Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2528: 1 sword fly ash

Just now, this holy light dharma body devoured Qinghan's godhead and the essence of divine power, making Qinghan turn into an old woman, aged hundreds of years.


Ye Tian roared angrily and took a step forward, his whole body glowing, like a **** patrolling the world, with cold light in his eyes.


Suddenly, he coughed up a mouthful of golden blood, and a dark disease broke out on his body.

The main reason is that he used the cultivation of Jindan to forcibly use the great supernatural power of the void, and from Yandu City to Tianhai City in an instant, the load beyond his body was too much, and it brought an unknown number of dark wounds to the body.

Moreover, at this moment, he was urging the Immortal Execution Sword Formation with all his strength, and the consumption was also enormous, and his body was overdrawn too much.

At this moment, 30 million Tianhai citizens were all nervous, worried about Su Yang's body.

Not only the safety of Beiming, the safety of Tianhai City, and even the safety of the entire eastern country, all depended on him.

If he encounters an accident, the consequences are unpredictable.

"A sick child who dares to be disrespectful to God, knelt down and kowtows to the god, asking for forgiveness from the god, or I will give you the death of both body and spirit." The Holy Light clone of the emperor Adam said.

Although it is only a clone of holy light, but the soul is placed in the Ark of the Covenant, like being in the realm of the gods, giving people a feeling of being close to the deity.


The emperor's holy light clone made a strong shot, and a huge light palm shot down, covering the entire Dongshan Mountain below, to wipe this secret realm from this star with one blow.

Terrible, really terrifying.

The Ark of the Covenant also erupted with supreme divine power at this moment, like the eruption of a million volcanoes.


Before the giant palm arrived, the mountains were a little unbearable, first shaking violently, and then cracking.

There is no doubt that if this palm is implemented, Beiming Dongshan will definitely disappear.


10,000 meters high, the Empress Peak vibrated, the entire mountain was full of brilliance, and every grass and tree seemed to have a divinity.

Empress Qinghan made her move. Although she was old and had little mana left, she still had to use her strength to buy a line of time for her husband to mobilize the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

A wave of belief power rushed out from the Queen's Peak, converging into stormy waves, sweeping the sky, and slamming away against the crushed Holy Light's giant palm.

Two completely different belief thoughts, water and fire are incompatible, annihilation occurs continuously, and the energy of destruction sweeps the sky.

However, Empress Qinghan was finally at the end of her streak, and her belief power was constantly being wiped out, just like a trickle facing the mighty river, not on the same order of magnitude at all.


The Empress flew upside down, vomiting blood again and again.

"Death!" Ye Tian was extremely angry.


At this moment, Zhu Xian Duanjian finally burst out with a terrifying and monstrous power. The sword energy surged into the sky, turned into a rainbow, and shot straight into the sky. It was tens of thousands of meters long. Even from thousands of miles away, you could clearly see that A long column of sword energy that supports the sky and the earth.

Like a **** who came into the world, it was so powerful, so terrifying, and the mighty divine power quickly broke through the golden core and reached the level of Yuanying Tianjun.

At this moment, countless people widened their eyes and looked at it in disbelief.

Thousands of auspicious energy and ten thousand rays of radiance bloomed from the sword body, completing the broken sword. It was clearly a perfect and peerless divine weapon.


The next second, Ye Tian slashed out with a sword.

That dazzling sword beam split the clouds, and even low-altitude orbit satellites were crushed by the sword energy.

In the field of vision of countless people, except for this sword light that seems to be able to cut through the sun and the moon, nothing else can be seen, and even the light of the sun in the sky is covered up.

At this moment, Ye Tian's human and sword were united, and the human and Zhuxian Sword Formation were one. All the mana, divine soul, and supernatural power were all integrated into one sword, regardless of each other.

It swelled to a thousand feet, like a giant palm of holy light that was pressed down by the sky, and it looked very small under this sword.

"No, run away!" Dongying's Huang Quan Shen's pupils shrank, rolling up a turbid wave, and quickly fled away from the distance.

"Take me one." The eight-chassis snake **** also ran up.

Other powerful figures also rushed to be terrifying and fled the Holy Light Great Barrier one after another.

Even Adam, the son of God, was a little creepy.

But he can't escape, the Holy Light Great Barrier depends on him to maintain, and the Holy Light Dharma Body of his Father God also needs his help.

"Should be able to withstand it?" He held a glimmer of hope in his heart.

But then, I heard a click, and the giant palm of the holy light that was full of immortality and immortality, and the indestructible aura of King Kong, under this sword, like tofu, was swiped across, and it was easily swept away. Cut into two pieces.

"Do not!"

Emperor Adam's holy light dharma body let out a roar, the humanoid body became blurred, and half of the body began to disintegrate and was torn apart by sword energy.

"blasphemer, I remember you. I will take your life in the future."


