Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2620: Catch alive

"how is this possible?"

The law of light is actually collapsing, and the emperor of light is horrified, only to feel that the Tao fruit that he has cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years is worthless.


The most original power between heaven and earth is also the most supreme power. Only Nascent Soul cultivators have begun to touch it, and the power of transformation can truly be mastered.

If there is no law, there will be no such power in the entire universe, and there will be chaos.

For example, without the Law of Light, the sky and the earth must be pitch black.

At this moment, the law was suppressed, and the Daoguo was also suppressed. The Emperor Guangming didn't even have the mind of a battle. There was only one thought in his heart, and that was to escape.

He had never been so afraid before, the power that Ye Tian showed was far beyond his imagination.

Not only is the combat power crushing him, but it can also check and balance him at the level of law.

He couldn't imagine how terrifying Ye Tian was in his previous life.

Hedao is already a figure standing at the apex of the universe, but the ancient sage of returning to the virtual can only dominate a vast star field.

However, Emperor Guangming wanted to escape, but found that the entire sky was like an iron plate, sealed by the town, and he was more like carrying a mountain on his back, and it was extremely difficult to take a step.

"Little beast, you angered me."

In the roar, Emperor Guangming's white hair bluffed and his eyes were splitting.


Suddenly, like a small universe in his body, it burst out.

His entire body was covered in holy light, and his acupuncture points were lit up, and his pupils shone with golden light.

The sixty-four pairs of bright wings on the back flap violently, like sixty-four celestial knives slashing vertically and horizontally, splitting the sky.

Moreover, if you look closely, you will find that in addition to the sixty-four pairs of bright wings, there are also seventeen pairs of bright wings that grow out. The light is a little faint, but it gradually becomes solid.

Add up, a total of 81 pairs of bright wings!

This shows a terrifying reality. In the midst of the ultimate battle, as well as observing Ye Tian's Law and Dao, the Emperor Guangming had a feeling and wanted to break through.


The new seventeen pairs of bright wings emerged behind the Emperor Guangming and gradually condensed into reality.

In the main body of Emperor Guangming, a porch that has not been shaken for tens of thousands of years is loosening.

A terrifying force ten times stronger than before suddenly burst out from within the body, like a thousand suns shining brightly from colleagues.

Click click!

The repressive power of the Dao Law was broken all of a sudden, and the Emperor Guangming shook his body, broke free, and regained his own power again.

"Hahaha! Young man in Middle-earth, I want to thank you. If I hadn't observed your past life's law and Tao, how could I have broken through in the war." The Emperor Guangming laughed wildly.

"Now, you can die!"

The next moment, Emperor Guangming smashed the void with one foot, and the heaven and earth in a radius of thousands of miles trembled. With his feet as the center, endless cracks broke out and spread in all directions.

With this power, the Emperor Guangming blasted out with a punch.

The power of this punch is indescribable. It trembles when it hits the sun and stars, and countless stars seem to fall from the sky.

"It's like an ant! It's just that the realm is a little loose, and there is no real breakthrough. It's too early to be happy."

Ye Tian's face was neither sad nor happy, just speaking lightly, his palm turned the sky, and he was crushed down.


With this palm, the whole sky seemed to be pressed into thin paper, as if a three-dimensional world had been reduced to two dimensions, and everything in it, including the Emperor Guangming, and the shocking sun he blasted out. Yue's fists were pressed into thin paper.

"Do not!"

Emperor Guangming howled miserably, even if his entrance was loosened and a trace of power was triggered in advance, he was still Ye Tian's defeated general.

His ten-thousand-foot-high Dharma was shattered in the dimension-reducing space, like a landslide and tsunami. Endless energy surged wildly, breaking the two-dimensional space and turning it into three-dimensional again.


The dharma image exploded, revealing the true body of the Emperor of Light out of thin air.

He didn't die.

This is very normal. How could the Ancient Sage of Returning to the Void be killed so easily, and the broken Dharma image is not a fatal injury.

Only when the body and spirit are destroyed can it be considered a real kill.

Moreover, Ye Tian also deliberately took some effort just now, because the Divine Body of Emperor Guangming is still useful.

But even so, the Emperor Guangming was extremely embarrassed, and the body of Guangming Glazed Glass, which was complete and perfect, was full of scars.

Ye Tian's palm power is too terrifying. He uses the power of He Dao to activate the Chaos Golden Light Divine Palm. The space Dao supernatural power in the palm of the world can fold the space.

"Damn you, how dare you destroy my Dharma body." Emperor Guangming's eyes were scarlet as blood, and an extremely murderous murderous aura gushed out from his eyes.

He has traversed the world for hundreds of thousands of years, and has dominated a large star field. I don’t know how many gods have been killed. When has he suffered such damage?

The sixty-four pairs of light wings that have solidified behind him, as well as the seventeen pairs of light wings that are transforming, flapped violently, instantly shattering the space, and his figure flashed away from the sky and the earth.

He didn't intend to attack Ye Tian, ​​but to escape, very self-aware.

He really can't go shopping with Ye Tian now, since Ye Tian's strength in his previous life is still there, he can't be an opponent.

And he will be able to break through soon, find a place to retreat with peace of mind, transcend the tribulation, and then kill him when he truly breaks through the realm of the combined path.

Moreover, this kind of breakthrough energy is fleeting, and if you don't grasp it, the loose entrance may become rock-solid again.

"Boy, wait for this emperor to break through the road, and see how to concoct you." Emperor Guangming gritted his teeth viciously.

"Want to escape? Ask me if I agree."

Ye Tian smiled faintly, stepped out abruptly, stepped out of golden ripples, the whole person was enveloped in the infinite bright divine light, and there was an unmatched momentum.

In the next instant, he came to the orbit of Venus from the vicinity of the orbit of Mercury, a void was directly torn apart by him, and a figure rolled out of it in embarrassment. UU Reading

The densely packed wings flapping wildly behind him, who is not the Emperor Guangming?


Ye Tian tore his hands and tore off the four pairs of wings from behind the Emperor Guangming, blood splattered and flesh and blood flew.


The Emperor Guangming let out a scream, and broke the void again and escaped.

But it's useless, how can he compare with Ye Tian in his ability to compete against the Void Avenue?

In the vicinity of Jupiter's orbit, he was chased by Ye Tian again, breaking through the void with one foot, forcing him out, and tearing off several pairs of wings.

"Damn, you dare to kill me? Kill me, and your woman will die too."

The Emperor Guangming changed his body and turned into the appearance of Qinghan, and wanted Ye Tian to throw the mouse away.

Qinghan is his avatar, and he devoured Qinghan's flesh and dao fruit, and naturally a thought can change into Qinghan's appearance.

"I want to kill you, but can you survive until now? Chaos, the law!" Ye Tian said.


A chain of chaos gods appeared out of thin air.

That is the order of the universe, the manifestation of the Dao of Heaven, turned into laws, like dragons dancing in the sky.

Each divine chain shone with golden light, full of sacred and inviolable aura, and the infinite power of banning was integrated into the divine chain almost instantly, making it stronger and almost indestructible.

"Chaos Forbidden God Technique!"

Ye Tian spoke again, his words were low, and his hands were empty.

I saw that with his hands, countless chaotic chains were intertwined, and finally turned into a huge web of laws.


With Ye Tian's big finger, this big net of laws with infinite banning power instantly merged into the main body of Emperor Guangming, locking not only the limbs and bones, but also the soul.

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