Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2583: Doppelganger

The Heavenly Demon King and Thunder Dragon's ancestor, the two half-step gods, also shot, and their power was even more unusual.

The Heavenly Demon King turned into a peacock body, and his wings flapped thousands of feet, rushing out of a storm of five-colored divine light, as if hundreds of millions of sword qi were swept away, rushing forward.

The Thunder Dragon ancestor directly sacrificed a thousand-zhang Thunder Dragon vision, accompanied by a sea of ​​thunder, and bombarded Ye Tian indiscriminately.

Boom boom boom!

A piece of heaven and earth is boiling, terrifying energy laws are stirring, or red flames are burning the sky, or golden light is shining, or thunder is raging, the world seems to be returning to the chaotic state at the beginning of the universe.

Beiming Dongshan is also crumbling, and the power of various prohibitions is constantly being wiped out.

The buildings in Tianhai City kept collapsing. Every minute and every second, no one knew how many people died. They were only swept away by the aftermath of the shock.

Qinghan manipulated the power of belief and formed a great barrier of holy light, guarding the top of Tianhai City, but it was as fragile as thin paper, constantly collapsing and disintegrating. But she didn't give up, the belief power poured out of her body like a sea, spreading all over the city, just to save more people.

She is just a golden core, and even if she is a super product, she is powerless in the face of so many extraterritorial powers.

A chaotic golden field also formed outside Ye Tian, ​​guarding the Beiming Immortal Palace in it.


The wood spirit ancestor of the wood spirit clan sighed softly, and finally made a choice to shoot at Ye Tian.

At this juncture, if he doesn't act again, he will become a public enemy outside the territory, and there will be no good fruit to eat.


With the aura on his body shaking, the vitality of the wooden line in a radius of thousands of miles was rolling and rushing in in an instant.

He swiped his hands, wisps of Dao marks appeared between his palms and fingers, thousands of runes flickered, and the vitality of the wooden lines between the heavens and the earth was like a swallow in his arms, surging forward, and instantly condensed into a cyan light group in his palm, shaped like a mountain.

"Count me in."


In the voice of the words, the ancestor of the wood spirit threw the mountain-shaped blue light ball and smashed it at Ye Tian.

The cyan light group was initially small, but as soon as it flew out, it suddenly became larger, and finally turned into a thousand feet high, towering like Mount Tai.

This is a Taoist magical power of the Wood Spirit Clan, the Great Seal of the Mountains, which is formed by the runes that mobilize the vitality of the wood between the heavens and the earth, and has the impact effect of a real mountain.

"The two brothers of the Big Dipper, haven't you taken action yet?"

The Heavenly Demon King shouted to Dongfang Hao and Xuanjizi of the Big Dipper.

Almost all the extraterritorial forces in the field have taken action, only the Big Dipper.

"When the gods are angry, all the ten directions will be destroyed. You can stop now, there is still time." Dongfang Hao said, shaking his head gently.

He had no doubts about Ye Tian's spiritual cultivation, because these guys were blinded by lard and didn't know the sky was high.

"Hehe, a god? If he is a god, then I'm still the ancient sage of returning to the void." The demon king sneered.


There was a loud noise, and the chaotic gold field shrouded outside the Beiming Immortal Palace was broken open by many attacks, and the terrifying energy rushed in like a dam burst.

"A group of ants, die!"

Ye Tianshuangtong, without sadness or joy, clenched his fist lightly and threw it out.


A golden beam of light piercing the heavens and the earth rushes out from the front of the fist, like a divine sword that splits the universe, destroying and invincible.

The first to attack him, the Bull Demon Clan's Yuan Ying Tianjun, with an artifact in his hand, a mace, smashed with the power to shake the world, extremely fierce, only to be wiped by this golden fist. , even the human with the big stick turned into blood mud, without the slightest resistance. The cultivation of the late Nascent Soul seems to be non-existent.

Immediately afterwards, in the overwhelming attack of the monks from outside the territory, a hole was directly torn open, and the terrifying light beam of fists rushed into the battle formation formed by the monks from outside the territory.

Puff puff!

Blood splashed and broken bones flew.

With this single blow, there were nearly a hundred dead Nascent Souls and Jin Dan.

That fusang **** tree is very extraordinary, far beyond the ordinary magic medicine, he has drawn vast power from it, if his body of the gods and demons is not strong enough, maybe it will be washed away.

Every acupuncture point in his body was spewing thin flames, and there were even golden pillars of fire that were hundreds of feet long in his pupils. The law of infinite runes appeared out of thin air around him, like the decree of the gods.

The breath on his body was rising every minute and every second.

After a punch, he slapped it out with another slap in the face.

Boom boom boom!

A magic claw covered with black scales instantly swelled to the size of a thousand zhang, like a sky smashed down, and hundreds of foreign monks were covered by this palm.

In the giant palm, the chaotic energy surged, accompanied by the roar of wind and thunder, and the golden flame burned the heavens. It was Ye Tian's avatar of the Chaos Swallowing Devil God who pushed his blood to the extreme.

God is invincible!

At this moment, he really does not leave behind, and wants to crush these extraterritorial powerhouses who do not know how high the sky is.

"not good!"

Seeing the palm of Ye Tian's full force, the monks from outside the realm all changed color.

They can clearly feel what kind of terrifying power is contained in Ye Tian's palm?

It was as if the heaven-shattering seal raised by the ancient gods, under one blow, the mountains and rivers eclipsed, the sun, moon and stars were destroyed, and the primordial chaos would be broken open.

Although he does not have the personality of a god, but at this moment, under the full force of the explosion, the Chaos Swallowing Devil really has the power to rival the god.

Countless attacks fell under the giant palm. Not only did they fail to inflict heavy damage on the giant palm, but all the attacks were reversed, like a torrent rewinding, and rushed towards the shooter.

When the Heavenly Demon King hit the five-element sword qi storm, it shook the giant palm a bit, and its power weakened a bit, but it did not destroy the giant palm.

Bang bang bang!

Like dumplings, monks from outside the territory continued to fall in the void, and they were photographed into a cloud of blood.

The so-called Nascent Soul's body, the so-called golden core body, the so-called protective magic weapon, in front of the body of the Chaos Devouring Devil God, it is like an egg touching a stone, rubbing it and hurting it, and dying next to it.

The thousand-zhang Thunder Dragon shot by the Thunder Dragon ancestors, savagely wrapped around the giant palm, and then exploded with a bang. The nuclear weapon with the power of no less than tens of millions of tons was still unable to destroy the giant palm of the devil.

The Great Seal of the Mountains played by the ancestors of Mu Ling was very strong, and UU reading almost smashed the giant palm of the devil into pieces.

"Death!" Ye Tian yelled, as strong as a dragon.


Thousands of miles of earth were shaken, and several thousand-meter-high Beimingdong Mountains were directly razed to the ground, leaving only a striking palm print deep pit.

The monks from outside the territory were beaten to pieces, and the number was reduced by half.

If it weren't for the attack of the three half-step gods, the power of this palm would be reduced, and more foreign monks would be killed and injured.

The three half-step gods did not die, but they were all seriously injured. In particular, the most powerful Heavenly Demon King, the 1000-foot-tall peacock's real body was injured and let out a miserable wailing, which was shaken dozens of miles away.


Everyone who saw this scene took a deep breath.

The monk from outside the realm poured it on his head like a pot of cold water, and his heart was cold.

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