Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2409: Zhenfengyumen

"Made, I fought with you."

Qi Tian Divine Monarch gritted his teeth, and actually urged the Divine Core to slam into Ye Tian's huge palm.

Because the speed was too fast, the god's nucleus ignited a comet-like flame, and a light tail dragged thousands of feet long.


With the loud explosion like a comet hitting the earth, Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm shook, and the light suddenly dimmed.

And Qitian Divine Monarch was even more miserable, and the Divine Core shot directly out.

"I don't believe it, come again!"

Bang bang bang!

Then there were several earth-shattering collisions, and every time the Divine Core of Qitian Divine Monarch was shot backwards, like a mighty cricket trying to shake a big tree, out of its own power.

It's not that the power of the Divine Nucleus is not strong enough, but that Ye Tian's combat power is really against the sky.

It is no exaggeration to say that any peak Nascent Soul old monster standing here can be knocked out by the Divine Nucleus.

In the end, Ye Tian's Chaos Golden Light Divine Palm was also knocked apart, but with similar Divine Palms, he can condense thousands of paths, and keep fighting, and the first to die must be Qitian Divine Monarch.

call out!

Looking at a gap, Qitian Shenjun's divine core wrapped his divine soul, turned into a divine light again, and rushed towards the endless ancient demon army rushing out from the ancient demon domain gate of "Scar of the Sky", trying to hide in it, muddle through. escape.


Like a shark smelling blood, the demons of the ancient demon domain boiled, roaring in confusion and ecstasy, like a crucian carp crossing a river, surging out from the gate of the "Scar of the Sky", the number of which is incalculable.

City after city, in the screams and laughter of the demons, quickly turned into ruins.

Countless living beings were torn apart by the demons, devoured their flesh and blood, and plundered their souls.

And this is only the little demons and demons in the initial stage, the terrifying ancient demons and big demons are still behind. Not only are there demon commanders and marshals who can rival human Jindan and demons, but there may even be demon gods that are comparable to human beings. Ancient Demon.

Whenever a demon-level ancient demon is born, it will be a disaster for Beichen Star Territory. It is difficult to defeat and can only be trampled underfoot.


The crack in the sky, the gate of the ancient demon domain, expanded more and more, and seemed to swallow the entire town of demons.

God Monarch Qi Tian rushed in the direction of the Ancient Demon Domain Gate. This was something Ye Tian had not thought of before, because it was a dead end.

When Ye Tian wanted to intercept it, Qi Tian Divine Monarch's divine nucleus had already rushed into the ten thousand demons like a meteor.

The demonic energy was rolling, and the black clouds formed, overwhelming the sky, and a divine nucleus was well hidden in it.

No matter how Ye Tian opened fire eyes and golden pupils, it would be difficult to find them.

And these thousands of ancient demons are rushing towards the ground with a whistling whistle.

"Do you really think that if you hide in the demon army, I won't be able to find you?" Ye Tian suddenly sneered.


Suddenly, he raised his hand, and under the control of the demon-suppressing ancestor, the demon-suppressing formation was running wildly. Of the one hundred and eight demon-suppressing divine disks that had just been transformed, two of them flew towards him recently and escaped. The control of the ancestor of the town demon.

In addition to extracting the energy of the Earth's core, Ye Tian is also injecting mana into these two divine disks, summoning two Thunder Gates, one Taiyin and one Sun.

Drawing from the terrifying Taiyin and Sun God Thunder, the two divine disks that swelled up to ten thousand zhang in the hands of the demon-suppressing ancestors grew to a terrifying size of one hundred thousand zhang, covering the sky and the sun.

A divine plate absorbs the thunder of the sun and turns it into a great sun, dazzling, fiery and dazzling, flowing out of golden divine brilliance.

Another divine plate absorbs the yin divine thunder and turns into a bright moon, emitting a milky white light, like a silver plate hanging high.

