Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2617: repression

"Damn you!"

The Emperor Guangming roared and let out a shocking roar.

He had beaten Ye Tian just now, and his strength was absolutely crushed. Now he turned it around and was slapped by Ye Tian with a slap like a ball.


At that moment, the hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire Middle-earth star took a deep breath, only to feel that this scene was too dreamy, and immediately broke out with an earth-shattering cheer.

Excited, so exciting!

Pushing everything horizontally, crushing everything, this is what the invincible God of War should have!


The huge body of the Emperor Guangming slammed into Mercury, knocking Mercury out of its original orbit at once, and countless large cracks spread out on the star, almost torn apart.

The Emperor Guangming vomited blood again and again, the tens of thousands of zhang dharma were severely shrunk, and the wounds on his body were countless, but there was no danger of life and death, and he was still alive and well.

"The power of Hedao is nothing but the same. I have already said that the power of the previous life belongs to the previous life after all, you can only borrow it temporarily, you can't really own it. I don't know how many times you can use this power? When you have this power When it is exhausted, it is time to die."

After stabilizing his figure, the Emperor Guangming looked in the direction of the Middle Earth Star, and still had infinite confidence, as if he had seen through everything about Ye Tian.


Suddenly, hundreds of millions of divine lights bloomed from his body, and the infinite belief power continued to be attracted, and the holy light dharma body swelled like air.

In the end, Mercury was by his side, like a ball to a normal person, not as big as his head.

Then, something that made everyone's jaw drop even more happened. He grabbed Mercury in one hand, and threw it fiercely at the star of Middle-earth.

This is a star, one of the eight planets in the solar system. Although it is the smallest in size, it has a diameter of 5,000 kilometers. It is unbelievable that it was smashed by a human like a ball.

Without one planet, the solar system will be incomplete, some laws will be broken, and the life system of Middle-earth will have no small impact.

Mercury is thrown extremely fast, and once it hits Saturn, the consequences will be catastrophic.

"Leave it to me! Don't waste your power casually, go kill him quickly, and do your best." Xuantian Daojun said to Ye Tian, ​​and took the lead in rushing towards Mercury, who shot at the big star in Middle Earth.

Ye Tian nodded lightly, stepped forward, and rushed towards the Emperor Guangming.

Indeed, his power is precious, and it is not stable enough to be wasted.

His speed is extremely fast, the laws of the void are intertwined in his body, and he directly penetrates the void. The distance between the Middle Earth and Mercury is hundreds of millions of kilometers, and it is only a few clicks away.

He is like a demon god, full of thick hair, sharp-edged, and amazing.

The Emperor Guangming didn't dodge, urging the more terrifying power out of his body, and also indirectly drawing endless power from heaven and earth.

Just now, his combat power crushed Ye Tian and Xuantian Daojun, why did he try his best?

He stood there, as if the entire galaxy was pulsing with him, and he was the only one in the sky and under the sky.

With every gesture, the world almost collapsed, as if the whole world could not accommodate him, and the void around him continued to be born and destroyed.

This is his spirit, a manifestation of invincibility.

People know that if Ye Tian can't kill this person in one go, the consequences may be worrying.


When Ye Tian arrived, he was dressed in golden light, his physique was terrifying, and he opened and closed with one punch, simple and direct.

&nbsp The holy light shone, and the Emperor Guangming attacked, but he did not evade. He was very strong, and a palm pressed down like a mountain.


The Emperor Guangming vomited blood and retreated, and a palm was also cracked. But it wasn't as bad as the first blow, at least it didn't shoot back. This greatly boosted his old man's confidence.

As long as it drags on for another hour and a half, Ye Tian's power in his previous life will subside, and it will be time for him to counterattack.

The two supreme duel, the fight was shattered, and all kinds of visions appeared.

At this level of battle, even the Heavenly Dao will have induction, causing all kinds of strangeness.

I don't know how many void abyss appeared, endless darkness, connecting to different-dimensional space.

"Eternal kingdom of heaven, seal!"

Emperor Guangming shouted loudly, and a small heavenly world appeared, with endless halls and terraces, crushing the heaven and the earth.

It is not so much a small world of heaven, but an ancient universe, with infinite stars twinkling in it and thousands of paths flying. The space inside is so huge that it seems that the entire solar system can be accommodated.

At this moment, the Emperor Guangming showed the supreme combat power of the Old Sage in the late stage of returning to the virtual world, raised his hand to throw a star, and turned his hand to reverse the galaxy.

The gods in myths and legends are nothing more than that.

Ye Tian's body was wrapped in this small universe, and the blood of his body was being drawn frantically.


He let out a loud roar, like a demonic hair, his hair stood on end, his killing intent was endless, and he punched Jiu Chongtian with one punch, robbing the lost qi and blood.


This ancient small universe was unstable, almost collapsed under Ye Tian's fist, boiled by the extra blood, turned into a light rain and turned back.

"You can't escape. UU Reading Everything that belongs to you will belong to me. Deprive it!" The words of the Emperor Guangming were cold, and thousands of holy lights, accompanied by Taoism, entered this heavenly school. in the world.

He is using the small world of the kingdom of heaven as a melting pot, and wants to refine Ye Tian, ​​plunder his blood, and swallow it completely to become a part of the small world of the kingdom of heaven.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Tian threw his fists one after another, each punch was heavier than the other, the small world of the kingdom of heaven made a terrible sound, and countless large cracks appeared.

With the last punch, the small world of Heaven finally couldn't bear it and collapsed.

At that moment, as if a universe had been destroyed, everything ceased to exist, and all the starlight died. In an instant, it returned to nothingness.

This is an absolute one-shot, pushing everything horizontally!

Ye Tian took one step out of the small world of the kingdom of heaven and landed with a punch, hitting Emperor Guangming's Fa body, beating him so much that he vomited blood, and his body was almost torn apart.


Another terrifying aura rushed out from Ye Tian, ​​as if it could run through the ancient and modern exchanges, sweeping the heavens and the world.

The surrounding void shattered, rushing out of the infinite belief power, lingering around his body, making him look like a supreme demon bred in chaos.

Under the extreme attack, the seal of the previous Daoguo was broken again, making him more and more brave.

"You... how come?"

Emperor Guangming was about to despair. He thought that Ye Tian's power would continue to weaken, but he didn't expect people to become stronger and stronger.

"It's almost over!"

Ye Tian whispered softly, his eyes narrowed slightly, feeling this extremely familiar, yet unfamiliar power within his body. It was like a movie being played in his mind, and scenes of the past came to his mind.

In his previous life, he relied on this power to swept the invincible peers of the central galaxy, laying the foundation for the Great Chu Dynasty.

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