Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2526: Kill with a snap of your fingers

In an instant, he used all kinds of magical powers, and he used almost all of what he had learned in his life.

"Boy, aren't you crazy? Watch this **** torture you into ashes!" Sphinx roared.

Nuclear explosion-like fists, roar sonic power, death rays, storm wings, …

All kinds of destructive powers ripped apart the sky and instantly enveloped Ye Tian's whole body.

"Ye Tianren."

Countless people screamed and worried for Ye Tian.

The place where he appeared was too pitiful, just under the blade of the Sphinx, he was simply asking for his own death.

However, the silver-haired figure opposite him didn't seem to take him in his eyes at all. He looked at Beiming Dongshan, and when he saw the tragic killing scene, he couldn't help but frown slightly, and a sharp murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, you are finally willing to come back. If you don't come back, your wife will be gone." A sarcastic voice came from the dilapidated Beiming Dongshan.

Under Fenrir's huge palm, a vigorous ancient tree suddenly rose from the ground, like a human being, with four limbs, a head, and human facial features.

It was the Changbai Ginseng, a half-shaped magical medicine that took root on the ground with both feet, and raised his arms sharply, resisting Fenrir's huge mountain-like palm that was pressed down.

After all, Fenrir is a golden pill, and a thousand-meter-high mountain will be crushed under one palm.

But even just a moment is enough.

Ye Tian's face showed a hint of relief, and then he raised his right hand and flicked his fingers.


A golden finger that traverses the heavens and the earth, wrapped in blazing electric light, in the roar of a dragon, the electricity shoots at the Sphinx, the Sphinx.

As soon as the finger light appeared, it was like a teleportation through the air, passing in front of the Sphinx.

Whether it is the lion's roar sound wave power, or the death ray, or the storm fanned out by the wings, it is like a sword dividing the sea, and the pointed awn is divided into two halves from the middle.

The speed of the finger light was too fast, and the Sphinx did not even have a warning sign, and the finger light disappeared in a flash.

It was not until the finger disappeared that the Sphinx had a serious crisis. He wanted to raise his fist and smash it, but found that the fist was gone.

"what's the situation?"

Sphinx was a little dazed, only felt his body light up, looked down and saw that all his body below his neck had turned into a blood mist, and only the head of a lion-headed man was still flying forward, as if Like a kicked ball.

"My body? How is this possible?"

Sphinx's expression was full of fear, and then he raised his head to look at the silver-haired man in front of him, his lips twitched slightly, just as he was about to say something, an infinitely brilliant sword light suddenly burst out from the head of the lion-headed man. In the next second, the only remaining head turned into a fog of blood, and the soul was also shattered into powder.

Kill Jindan with a snap of your fingers!


Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, as if seeing a ghost.

The tyrannical sphinx beast god, Sphinx, was killed by a snap of a finger?

"Just relying on you idiots, you dare to intrude on me in the east? You dare to offend me in Beiming? I've only been away for twenty years, and the world has forgotten my methods, Ye Xiu?" Ye Tian roared, Shake for nine days.

At this moment, an invincible power like twenty years ago manifested from him.

Just when everyone was still in shock, Ye Tian's long sleeves waved a chaotic energy, causing Lin Zimo to land smoothly, and then his figure flickered and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Fenrir, be careful."

Aaron, the son of God, reminded loudly.

His pupils shone brightly, and he clearly saw that Ye Tian was rushing towards Fenrir at an almost teleporting speed.

At this time, most of Changbai Sanzu's body was photographed under the ground, and he could not support it for a long time, and it was urgent.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, a fist the size of a grinding wheel swept across the void and hit him in the face, blowing most of his face up, blood flying, teeth falling, countless bright red Blood spilled into the sky.

He shot out dozens of miles all the way, and rushed to the outside of Tianhai City.

Immediately afterwards, in a sound of clicking, the holy ship of the Ark was torn apart.

No one saw how Ye Tian made his move. Anyway, people were sent flying, and the holy ship was blown up.

This is also a true monarch of the golden core realm, and it is really shocking to be so vulnerable.

Losing Aaron's control, the power of deprivation and devouring of the Ark of the Covenant was also weakened a bit. Qing Han was finally able to take a deep breath, and looked at Ye Tian affectionately, tears falling from his eyes.

"Boy, daughter-in-law is important, isn't the old mother important?" Changbai ginseng vomited blood, and all the strength to suckle was used up.

He thought that Ye Tian would save the old mother first and then the daughter-in-law, but he didn't expect this guy to turn around.

"Isn't this coming?" Ye Tian said, shifting his shape and changing shadows, and electric shots came.

"Xiaotian, leave us alone, go save Qinghan first."

Under Fenrir's huge palm, Gu Xiaoman said loudly. She knew that her son owed too much to Qinghan, so it was reasonable to save Qinghan first.

On the contrary, this Changbai ginseng provoked discord and made her old man very angry.


A wolf roar came out.

Hearing Aaron's reminder, Fenrir also felt an aura of death. He didn't dare to neglect him at all, and his figure turned into three phantoms, rushing in four different directions.

Every phantom is so real that it looks just like the real thing.

"I've come, do you still want to leave?"

In the cold voice, a figure appeared above Fenrir's real body, and was not misled by the other three phantoms.

"How can you see through my illusion?" Fenrir was shocked.

"I'll tell you the answer after I die."

Ye Tianqing smiled coldly, carrying his hands on his back, and stepping down with one foot, like crushing an ant.

The dazzling golden divine light bloomed, and there were even strands of chaotic energy overflowing from the body, and a big golden foot seemed to be opening up the world, revealing the will of eternity and immortality.

"Do not!"

Fenrir howled, UU reading He is a golden elixir after all, he can burst out incredible energy, and it is impossible to stand still.

The power of Jindan was desperately squeezed, and the divine power surged out like a tide. His huge 100-meter-long body instantly swelled several times, his heartbeat was like a beating drum, and the flowing blood was like the Yangtze River. The dazzling divine light outside almost turned into flames and burned.

At this moment, Fenrir is also like a god, and his power is no less than Ye Tian.

Boom boom boom!

The entire Dongshan Mountain trembled violently, as if it were about to collapse.

"Fenrir is desperate! I won't stand idly by, and help me quickly." The God of Huangquan in the Mysterious Realm of Huangquan in Dongying roared.

Boom boom boom!

When he raised his hand and waved, a tsunami-like turbid wave, accompanied by countless grievances and ghosts, reappeared in the world like hell, and devoured Ye Tian away.


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