleshly body tore apart the world, like a ghost, and dodged in front of Qitian Divine Monarch.

Beichen's strongest confrontation starts instantly!


Ye Tian's five fingers suddenly folded together, clenched into a fist, the fist like a black hole, with the mighty force of tearing apart the stars, blasted away at Qitian Divine Monarch.


Space collapsed, void distorted.

There is chaos in the sky and the ground, and the reason is that nothing can be seen. There is only a fist that fills everyone's field of vision, slamming into the head of Qitian Divine Monarch with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

This is the power of a real fairy baby!

In the face of a spirit transformation, although it is only an initial transformation spirit, Ye Tian did not dare to take it lightly and tried his best to stimulate the power of the fairy baby.

In the face of Ye Tian's powerful punch, Qi Tian Shenjun's eyes were indifferent, only his body was shocked.

Immediately, thousands of Dao Yuan Magnetic Divine Light appeared around his body.

Each Elemental Magnetic Divine Light is composed of countless Elemental Magnetic Runes, surging with monstrous power, making the entire heaven and earth defense seem to have turned into a Elemental Magnetic World, with swords, spears, swords and halberds, axes, tomahawks, hooks and forks, etc. shape, dance in it.

Ye Tian once also practiced a similar magical power, Yuanci Wanbing Jue, which uses the power of Yuanci to evolve thousands of soldiers.

It's just that Yuan Ci is not the avenue he majored in, and UU reading did not spend a lot of time to sharpen this magical power.

Really, the Yuan Magnetic Ten Thousand Soldiers Art that he cultivated is not known to be many times higher than the magical powers Qi Tian Shenjun is using at this moment.


Ye Tian's black hole-like fist collided with Qi Tian Shenjun's thousands of yuan magnetic soldiers, and an unprecedented loud noise suddenly erupted in the void.

There seemed to be a thousand nuclear bombs exploded at the same time in the sky and the earth, and a huge colorful mushroom cloud rose into the sky and shot out in all directions, shaking the clouds hundreds of miles into pieces, and the earth was riddled with holes. A searing.

The Demon Suppressing Heavenly City hundreds of miles away, if the Demon Suppressing Ancestor fought to his death to open the hidden great formation, I am afraid that under this blow, it would be razed to the ground.

And the several big men who were standing close to watching the battle in the field all vomited blood and retreated, even the peak Nascent Soul couldn't bear such a destructive force.

It is unbelievable that Qi Tian Shenjun's Yuan Magnetic Field and thousands of Yuan Magnetic Dao soldiers were smashed to pieces by Ye Tian's punch. Although he didn't hurt Qitian Shenjun in the slightest, it was still shocking that he could match the power of the gods.

Those who originally thought that Qitian Shenjun would win, began to drum up in their hearts.

"Xian Ying, it is really enviable. If I could prove the Dao Xian Ying, why would I still be wasted in the early stage of spiritual transformation, I am afraid I would have returned to the virtual world long ago." , I only feel that compared with this young junior, I have lived to a dog at the age of tens of thousands of years.

"However, although I haven't been able to prove the Dao Immortal Infant, if I can get your Immortal Infant and devour your Dao Fruit, it will help me get one step closer." Speaking of this, Qitian Shenjun's pupils were faintly blood red. With a touch of magic.

After speaking, he raised a palm and grabbed it out of thin air.

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