The holy light dharma body collapsed, only a ray of spiritual thought rushed out, accompanied by a splendid rain of light, which was the extracted godhead of Qinghan, and quickly escaped into the ark of the covenant.


That ray of the emperor's spiritual thoughts said to his son Aaron.

Aaron didn't dare to be busy, and quickly withdrew the Holy Light Great Barrier, and together with the Ark of the Covenant, rushed towards the distant sky.

Ye Tian let him and the few remaining Western Shinto masters escape, and waited for them to escape outside the city before a fiery sword rainbow suddenly erupted, splitting out hundreds of millions of sword qi, covering a radius of hundreds of miles, each They are like sharp swords, indiscriminately attacking everything within the range.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and the world was bleak.

I don't know how long it took, and when the hundred miles of space returned to its original state, everyone saw an extremely frightening and extremely tragic scene in front of them.


Outside Tianhai City, a land with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, the towering mountains and endless vegetation, which were like fortresses on the beach, melted away with the gusts of wind, and were blown away little by little. Some collapsed, like a puddle of mud spreading out on the ground.

Impressively, these mountains and vegetation have been eroded by hundreds of millions of sword qi. The outside looks complete, but the inside is riddled with holes. It has broken apart from the molecular level. It only needs a small external force to collapse.

"Do not!"

"I don't want to die."

"King Ye Mo, my lord Amaterasu will never let you go."


Amidst the heart-piercing screams, one after another of the Western Shinto masters also exploded into a cloud of blood. Whether it was Xiantian or Jindan, no one was spared, and they were all smashed into powder by sword energy.

There are only a thousand holes left on the ground, and all life has been wiped out, as if hundreds of nuclear weapons have washed the ground.

Fortunately, this terrifying force did not erupt in the city, otherwise 30 million Tianhai citizens would be wiped out.

The power of a single blow is so terrifying!

At this moment, the whole earth is dead silent.

Whether it was the onlookers at the scene or the humans in front of the TV screen, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"This is a power that can only be mastered by gods! He is a true **** who came to the world. It was me who was wrong, and it was wrong from the beginning. I shouldn't provoke a true god." In the mansion of the head of state across the ocean, the old head of state Hopkins murmured, trembling, and fell to his knees with a plop, facing east, in repentance.

"No, he's not a god, gods won't vomit blood, gods won't get hurt." Howard, the new head of state, shouted hysterically.

At this time, it was seen in the TV camera that Ye Tian was coughing up blood, coughing several times in a row, the divine light covering his body dimmed, and his face became paler, obviously suffering from serious injuries.

After a pause, he clenched his hands tightly, and said with a serious face: "Old President, you are too deeply dominated by his fear. But today, the earth has changed greatly, the arrogance of the sky is rising, and the strong are born in large numbers. It is no longer his era. I I believe that there will be a power that can kill him."


Still in the camera, in the ruined land outside Tianhai City, a splendid divine light suddenly rushed into the sky, and a figure appeared inside, fanning six bright wings, and galloping away towards the west.

It is Aaron, the son of God, who did not die in the nuclear explosion of the sword gas just now. Most of the time he survived under the protection of the Ark of the Covenant, but he was also completely destroyed, like a robe, his hair was disheveled, and his body was covered in blood. , At this moment, like a lost dog, it began to escape.

"King Ye Demon, my Father God will never let you go." Aaron roared, threatening Ye Tianyitong before leaving.

The six bright wings are by no means covered. In addition, the power of the Ark of the Covenant can be used. Under the fan, the extreme speed can fly more than ten times the speed of sound, and it can fly more than ten miles away in just a few fingers.

The Ark of the Covenant contained Qinghan's divine personality and divine power, and of course Ye Tian couldn't let him go.

Since ancient times, beauties sighed late, and heroes were not allowed to see their white heads.

At this moment, the Empress was dying, and she covered her face with a light gauze, and she didn't want her beloved to see her old appearance, which was really pitiful.

Who would have thought that a few years ago, the empress, who was still very elegant and possessed a peerless beauty, would become like this now?

And Ye Tianren, a generation of invincible **** of war, the black hair that was originally full of black hair has also turned silver, which makes people sigh.


Just listening to Ye Tian drink it stretches out a big hand and grabs it forward.

The entire void suddenly condensed into a single piece of iron, and the air stopped flowing.

Aaron, who was escaping, suddenly slowed down, feeling like he was caught in a quagmire, and even felt a strong force of death approaching him from behind.

In the face of this force, his body trembled involuntarily and had no resistance.

"court death!"

Aaron roared, his whole body burst into blue veins, and his silver hair was about to burst.

In his body, a bright golden light suddenly lit up.

Then the golden light roared out, instantly turning into a divine rainbow that pierced through the heavens and the earth, with unrivaled power to crush everything, and slammed into Ye Tian.

"It's the Ark of the Covenant, so scary!"

Countless people exclaimed in horror.


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