Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2536: Strong enemy pressure

Remember [New] for a second,! There was a pair of dark wings behind Hades, struggling violently, roaring like thunder, trying to escape, but in vain.

Ye Tian put his palms and fingers together, crushing the human-shaped divine light.

The goddess Anna passed out and was picked up by Ye Tian and handed over to Gu Xiaoman and others to take care of her.

Then, Ye Tian asked the authorities to remove all the guards around Dongshan, and everyone waited to retreat, while he continued to meditate, communicated with the leylines, and turned Beiming Dongshan into a sacred land.


In the earth-shattering roar, a figure flew from the west at high speed, stepping on a black ancient chariot, accompanied by a large black cloud, overwhelming the sky.

The chariot rumbled, although there was only one, but there were thousands of troops and horses, and the murderous aura was so high that the sky was rumbling and shaking.


As soon as this figure appeared, an overwhelming momentum, like a **** demon, instantly enveloped the entire Dongshan Mountain, and the 30 million citizens of Tianhai City also felt a heavy pressure.

The black big cloud is full of ghosts, and there are thousands of ghosts crying, as if the ghost and **** reappeared in the world, covering the sun in the sky, the sky and the earth were pitch black, and the temperature suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees, from midsummer to midwinter, the ground Covered with a layer of frost, many people were shivering from the cold.

"Damn Ye Demon King, you are so courageous, you dare to destroy my Spiritual Mind clone without kneeling down and repenting."

A tall figure came out of the black fog, with a height of three feet, making a thunderous roar.

As he got closer, everyone realized that what was under his feet was an ancient chariot, but a large black scorpion, whose body was completely metalized, as if it was made of black gold.

If the legs of this big scorpion hadn't moved, people would mistake it for a statue.

Hades, the king of the underworld, finally appeared in his true form.

Everyone was shocked. They thought that the old dragon king would come first to seek revenge, but Hades of Olympus came first.

This is a **** of the underworld in hell, and a real demon king. The huge body of three feet high gives people a sense of mountain-like majesty.

He saw a river of styx surrounding him, both ends in the void, and there were endless corpses floating in it.

This Styx water, ordinary people will turn into ashes if they touch a drop.

In the water of the Styx, there is another demon **** standing proudly. It is a hundred feet tall and covered in black armor. Two horns rise into the sky, shining with cold light. A pair of red eyes are as scarlet as blood diamonds. The fangs radiated cold light, like a demon in hell.

This is the magic image of King Hades of Ming Dynasty.

As a peak perfect golden core, half-step Nascent Soul-level existence, his domain and law are far beyond what ordinary golden core can compare.

Boom boom boom!

King Ming Hades did not come alone, and there were more than a dozen ancient chariots behind him, each with an ancient **** standing proudly on it, or the black mist surging all over his body, or the whole body burning with ghostly fire... , Xiu Because more than half of them have reached Jindan, the rest are innate.

These are all the gods of Olympus, under the command of King Hades.

Twenty years ago, Ye Tian went to the secret realm of Olympus and slaughtered many gods, but the branch of Ming Wang Hades existed in another secret realm and was not affected.

"How dare you come to trouble me if you're a waste?" Ye Tian didn't even open his eyes, he drew a mysterious trajectory with both hands, and communicated with the ley lines, as if he didn't care about this guy at all.



"Kneel down and beg for mercy, and leave you a whole body."

The gods under Hades were angry and shouted loudly.

Eighteen ancient chariots faintly formed a battle formation, blocking Dongshan, surging with unparalleled terrifying pressure.

"It's just a chicken and a dog, it's not qualified to be my opponent."


With just a wave of Ye Tian's hand, a large terrestrial dragon lined up in the sky, whipping out like a steel whip of a god, and the battle formation formed by eighteen ancient chariots was suddenly scattered.

Four more ancient chariots rushing in front were directly smashed, and the four gods on all sides seemed to be kneaded from mud, and turned into powder in an instant.

Hades, the king of the underworld, jumped out of the corners of his eyes and was extremely angry, but he did not dare to take the initiative to attack, for fear of deceit.

People are terrified, and they don't even pay attention to the half-step Nascent Soul. How strong is this guy?

Or are they just playing an empty city plan, pretending to be very powerful, and letting the strong enemy retreat automatically?

"Add me."


Another figure appeared, driving a blood-colored sun, coming from the east, and the rays of light all over the body were as turbulent as the tide, so blazing that it was impossible to look directly.

This is a beautiful woman, tall and graceful, with a beautiful appearance, but she has no air of dust, but is full of evil and strange, and is extremely cold.

With her appearance, the temperature between heaven and earth dropped a few degrees again, a piece of ice was bone-chilling, the green leaves were frozen and fell one after another, and a layer of ice formed on the ground.

