It was just a punch, and it was smashed hundreds of thousands of miles away, and the new son of the Sun God Dynasty in the late Nascent Soul died?

The universe of the Sun God Lord's sleeve collapsed, and a puddle of fresh blood stained the sky, and there was a gloomy scene, and there was a faint sound of the death knell.

No miracle happened, and the figure of the God Son of the Sea never reappeared, and he completely fell.

All the people in the audience were dumbfounded. They never imagined that as soon as the battle started, a general in the Xuandu Star Region would be damaged and an army would be reversed.

As the heir of the Sun God Lord, the **** son of the Sun God Dynasty, Gan Hai has no idea how many magical powers and treasures, and the treasures of heaven and earth should not have been killed so easily. everything.

Originally, they didn't believe that Ye Tian could kill the emperor of the Guangming clan, and kill many cultivators in the Xuandu Star Region, but now they finally believed it.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, and it is not an exaggeration that they came here with great fanfare.

"Don't kill me." Thunder Dragon's ancestor cried.

The Sun God Son was shocked and killed right in front of him, and the whole person was scared to pee.

If it wasn't for the Son of the Sun who blocked the punch for him, he would be dead.

Fortunately, this punch has exhausted the power after blowing up the universe in the sleeve of the Sun God Lord and killing the Sun God Son. It was difficult for Ye Tian to hit the same punch in a short period of time, giving him time to escape.

He continued to run around, using all his strength to suckle.

"My lord, this son has a vicious heart, his cultivation technique is against the sky, and he has killed countless people. You must not let him go. You should all take action together and kill him."

Rushing to the vicinity, Thunder Dragon's ancestor shouted loudly.

He was extremely afraid of Ye Tian, ​​this person would not die for a while, and he couldn't sleep or eat.

"Noisy! How do I act, do I still need you to teach me?"

The Sun God Lord was angry, his face was hideous, and he slapped it out with a slap.

In other words, if it wasn't for Thunder Dragon's ancestors to have branches outside the festival, God Son of Ganhai might not have died.


This slap was like the ancient goddess lifted the sky-shattering seal and suppressed it. With the endless firelight and the divine chain of laws, the Thunder Dragon ancestor who was half-step god-turning level was smashed into blood mud, and then burned to ashes by the flames. , not even a broken bone was left behind.

Smashing a half-step **** with one palm.

Terrible, really terrifying!

Like killing an ant, the Sun God Lord did not waver, and shouted at Ye Tian: "You bastard, you dare to kill my heir, aren't you afraid that I will wash this star with blood? Or you didn't kill my Xuandu Star Territory? Is the army in your eyes?"

The Sun God Lord was furious to the extreme, and the flames surrounding him expanded rapidly, as if he was about to turn into a red giant star.

An invisible coercion caused the Middle-earth star to shudder, and the atmosphere covering the surface was constantly shattered.

He didn't intend to crush the Middle-earth star, but now he has the intention to kill and let the whole Middle-earth star be buried with him.

"Sun God Lord, you really can't hold your breath, why are you talking so much nonsense with him, just a half-step **** transformation ant, kill it directly." Manggu God Sovereign's voice was like thunder.

The Sun God Lord died two heirs, why didn't he also die two heirs?

He came with anger, and he must kill Ye Tian himself.


He stepped out, the dao lines under his feet flickered, the void was shattering, and people appeared thousands of miles away in an instant.

He is only 100 meters tall in pure flesh, giving people the feeling of standing in the sky. Wearing a battle armor made from sacred animal skins, his body like cast iron is extremely sturdy, like the Titans in the universe.

His family practiced the Reckless Body Refinement Technique and the Reckless Battle Body. This kind of physique is said to be able to push the sun, moon, mountains and rivers horizontally, and nothing can be broken.

Boom, boom!

Every exaggerated step of Manggu Divine Sovereign can move thousands of miles across, as if teleporting.

What's even more terrifying is that every step he takes, the aura on his body will be huge, and his body will expand in a circle, like an inflated ball.

One after another golden light circled around the body, thousands of divine chains of laws, every acupoint, every pore, was emitting light, his whole body was bright, as if standing in a god's domain, and he was the **** who opened up the world. .

The body of the **** is no longer an ordinary body, but a body of law, just like a divine treasure. The runes, laws, and Dao marks are deeply imprinted into the flesh and blood, even the blood. .

This is also the reason why a drop of blood, or a piece of hair, can kill Jindan and even Nascent Soul, because both blood and hair contain the law and Tao of God.

Although Manggu Divine Sovereign despised Ye Tian in his words, he did not dare to take it lightly, but wanted to explode with overwhelming force, suppressing and even killing people with overwhelming force.

Even in the early stage of God Transformation, the power he exploded is unknown how many times he surpassed the Half-Step God Transformation. Even if all the Half-Step Transformation Gods in the Middle Saturn Region are added up, it is hard to compare.

The so-called transformation into a **** literally means that human beings are transformed into gods, which is already a species at another level.


God war!

Many monks in Middle-earth were the first to witness this level of battle, and they were all shocked and turned into clay and wood sculptures.

Boom boom boom!

In just a moment, Manggu Divine Sovereign's body swelled to hundreds of thousands of feet. Compared with the largest super mothership in the fleet, the universe galaxy seemed to be supported by him alone.

"Little bastard, this seat will let you know today how terrifying the real cultivator is!" The Manggu God let out an earth-shattering roar, and a fist of the size of a mountain smashed Ye Tian with the mighty power of blasting the stars. come over.

As the punches passed, the void collapsed and exploded continuously, unable to withstand the power of this punch at all, and the surging energy was like the detonation of thousands of nuclear weapons. A ripple of void visible to the naked eye swept across the front of the fist, like a rolling cosmic storm.

If you don't make a move, it's already done. As soon as Manggu Divine Sovereign makes a move, he will do his best, and will not give Ye Tian any room for detours.

"Transfiguration, it's not like I haven't killed this seat before, there's nothing to be complacent about." Ye Tian opened his mouth, in a plain tone, but there was an earth-shattering courage.

Has he killed Huashen?

Did you really kill?

Still bragging?

Transforming into a is it so easy to kill?

Just when everyone's emotions were up and down, Ye Tian had no expression on his face, raised a fist, and slowly punched out.

His three-headed and six-armed Chaos Swallowing Devil God's magic form turned into a height of tens of thousands of feet. Although it was a little smaller than that of the Manggu God, the surging aura of his body did not fall down at all.

His punching speed is very slow, like a slow-moving shot, but it makes people dare not underestimate it, giving people a feeling of simplicity.

One after another, the Dao waves bloomed from the front of the fist. Wherever they passed, the void was folded and almost collapsed into a black hole. The chaotic energy rushed out of the void crack like a tide, and there was a terrifying power of space, such as milk. Yan came in a rush like a throw-in.

Suddenly, the void exploded, and the sky and the earth hung upside down.

The sun, moon, stars, space and time in the universe seemed to be shattered by this punch.

This fist can shake the universe galaxy!

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