Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2544: 1 sword fly ash

Remember [New] for a second,! Of course, he didn't slash at the old dragon king. He promised to give the old dragon king ten breaths to escape. This sword slashed towards the sky.

In the eyes of countless people, Ye Tian didn't make a sound when he slashed out this sword, just like a three-year-old child playing in the house.

But along the way, whether it was a drone hovering over Tianhai City, a spy satellite in a low-altitude orbit, or other satellites in a high-altitude orbit, they were all destroyed silently, and were directly smashed by sword energy.

After only five breaths, at an altitude of 50,000 kilometers above the surface, the sword energy and the three rods of God met in a narrow way.

At this time, the speed of the rod of God had soared to more than 20 times the speed of sound, and it was so fast that there was no shadow, and it was difficult to intercept.

"I don't believe he can stop the rod of God." President Howard's eyes widened.

But then, he froze all over.

At an altitude of 50,000 miles, three flames suddenly erupted, each of which was as splendid as the sun, and the dazzling rays of light could be seen on the ground, as if three nuclear weapons had been detonated.

Immediately afterwards, no foreign objects continued to fall, but a faint sword light continued to burst out of the air.

This sword light is still silent, and it can't see any strangeness and strength before it erupts, but once a foreign object comes into contact with it, it will immediately reveal its hideous minions and tear everything.

After a few breaths of time, more than 100,000 kilometers away in the synchronous orbit of the Middle Earth star, the aircraft that launched the Rod of God also burst into a sea of ​​fire, shredding it into powder.

This is a distance of more than 100,000 kilometers. It can be said that a sword can cut such a height.

"Damn it, I was really stopped. How could he be so strong?" Head of State Howard roared and slammed his fist on the table, his eyes widened with anger, but then his face became depressed again, saying: "My old empire really has no chance. Yet?"

The corners of the eyes of the Five-Star Upper Realm who proposed this bad idea also twitched.

It's no wonder that the sword broke through hundreds of thousands of kilometers, chopped off three rods of God that soared to 20 times the speed of sound, and destroyed the aircraft in synchronous orbit. imagination.

There was silence in the office, and no one could answer Howard's words.

In other words, everyone already has the answer in their hearts.

The hope of the revival of the great empire is equal to zero when rounded up!

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, and offends the great powers of the East.

It is impossible for the great powers of the East to let it go!

"Wait, he just hit a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers with one sword, doesn't it mean that others in the middle earth, sky and sea can hit the other side of the ocean with one sword, my empire?" The five-star general shrank his pupils suddenly, his face terrified.

Everyone else is like this, all of them seem to be constipated for a few days, and their faces are extremely ugly.

"We're playing!" said the old head of state Hopkins, who was in the first aid. He had already woken up and was in a good state of mind.

But several doctors were all depressed. They knew that the old head of state was returning to the light and his life was about to come to an end.

"Quick, go to the basement, go to the underground bunker." Howard, the new head of state, roared, rushed to the desk, opened a drawer, and suddenly pressed a button.

Ka Ka Ka!

He heard the sound of metal colliding, and a gap in the wall behind him cracked, and the gap became bigger and bigger, and finally an elevator appeared.

Taking this elevator, you can go directly to the underground 100 meters, a super underground bunker that can withstand a large-yield nuclear attack.

As long as you enter this bunker, the sea will be wide and the fish will leap, and the sky will be high and the birds will fly.

Because this underground bunker is not as simple as an underground fortress, but is connected to an underground city, the kind of underground giant city that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, intricately like a labyrinth.

Howard, the new head of state, did his part and rushed in first.

The others also filed in, in order of title.

It was not until the elevator was full that everyone realized that the old head of state Hopkins had not yet got on the elevator.

Although the old head of state has retired and is no longer in his position, he was once the supreme emperor of the empire after all, and made great contributions to the development and growth of the empire.

Well, during Hopkins' tenure, the great empire not only failed to grow, but was overtaken by the great powers of the East, and finally became second-rate.

However, this responsibility cannot be blamed on Hopkins. If anyone else becomes the head of state, he will not be able to reverse the decline of the great empire or change the outcome.

"Well, you guys go out first and let the old head of state come in." Howard, the new head of state, was a bit human.

"Cough, huh." Lao Yuan first coughed dryly, spitting out a mouthful of blood, then laughed a few times, and said weakly: "Go away, old man, I can't do it anymore. This empire is declining because of me. , I am guilty, let me die under the sword of Ye Demon King and make atonement for the great empire."

After he finished speaking, he made a cross on his chest and silently said that God is with the great empire, and God bless the great empire.

Of course, people don't believe in the female emperor, but the emperor Adam.

"Old Head of State, please don't say that, the decline of the great empire is definitely not your responsibility. Your contribution to the great empire, your contribution to the great empire, the 30,000,000 people really see it in the eyes, your credit It must not be obliterated. In the future, there will be a strong and indelible stroke of yours on the national history of our great empire." Howard, the new head of state, said.

"National history? Will my empire still have a national history in the future?" Hopkins coughed again, vomiting more blood, and felt like he was going to vomit out his heart.

At this moment, a rapid and high-pitched alarm sounded in Liberty City.

This is, air raid warning!

"King Ye Demon, did you really make a move?"

The generals were stunned. UU Reading

Then, the door of the elevator closed, slowly descended, and landed towards the 100-meter-deep underground bunker.

"How many nuclear weapons do we have?" Howard, the new head of state, asked the five-star general Green.

"Reporting to the head of state, our empire has 10,000 nuclear warheads, and there are 3,000 nuclear warheads equipped with vehicles. There are only 1,000 nuclear warheads that can hit the mainland of the great eastern country." Admiral Green said.

Howard nodded lightly, and said, "Since the great power of the East is destroyed and the heart of our great empire will not die, let's destroy it together!"

Howard's eyes suddenly became very gloomy and terrifying.

The nuclear weapon launch suitcase is held in the hand of a tall man beside him. Just open it, press the launch button, and the world will be different from now on.

At this time, at the foot of Beiming Dongshan, a great country in the east, after Ye Tian smashed the rod of God with a sword, he looked towards the east with deep eyes.

In the depths of the pupils, two clusters of golden flames jumped and suddenly expanded, filling the pupils, dyeing the pupils golden, as if cast from gold, and like two rounds of scorching sun, rushing out of the eye sockets dozens of feet.

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