Ye Tian's palms of the sun and the moon are divine disks, like pushing the sun and the moon with both hands, crushing the army of ten thousand demons, and the divine light covers his body, like a **** king surveying the sky.


The sky shook, and the endless thunder burst.

One yin and one yang were crushed by two large grinding discs, and thousands of ancient demons were slaughtered, fragile like ants, all of them were ground into powder. Even the ancient demon of Jindan, and even the ancient demon of Yuan Ying, could not bear the might of the yin and yang grinding disc.

Boom boom boom!

One after another, a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and a cloud of blood-colored mushrooms suddenly rose in the middle of the yin and yang grinding plate.

The tens of thousands of the Demon Race army did not seem to be enough to crush the yin and yang grinding disc, and more than half of them were wiped out in a moment.

The remaining handful were so frightened that they rushed towards the gate of the Ancient Demon Domain, like a lost dog.

Among them, there was a meteor-like light spot, rushing left and right, and finally had no way to escape, and had to rush towards the gate of the ancient demon domain.

Sovereign Qi Tian was also forced to the point of no choice. As long as he could survive, what would happen even if he entered the Ancient Demon Realm.

"If you want to kill me, some kind of rushed in." Qi Tian Shenjun shouted to Ye Tian.


Ye Tian's whole body burned with golden flames like a great sun in the sky. With a snap of his fingers, he pulled out a long **** road in the demon army, smashing into countless ancient demons, but it was still a beat later, and God Monarch Qi Tian rushed in first. into the Ancient Demon Domain Gate.

"Little beast, dare you come in and fight me?" Qi Tian Shenjun stopped and continued to shout at Ye Tian, ​​trying to anger Ye Tian.

"Since you like it here, stay in it forever." Ye Tian just smiled coldly and stopped, not chasing into the ancient demon gate.

The laws of the ancient demon domain are very different from the outside world. Only the core and the soul are left. After all, it is difficult for Qitian Shenjun to survive for a long time, even if he falls into a demon, he has no chance.

Boom! Boom!

Two earth-shattering loud noises came out, one yin and one yang two world-shattering divine plates, like a big cake in an iron pot, were slammed by Ye Tian on the gate of the ancient demon domain of "Heaven's Mark", and the seal was sealed. Blocked part of the ancient demon gate.

"Ye Xiaoyou,..." The Demon Suppressing Ancestor was overjoyed, and he actually had the urge to cry.

He finally stopped fighting alone, and someone came to help.

"Don't talk nonsense, block the gate of the ancient demon domain first."

"Good good!"

Next, one after another, the demon-suppressing gods took shape in the hands of the demon-suppressing ancestors, and then through the blessing of Ye Tian's mana, they became more solid, more majestic and vast, like an array, on the gate of the ancient demon domain. The words were lined up, and the gate of the ancient demon domain that was wide open was sealed inch by inch.

This situation is very similar to the fairy tale circulating on the earth in the Middle Earth, Nuwa mending the sky.

This huge "sky-repairing" project started with the demon-suppressing ancestor alone, and then Ye Tian joined in. After seeing the effect, more Nascent Soul monsters also joined in, and the Palace of God and King The Supreme Old Palace Master, the old Sword Master of Wuji Sword Sect, the old Sect Master of Jiuyang Dongtian,…

Although it is the icing on the cake, it is also very moving.

At least, at this moment, many major forces in Beichen Star Region put aside their prejudice and unite as one.

Soon, there was the last piece of Demon Suppression God Plate left, and the last crack was sealed, and the job was done.

But what everyone did not expect was that when the last piece of the magic-suppressing disk with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet was just blocked above the last crack, everyone had not had time to cast the spell to stabilize, suddenly, an overwhelming force came from the sea. It came from inside the ancient demon domain, and the crit hit this demon-suppressing disk.

Click click!

Like a majestic Mount Tai, the demon-suppressing disk was beaten to pieces.

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