Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2539: It's all done

"I'm coming too!"

Dongying's Amaterasu **** waved his jade hand and threw a fireball.

The fireball was only the size of a slap at first, but after it flew out, it swallowed the vitality of the heavens and the earth, inflated inflated, and exploded violently.

When rushing to the front of the earth vein dragon, the small fireball became a thousand times larger, with a diameter of up to 100 meters, and the blazing light illuminated the world, and the terrifying power it contained was comparable to a nuclear weapon.

The Nordic frost giant opened his mouth and spit out a long river of ice waterfalls that covered the world.

Asan's Lord Shiva looks like a soft girl, but he moved to a mountain with a height of 100 zhang and smashed the dragon.

There are also several strong shots.

For a time, it exploded like thunder, and the sky shook.


The Earth Veined Dragon finally couldn't bear it anymore, and its three thousand-foot-long body was directly blown up, turning into the vitality of heaven and earth, and rushing in all directions.

Everyone understood this time. It is no wonder that Ye Tian was able to fly Cain twice. It turned out that he borrowed the power of the leylines, not a super-grade golden core.

No matter how strong or great the power of the ley lines is, and no matter how inexhaustible it is, the power that can be borrowed is limited.

"Hahaha, the power of the leylines, but that's all! Child, what magical powers do you still have, just show them off." Hades Okas laughed, his mouth almost grinning to the bottom of his ears.

However, his smile was only halfway through before it solidified.

Everyone else did the same, their expressions stiffened when they smiled, as if they had seen something incredible.


Ye Tian opened his mouth and let out a long whistle, which shocked Qiankun Wanli.


The void detonated, like a super volcano erupting.

In Ye Tian's Heavenly Spirit Cover, a golden blood energy billows into the sky, and there are thousands of golden lights. It will cover the tragic atmosphere of Tianhai City. of purification magic.

At the same time, he swiped his hands and began to stir the underground dragon energy.

During this time, he has been changing the earth veins and communicating with the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, attracting an unknown number of earth veins and dragon energy from all directions.

At this moment, these earth veins and dragon qi all resonated with him. They were summoned by him, rumbled, and burst out of the ground. They were thousands of tens of thousands of feet long, as thick as mountains, filling the void, and making bursts of earth-shattering dragon roars.

For a time, the sky and the earth seemed to be boiling, and the dragon energy was billowing like a tsunami.

Every big dragon seems to have life, the body is condensed like the substance, the scales, armor and claws are all present, just like the birth of a real dragon, the mighty sky.

What kind of magic trick is this?


The whole world was dead silent, as if seeing a miracle, and the scalp was numb with shock.

In the previous battle, Ye Tian had also used the technique of evoking the leyline dragon, using the power of the leyline to bless him, but before, he had only mobilized one or two leyline dragons at most, but now there are as many as thousands, and each one It is much more terrifying than the Leyline Dragon that was triggered before.

This kind of ability, not to mention that ordinary Jin Dan can't do it, even Nascent Soul can't imagine it, including those powerful and unparalleled Holy Infants, Divine Infants.

The reason why Ye Tian can mobilize so many earth veins and dragon energy is mainly because of his closeness to the heaven and earth spirit roots in Middle Earth.

It was he who saved the spiritual roots of the heaven and earth in Middle-earth. Now borrowing his power, it's nothing, right?

Terrible, really terrifying.

Olympus' King of Hades, Orcus, is like eating a dead child, and his face is as ugly as it is ugly.

The corners of Dongying's Amaterasu God's eyes also twitched.

Just now, several dark powerhouses shot together and exploded a leyline dragon.

Now there are thousands of leyline dragons, how can you fight?

Even the old dragon king of the Dragon King Palace looked stiff, giving birth to an extremely bad premonition.


I saw that thousands of leyline dragons flew into the air, not attacking the powerful enemies in the dark world, but dancing in the sky, with Ye Tian's hands swiping, intertwined out of thin air, as if we were compiling something.

Every time Ye Tian's hands swiped, traces of Dao appeared, and the runes were interwoven into chaotic silk sashes.

"As soon as the words are spoken, the heaven and earth will follow, and the avenues resonate. This is the ability of Yuan Ying? Who is this kid? Woke up.

"Junior of the human race, stop pretending to be a ghost for me. If you don't get out of Dongshan, believe it or not, I will flood this city and let 30 million people be buried with you?" sounded, and threatened Ye Tian.

This is the elder brother of Long Jiuzi. Although the combat power is not the most powerful among the nine brothers, his cultivation base has also reached the middle stage of Jindan, and he is one of the strongest in this world.

Not only Boss Long alone, but many strong people also think that Ye Tian's strongest reliance is the Sword Array of Zhuxian, so he hides in Dongshan and dares not come out.

