Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2518: the world boils

Ye Demon King is back!

When his appearance was presented in front of 50 million people in Yandu City, and witnessed by billions of people around the world through various media means, almost instantly, it was like a storm swept across, and the entire planet shook .

Twenty years have passed in a flash, and the youthful demeanor is better than ever!

If you don't make a move, it's already amazing. Once you make a move, it will be amazing. It strongly suppresses the alien creatures who want to do evil. Killing the innate is like killing a chicken, killing Jindan is like killing a dog, as in the past, showing invincible power.

"I'm going, it's really Ye Tianren, so good, so handsome."

"Dinghaishenzhen has returned, and my great power in the east has been saved."

"Looking at the bullshit, the aliens dare to be arrogant, ask my human race for human rights, and occupy the territory of my human race."

"Idol, never let us down!"

"It's an honor to live in the same era as Ye Tianren."


The great eastern countries, as well as many friendly countries, cheered, as if they were celebrating the new year, and thousands of people were running around to tell each other.

For many seniors, or those who are slightly older, Ye Tian's events twenty years ago are still vivid and clear, as if they had just happened.

Every event is earth-shattering, unforgettable, and hard not to leave a lasting impression.

Kill, kill, kill!

Stepping on the corpse of the enemy and drinking the blood of the enemy, the young man walked to the peak of his life step by step, and finally became the master of this star. Whether it is many major powers in the world, or major secret realms, they all tremble under his feet, bow their heads and bow their heads.

Invincible is lonely, a person's martial arts is full of boring and boring, maybe because of this, one day 20 years ago, he left on the road to the wider universe and starry sky. unknown.

Many thought he was dead, otherwise there would be no news.

Some people sighed and sighed that Heaven is jealous of Yingcai, while others cheered and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, he announced his return with a shocking battle, and it was still the same, with some cheering and some frightened.

Twenty years of vicissitudes and vicissitudes, a generation of new people replaced the old, and the whole world has already changed, but the legends about teenagers are always circulating.

At this moment, his figure appeared, and the number of searches about him on the Internet increased exponentially.

"I don't know if I don't search. I was startled by a search. I didn't expect Ye Mowang to be so powerful when he was young, just like myths and legends."

"Men should be like this! I have decided to become a cultivator to defend the country and the nation."

"Really handsome, from now on he is the male **** in my mind."

"I don't know if Beiming Xianzong still accepts apprentices. I really want to be his true disciple."


Countless boys waved their fists, their blood boiled, and the hearts of countless girls were captured.

However, there are also some people who are terrified as if they have seen ghosts and ghosts, as if they were mourning their wives.

The former great empire of the world, and now I am looking up to the breath of my eastern country, Milikian, originally wanted to use this aura to revive, change the world, fight a turnaround, and become the world's number one empire again. Now I am afraid that my hope will be lost again.

After the great changes in the world, many ancient secret realms were opened, and many ancient gods were born.

The gods are all arrogant and regard ordinary human beings as native chickens and **** dogs.

Almost all human kingdoms are afraid to avoid it, but the old empires on the other side of the ocean do not take the usual path, open their arms, and under the banner of tolerance, sincerely invite the ancient gods and powerful aliens all over the world, whether they are black or not. Bai, whether good or bad, settled down in the old empire, gave full privileges, and provided all possible help.

Not to mention, this move is very effective, the old empire has won over a lot of ancient gods and powerful aliens.

The demons of the ancient Babylonian cave, the golden gods of the Golden Temple in South America, the vampires of the dark castles of Europe, the seas of the ocean,...

Today, the old empire can be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes. Many ancient gods and alien powerhouses are rampant in the human race city, killing people at every turn, and there is a lot of resentment.

At this moment, on the other side of the ocean, Liberty City, the mansion of the head of state, in a resplendent office, many senior generals of the old empire gathered here to watch a live broadcast together.

An elderly old man sat in the first place, with white hair and beard, wrinkled face, wearing reading glasses, wearing a hanging bottle, coughing from time to time, and the doctor who was accompanying him, feeling that he would die at any time.

Although he was about to die and was in a mess of age, the old man had the majesty of a superior, and his icy eyes looked down.

He was sitting there, and many senior generals, including the current new head of state, did not dare to breathe, and they respected him immensely.

Hopkins, the longest-reigning head of state in the world's great empire, served four consecutive terms. He was considered a dictator and a war madman, but he had the ability and courage, and was loved by the people of the empire.

If it wasn't for Ye Tian's birth, he might not have been able to lead the great empire to climb the peak, trample the great powers of the East under his feet, and dominate the world.

It is a pity that the heavens did not fulfill the wishes of the people. In the end, the great empire not only failed to flourish in his hands, but instead became second-rate, while the eastern powers dominated the world.

"Old Head of State, what do you think of this Eastern Immortal Dao Alliance Conference?" Howard, the new Head of State, asked the old Head of State, Hopkins.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a suit and leather shoes, his blond hair is meticulously combed, full of elite style, full of energy.

"It's just a farce. The Dragon Palace and the alien races will never be subservient to others, and the great powers of the East will not sincerely accept these alien races. The contradictions are irreconcilable, and a war is inevitable." Hopkins said panting, thinking very Clear and well-founded.

Sure enough, as he expected, outside the city of Yandu, the human race and the alien race fought.

For Western countries, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, because when the snipe and mussel compete, the fisherman wins.

"How is the preparation over Tianhai?" Hopkins asked is ready, hundreds of strong people are assembled, and they can attack the Beiming Xianzong at any time and take down Dongshan's nest . "Howard said lightly.

"Raise soldiers for thousands of days, and use them for a while. I hope these alien powerhouses don't let me down." Hopkins coughed and nodded, paused, and said, "Northern Ming Xianzong is a minion of a great power in the East, and this broken Minions, the great powers of the East are like tigers that have their teeth pulled out, so there is nothing to fear. I am the world’s great empire that dominates the world, just around the corner! Everything is a gift from God the Father.”

After speaking, he made a cross on his chest: "Father God bless Milician!"

The other generals in the conference room followed suit, crossing their chests and praying devoutly.

"It's a pity that the Emperor Adam of the Holy See has not been able to break the Yuan Ying, otherwise he will bring the Sea Dragon Palace in the east and kill the old dragon king." Howard clenched his fist and his eyes were firm.

"Sooner or later, don't be in a hurry. The minions need to be pulled out one by one. Let's destroy the Beiming Xianzong first." Hopkins sneered, as if he was holding a Zhizhu, everything was under control.

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