Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2531: post war

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At that moment, the whole world was boiling, and countless people were in tears, and were infected by the love story of the two people, and they burst into tears.

Not being diluted by time, not being cut off by distance, this is what true love should look like!

Countless women have hot eyes, envy, jealousy and hatred.

However, think about it, the queen is also very good.

Except for the Empress, I really can't think of anyone on this earth who is worthy of this supreme existence.

Lin Zimo stood on the top floor of the kilometer-high Beiming Building, and looked weakly at the young man who was watched by countless eyes, with silver hair in azure clothes, covered with scars, but shrouded in dazzling light, as handsome as a god, a heartstring was soft. trembling.

"It took me twenty years to finally forget you, why are you back?"

The woman murmured, her heartstrings trembled slightly, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

She is not the only one, the star Bai Xue, who is equally beautiful and beautiful as a fairy, also has tears on her face, and her heartstrings are fluctuating and undulating.

"You stand so high, I can only look up in this life, I can't be your woman in this life."

"Cut!" Next to her, Ning Xiaoyu sneered, "I haven't been at home for 20 years, and getting married means being a widow. What's the use of having such a man?"

Bai Xue let out a chuckle, feeling that it made some sense.

"This man is really charming. Twenty years ago, if I made a move, the person lying in my arms might not be the Empress."

Inside an aircraft, Long Wei Long Xiaoyun folded his hair and laughed softly, his eyes glowing with charming brilliance.

Beside her, Sima Xuankong had a black line.

This child has already given birth to a litter, what kind of **** are you talking about?

"The human race is the only orthodox on earth, it has always been the case, and no aliens are allowed to invade."

"All the past, this seat can forgive the past."

"If there is a repeat offense, kill without mercy!"

Standing at the foot of Dongshan Mountain, Ye Tianren made the strongest sound, shocking the universe and quickly spreading throughout the world.

After that, he took the hand of the Empress and entered the hinterland of Beimingdong Mountain.

The Canghaizhu was broken, and the enchantment was not there. In order not to be disturbed by Beiming Xianzong, the authorities of the Eastern Powers sent heavy troops to guard it. The martial law level was SSS level, and irrelevant people were prohibited from approaching.

Because Ye Tian was injured, it takes time to repair the injury.

In the dark world, undercurrents are surging, and more powerful enemies may rush over at any time. Ye Tian is the hope of a great power in the east and the hope of the world, which cannot be lost.

At the foot of Dongshan Mountain, in a magnificent hall, Ye Tian and many relatives and friends, as well as some high-level officials of Beiming, gathered together.

"Son, it's good, I didn't embarrass my mother." Gu Xiaoman gave his son a big compliment, and then changed the topic: "However, your injury is so serious, you should go to heal it first. What's the matter? It's not too late to talk about it later."

Then she said to Ning Haifeng with a bruised nose and a swollen face: "And Ning Haifeng, you, too, go to heal your wounds, don't sit here, look at you with panic."

Just now, Ning Haifeng was slapped thousands of feet away by Fenrir, the ancestor of the demon wolf, and knocked a big mountain into a hole, and his whole body was embedded in it. .

"My injury is nothing, but Xiaotian's injury is serious. Even if the injury is healed, Xiaotian will go to heal the injury first, and I will stay here to look after the home. Any enemy who dares to attack will pass me first." Ning Haifeng Laughing loudly, holding a broad-backed broadsword six or seven feet long, sitting on a stool with a golden sword.

I haven't seen each other for 20 years, Ning Haifeng is nearly 60 years old, but he still looks in his 30s or 40s. He has grown taller, as strong as a tiger and a leopard, and has become an iron-blooded fighter who dares to fight and kill. .

At this moment, his clothes were stained with blood, and his body was injured again and again, but he did not frown. Compared with the first school teacher, it is completely different.

This is all due to cultivation, and it can change a person from the inside out.

"Changbai ginseng, you see that my father and brother are so badly injured, so don't you show it? We'll give you food and shelter. Now it's time to repay." Ning Xiaoyu looked at Changbai ginseng with tight eyebrows. frown.

"Stinky girl, you are insatiable, and you have to have the same blood-sucking ability? When the old ancestor opened a pharmacy in his home, how much divine liquid would he need?" .

Just now, Ning Xiaoyu smashed a few thunderbolts, and now his head is still buzzing.

Changbai Sanzu has always been very stingy. He took out five drops of divine liquid to Ye Tian before, and he had already vomited three liters of blood, and there was no more drop of divine liquid.

"I'll come." Ye Tian said.

Seeing that his hands were casually forming a seal, the surging Yimu spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth roared, instantly turning into a cyan torrent, filling the entire hall, making the hall become full of vitality, blossoming out of thin air, growing out Various plants.

In the end, as Ye Tian stroked his hands, the surging Yimu spiritual energy condensed into a talisman in the air.

The talisman is emerald green all over, as thin as a cicada's wings, and it is carved like the finest jadeite is densely packed with beating runes, bursting with surging vitality.

Aoki Fortune Talisman!

At that time, Ye Tian used this talisman to warmly nourish the four shikigami, giving the shikigami powerful vitality, like re-creating life. Now that this talisman technique is displayed, the power is more than thousands of times stronger?

Even if the body is torn apart, as long as the soul is not destroyed, the talisman can save it.

Ning Haifeng's injury seemed serious, but after all, it was just a physical injury, such as broken bones and tendons, and Ye Tian had no pressure to treat it.

Unlike his injury, it is a Dao injury. With these Yimu aura, even the quasi-sacred medicinal liquid of Changbai Ginseng is not so easy to treat. Because his physical body is the body of the law, far beyond the comparison of ordinary physical bodies.

The injury to the body of the law must be repaired by the law after all.


When the Aoki Fortune Talisman poured into Ning Haifeng's body, Ning Haifeng was shocked.

He only felt that it was like taking some magical medicine, and it was like his body was immersed in the divine spring of life. Every cell, every meridian, every piece of flesh and blood cheered.

Seeing the injury on the surface, it recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the broken bones and tendons in the body were also quickly connected.

It is the terrifying ice-cold energy contained in Fenrir's giant palm, which is constantly being washed away by this surging spiritual energy.

Just over ten minutes later.

Ning Haifeng's eyes were bright, and the moment he stood up, his whole body was full of rays of light.

His whole body was full of breath, not only was his injury healed, but he even felt that his cultivation had improved.

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