At this moment, with the roar of the leader of the dragon, the second child of the dragon, the fifth of the dragon, the sixth of the dragon..., and several living dragon sons, all twisted into a huge body, wanting to fight Ye Tian to the death.

Ye Tian's arousing the earth's dragon energy is very good, after all, they are just fake dragons evolved from Taoism, and they are the real dragons.

At the same time, the mountain-like tsunami beneath them rolled toward the sky above Tianhai City, and there was nothing to stop them, as if they were going to flood the city.

Like a big lake hanging over the city, once it falls, a hundred-meter-high building can be submerged, and even if 30 million people don't die, there are not many people left.

"don't want!"

"Ye Tianren, help!"

"The gods of the East do not kill the Orientals, the old dragon king, show mercy."

"The flood washed the Dragon King Temple."

Tianhai City was full of hustle and bustle, and it was a matter of life and death, and everyone could not be calm.

At this time, I saw that the dragon with hundreds of thousands of earth veins, under the control of Ye Tian, ​​criss-crossed and intertwined, and instantly turned into the shape of a cauldron.

This cauldron is incomparably huge, as if it can hold up the sky and shake the ghostly down. The cauldron wall is even painted with patterns of the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, flowers, birds, insects and fish, which are traces of the Tao, not hand-engraved.

Those dark powerhouses were obviously trapped by the cauldron and became the turtle in the urn, but they didn't know it.

"What is this?"

In Liberty City on the other side of the ocean, in the mansion of the head of state, a group of imperial powers watching the satellite live broadcast was stunned.

Through the satellite lens, they can clearly see that this is a cauldron, which is unimaginably large.

Except for a few dragons from the Dragon Palace and the countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals that followed, almost all the other dark world powerhouses were covered by this cauldron of heaven and earth.

Although they didn't know what immortal means Ye Tian used, they didn't realize it, and had a very bad premonition that this expedition might be worse.


The furnace mouth of this cauldron of heaven and earth suddenly turned into a vortex, and a powerful and unparalleled devouring force surged out. It was like a black hole, and it suddenly absorbed the vast water hanging over the sky of Tianhai City.

A major crisis was lifted just like that.

Thirty million people in Tianhai City turned the corner.

In addition to the old dragon king, several other dragon sons, as well as countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals, were also sucked into the heaven and earth cauldron.

Then, the cauldron began to shrink sharply that day.

The large water that swallowed into the cauldron followed the earth veins and penetrated directly into the ground, so the cauldron was dry.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian even attracted the flames of the lungs of the earth, turning the cauldron of heaven and earth into a sea of ​​fire, like a nine secluded purgatory.



The situation reversed so quickly that no one reacted.

Whether it is the dark powerhouses who have been sealed into the cauldron, or the outsiders who are watching the excitement, they are all confused.

Who would have thought that when Ye Tian sat in Dongshan and mobilized the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, it was not to turn Dongshan into a piece of divine soil, but to use the power of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth to perform a big move.

With his own strength, he barely has the realm of Jindan, and defeating these powerful enemies, I don't know how much effort it will take.

But with the power of Heaven, Earth, and Spiritual Roots, he could easily unleash the power of Nascent Soul, and overturning these rookies was like stepping on a group of ants.

Of course, he wouldn't kill these existences in vain, that would be too wasteful, and he was going to make a pot of great medicine, not for himself, but for Qinghan.

After leaving for 20 years, he owed this woman too much. When he came back, he was empty-handed and had nothing to give. Now he gave her a big gift.

"Want to refine me and wait? I'm just talking about a dream, break it for me!"

The emperor Adam of the Garden of Eden roared, and the nine heavens and ten places seemed to resonate with him, and the power of all beings seemed to converge on him.

A holy light that penetrated the heavens and the earth suddenly rose from behind him and turned into a crossed lightsaber, which he grabbed with both hands and slashed hard against the wall of the cauldron.

This sword powerfully slashed the might of Mount Hua, and UU Kanshu was invincible, destroying the dead, and looking at everything in the world, there was almost nothing that could stop it.


However, I heard a sound like a big bell and a big Lu, and a long string of fire splashed out. The furnace wall of the cauldron that day was not split open, but only a shallow gap was cut.

Moreover, the runes shone from the gap, and a mysterious power surged, which was quickly filled, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Damn! The law, this is the cauldron formed by the law." The emperor Adam was suddenly shocked and saw the extraordinaryness of this cauldron.

It seems that this is a cauldron formed by a series of ley lines and dragons, but more essential is the power of the law.

He couldn't imagine how a golden core in Ye Tian district could inspire so many laws and play so skillfully.

But I don't know that Ye Tian's cultivation level is only temporarily down to the golden core. With the help of the power of the earth veins, he could unseal the Daoguo, control the power of the law, and build this cauldron of heaven and earth.

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