Amaterasu Great Imperial God, the king of the Eastern Yinggaotianyuan, the oldest god.

This is also a half-step Nascent Soul, whose cultivation is so powerful that the world can't imagine it.

Just before the meeting, she devoured the soul light of millions of people in Tokyo in the east, just to restore the function of the body to its peak state, which is a conscience.

Bang bang bang!

She walked forward step by step, her eyes staring at Ye Tian like a blade, and the invisible killing thought came out through her body, almost turning into substance.

"Not enough." Ye Tian was unmoved, he didn't even open his eyes, and was still sitting cross-legged.

"Then add me."

Suddenly, an indifferent but grand voice came, stirring the world.


The sky shook, and another figure appeared.

A holy light came from the west, 300 miles away.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is an eight-winged angel that **** eight huge wings of light, and the holy light it brings is like a **** Lingchen, and the gospel spreads all over the world.

The eight-winged angel settled at the foot of Dongshan Mountain, and a handsome middle-aged man appeared. He was more than ten feet tall. He was dressed in a white holy light robe. Crystal clear, his eyes gleamed, and a terrifying aura surged out of his body.

It is the emperor Adam of the Western Holy See Garden of Eden, another half-step Nascent Soul on the earth.


The mighty coercion instantly swept the entire Tianhai City, and countless people took a deep breath, and there was an urge to kneel down.

Half-step Nascent Soul has already begun to dabble in the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and a single thought can change the color of heaven and earth within a hundred miles.

Now there are three half-step Nascent Souls, how terrifying it is, three different fields collide, and the turbulent pressure shreds the clouds in the sky into powder, violent storms, lightning and thunder, and even the climate is affected. .

For a moment, Tianhai City seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of doomsday.

"It's still not enough." Ye Tian still shook his head, but slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Emperor Adam curiously.

Those eyes, like a hunter looking at a prey, were full of joy.

"Boy, don't think that with a Sword Executioner, you can do anything to me. In front of the half-step True God I'm waiting for, everything is vain." Emperor Adam sneered, standing like a gun, standing proudly between the heavens and the earth.

Then there are still powerful presences coming.

The Great Brahma of Tianzhu Asan, Lord Shiva,

The Nordic giant god, the python god...

The golden ancestor of the South American burrows.

There are dozens of Golden Core Beastmasters from all over the world, such as the Ganesha God, the Tengu God, the Golden Lion God, the Colorful Tiger God,…

"I'm going, there are so many monsters and monsters, how can this man be beaten?"

Watching the splendid Changhongs descend from the sky, the Eastern Human Race couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

One, two, three, …

After a while, the foot of Dongshan Mountain and the surrounding void were densely packed with hundreds of powerful figures.

"Devil Lord Ye, get over here and die!"


Suddenly, a thunderous roar came, shaking the sky for thousands of miles.

"That is…?"

When the 30 million Tianhai citizens looked at the prestige, they saw an incredible scene, and all of them took a deep breath.

It was a vast expanse of ocean, and it swept into the sky. The huge waves were rolling like a tsunami, like an endless blue cloud, which was overwhelmingly facing the Tianhai City.


Even the sky is trembling, as if it can't bear the mighty coercion of this continuous tsunami.

No one doubts that when this vast ocean falls from the sky and falls into the city, the water floods the mountains, the city of Tianhai will cease to exist, and tens of millions of people will die.

In the vast ocean, there appeared several large dragons, each of which was several hundred feet long, or even thousands of feet long, as thick as a house and a mountain ridge.

There are also powerful sea monsters, whose cultivation is not weaker than that of the gods.

The invincible existence of Hailong Palace has arrived!

People were so frightened they couldn't even breathe.

"General, what should I do?"

"Prepare for battle, use nuclear weapons whenever necessary!"

Although he wanted to stay out of the way, UU read, but the gods fought and mortals suffered, and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers stationed in Tianhai City had to fight back. The force was intercepted outside the city.

However, in the face of such invincible power, the human race's big killer seems insignificant.

I saw that one missile after another fell into the huge waves, only splashing a puddle of water. The artillery shells that focused the fire fell into the big waves, and it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

Bang bang bang!

A giant dragon swung its tail, and several combat aircraft were blasted into the void like a barrage of cannons.

Longsheng nine sons, three were destroyed by Ye Tian, ​​one was abolished, and there were five remaining. At this moment, this golden pill dragon son was all over the dojo, following the old dragon king's side.


The old dragon king was unparalleled, and the whole world was stunned when he showed his body.

The dragon's body is thousands of feet long, the scales are golden, the dragon's horns are soaring, and the roots of the dragon's fibrils are crystal clear.

A real dragon, this is a real dragon!

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