Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2415: Gento sword advancement

Soon, Ye Tian's spirit was lifted to his ankles, and he was about to leave his body completely.

At this time, he also erased the spiritual imprint of the Devil God of the Sun in the World Destruction Treasure Seal and stole control.

But just when Ye Tian was about to mobilize the power of the World Destruction Treasure Seal to attack the Lingri Devil God with lightning speed, suddenly, a change occurred.


A sword light pierced the eternal tranquility of the ancient demon land, like a **** and demon revived, awakened from chaos, domineering and unparalleled, showing the profound meaning of opening up the world, rushing out from the depths of the ancient demon domain, beheading towards Ling Ri Gu. magic.

The body of the blade is crystal clear, and the blade gas spreads like a sea. Wherever it passes, it is like a thousand thunders washing the ground, and the infinite demons are turned into flying ash. Even if it is a golden core or an ancient demon of Nascent Soul, it will die if it is wiped, and it will be injured if it touches it. .

"Old man, can't you finally hold back your loneliness?" Demon God Ling Ri snorted coldly, as if there were no surprises or fears.

"Xuantian Daojun!"

Ye Tian's eyes narrowed and he saw the shape of the knife, and suddenly made a decision in his heart.

He had seen the description of this sword in the remains of Penglai Xiandao. At that time, it was just a holy soldier, and now the **** marks have been condensed into several pieces, and the power is not the same.

Moreover, the profound meaning of the sword technique displayed by the Xuandao at this moment is clearly the Xuantian Great Destruction Slash, which has been famous for a long time by Xuantian Daojun. Ghosts cry, all living beings are cold.

Xuantian Daojun was really still alive, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling excited.

However, he is also worried, because Xuantian Daojun may also fall into the devil's way like the Lingri Devil God and become a devil-level existence.

In that case, he doesn't know how to face this old man.


In the next second, the Demon God Lingri was about to activate the World Destruction Treasure Seal and smash the sky-splitting sword away.

Although he showed contempt for Xuantian Daojun, he did not dare to take it lightly.

However, he suddenly discovered that the World Extinguishing Treasure Seal was out of his control, out of his control.

What terrified him even more was that the World Destruction Treasure Seal slammed into him fiercely, shattering the void and stirring up the chaos that filled the sky, as if it was about to crush the world.

Above the World Destruction Treasure Seal, there was originally a monstrous aura and a thousand layers of magic light, but now it is like a tide of chaotic energy, and there are thousands of divine lights, full of divine aura.

"Damn little beast, you actually stole my treasure seal." Demon God Ling Ri roared, and finally there was a trace of panic.

In Baoyin's inner small world, in addition to a middle earth's heaven and earth spirit root, it is also a chaotic golden lotus, and they are at peace with each other.

Previously, Ye Tian had broken his palms and picked up the World Destruction Treasure Seal with his bare hands, in order to plant the Dao Seed of Chaos Golden Lotus and a piece of the root of Changbai Ginseng into the World Destruction Treasure Seal.

Chaos Qi fell, covering Ye Tian's whole body, and the invisible power that was exerted on him and dragged out the soul suddenly weakened.

His divine soul quickly returned to the body, and the golden blood of the flesh boiled for a moment, like a river flowing, and like thunder roaring, the sound that came out was deafening.


Under the full force of Ye Tian's urging, the World Destruction Treasure Seal slammed into the face of the Demon God of Lingri.

In an instant, the Demon God Lingri was in a precarious situation.

Once the World Destruction Treasure Seal is blocked, the Xuan Dao cannot be blocked.

Once the Xuan Dao is blocked, the World Destruction Treasure Seal cannot be blocked.

In the end, in the electric flint flower room, Lingri Demon God still made a choice, and shot to shake Xuantian Daojun's Xuandao, because the power of this sword was even more terrifying, giving him a sense of danger of death.

He formed a magic seal with his hands, releasing a terrifying power of magic, and the magic lines appeared one after another, like a black divine gold engraving, as if it ran through the entire ancient demon domain, bringing indescribable power of magic.

After he formed the seal, he shot it, and the magic pattern brought the power of the entire ancient demon domain, and hit the mysterious sword with a local slam, knocking out the destruction-like power of the sun.


The Xuan Dao was shaken and flew out.

The sword energy was like a sea, but it also invaded the entire body of Demon God Ling Ri, and the scales all over his body fell like snowflakes.

Immediately afterwards, the World Destruction Treasure Seal arrived. Even though the Demon God Lingri tried his best, he couldn't dodge it. He was slammed into the head by the big seal, and it was smashed into a shape that was slightly deformed, and his flesh was blurred.


The earth sank, and was smashed out of a deep pit like the Mariana Trench, and the huge body of the Transiting Sun Demon God was knocked into the ground and penetrated into the heart of the earth.


Qi Tian Shenjun looked bewildered, as if he couldn't believe it was true.

His divine soul had already escaped from the divine core, and he was about to seize Ye Tian.

Everything happened between the electric flint flowers, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

When Ye Tian looked at him with a fierce look, the spirit of Qi Tian Shenjun suddenly became cold.

There is only one thought in my mind: "Escape!"

At this time, Ye Tian was still bound by a dark magic chain.

Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

Four gods and phantoms appeared in Ye Tian's body out of thin air.

His tiger body shook, the four god-shaped phantoms suddenly solidified, and a force several times stronger than before erupted in the body.

Click, click!

Countless dark magic chains were all broken by Ye Tian almost immediately and regained their freedom.

At this time, the divine soul of Qitian Divine Monarch had just escaped into the Divine Core, ready to flee towards the depths of the Ancient Demon Realm.

Suddenly, a space-distorting fist smashed over.


"Little beast, do you dare?"

"Patriarch Ling Ri, save me."

"I fought with you, and the divine nucleus exploded."


In a burst of unwilling roars, Qi Tian Shenjun chose the explosion of the Divine Core, and the Divine Core instantly burned and slammed into Ye Tian.

The burning Divine Nucleus collapsed suddenly, turning into an infinitely small spot of light, and a world-destroying energy was driven to the extreme, even if a thousand nuclear weapons were detonated at the same time, it could not compare with it.

This is the Divine Core of God Transformation, and self-destruction is very rare. UU Reading

Ye Tian had never seen him a few times in his previous life.

Because at the level of God Transformation, he is already a god-like existence, and even if he is defeated, he can easily escape.

At this moment, God Monarch Qi Tian was really forced to the point of being unable to do anything about it. His body was destroyed, and he was in the ancient demon realm. The power of the divine nucleus was suppressed by the laws of the demon realm. In the face of Ye Tian, ​​who was as cruel as a tiger and leopard, he was really powerless.

Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and his heart turned like electricity.


A huge force, accompanied by the flashing profound meaning of the extreme way, was released at the tip of the fist, piercing the void straight, hitting a void passage, and going straight to the abyss that the Demon God of Transiting Sun hit under his feet.

Then, the infinitely small light spot that the Qitian Divine Monarch Divine Core transformed into was blasted into this void passage by Ye Tian with a punch.

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