Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 316: Biaowang

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Of course, these ten pieces of material are not casually read, but they are sensed by the spiritual sense first, feeling that the aura fluctuates greatly, and then carefully observe.

Although there are a lot of people in the field, good-performing wool will be very sought-after, but Ye Tian and their goals do not conflict. Ye Tian mainly looks at all-gambling materials, and because the whole-gambling materials are inaccurate. Not much, although the price will be a lot lower than half-gambling materials.

Ye Tian found that there were fewer full-bets in the venue, and most of them were half-bet. Maybe it's because the whole gambling material is not easy to sell, or because it can't sell high prices.

Unless the skin of the gambling is very good, it will be difficult to get accurate, and naturally fewer people will buy it. Some bad businesses even use stones to cheat people who do not know how to do it.

Of course, Ye Tian only focused on the material of full gambling, and the material of half gambling was not not at all concerned. He would also stop and study those auras of semi-gamble wool. Many of the materials here were just dug out of the mine this year. Even if a window is opened, the aura will not dissipate much.

He seemed to be walking around, but in fact his keen sense of consciousness had diverged out like the galaxy.

He did not deliberately seek it, and after half an hour he followed a wave of aura and came to a woolen material. This woolen aura with the number 8888 fluctuates greatly, just like a source of aura radiation, he felt it all the way through. When he saw the list price of 59 million euros in wool, he suddenly felt a little guilty, wasn't this the label king Su Xuehai told him.

Biao Wang, the most dazzling star at each stone gambling conference, because of the highest bid price, has won wide attention and is most talked about.

Compared with previous years, this year's Biaowang is particularly shining, with a record price of 59 million euros, totaling 450 million yuan. This year's public business traffic has surged compared to the same period last year, and this bidding king has also contributed a lot. Many people have come to this bidding king.

Of course, the wool with the highest price may not be the highest transaction price in the end. The highest-priced wool is actually called Biao Wang.

It is said that the owner of this year's King Biao is a general in the country of Myanmar named Aung Lai.

General Aung Lai was a household name in Burma. He was born in a family of soldiers, and he has a lifetime of horses and horses. However, his targets were not enemy countries or domestic reaction forces, but the drug lords of the Golden Triangle.

The drug lords of the Golden Triangle had eaten many territories of Myanmar, and General Aung Lai led his troops to capture them little by little.

The army he led was stationed on the periphery of the Burmese side of the Golden Triangle, and was close to the drug lords. There were smoke and warfare all day long, and human lives were like grass.

Had it not been for General Aung Lai to lead the country to guard the country, I would not have imagined how the Burmese parliament was scourged by drug addicts. Therefore, in the eyes of the people of Myanmar, he is like a people's hero, and has a high reputation and prestige.

In fact, General Aung Lai is not only a general, but also a big rich man, with more than a hundred emerald mines. The Burmese authorities once focused on nationalizing the Emerald Mine, but his mine has been preserved. Biaowang was mined in one of the mines, mid-year.

Perhaps there are many people who are right and wrong. General Aung Lai has worked hard to defend the frontiers and defend his country, but there are some bad voices about him in the society.

There are rumors that he was bought by drug dealers in the Golden Triangle and smuggled drugs with drug dealers.

There are also rumors that he is a drug lord himself, with huge drug planting bases and drug processing plants in the Golden Triangle.

There are also rumors that he owns soldiers and that the authorities have lost control of him. He earned huge wealth through drugs and emeralds, and then used these wealth to purchase arms from the black market, expanding arms and preparing for war, clearly suspecting of being a national throne. It is said that His Majesty's military equipment is far superior to that of the authorities, possesses many modern Western killing weapons, and even trained Myanmar's only special force.

Well, regardless of whether General Aung Lai is a drug lord or a hero of the people, it is a matter of his own country. The situation now is that a giant Jade wool from General Aung Lai appeared in front of Ye Tian, ​​and he was very interested.

Ye Tian did not expect that he would follow the aura of the aura to find the king of the signs, as if the ghost sent the gods to his surprise.

In fact, this is not surprising, because Biao Wang is always exuding aura, pure and rich, far beyond the comparison of other woolen materials. Ye Tian was attracted by Reiki.

Ye Tian suddenly thought of the piece of purple emerald he had bet on. This resilience of the standard king is very similar to that of purple emerald, whether it is purity or richness.

Is there a treasure in the king of beacons, but also the royal jade of glass?

Ye Tian couldn't imagine how big it would be if there was a glass jade royal purple jade in this piece of wool ~ ~. However, this is only his supervisor's judgment, and how he will study it in detail.

After "sucking" several large mouthfuls of strong spiritual pressure, Ye Tian began to look at the king of the standard.

There are a lot of people around Biaowang, but most people just look at it, take a picture, and then pat the **** to leave. After all, the price of hundreds of millions is not affordable for ordinary people.

In his eyes, he saw that King Biao was huge, slender, almost the same length as his height, and lay on a special wooden base like a lying cow's stone. This wooden base turned out to be rosewood, which was extravagant. The weight of Biaowang is written on the label, about 1.5 tons.

There is also a bid box on the side of the bid king. There is a bid and pen on the bid box, indicating that the bid king is a hidden bid and will not be auctioned on site. According to the calculation of 10,000 bids per day in the dark bidding, bidding number 8888 belongs to the first grade bid opening, and the bid will be opened on the fourth day of the public auction, which is the day after tomorrow.

Such a large amount of wool is rare. Because the conditions for the formation of jadeite are extremely harsh, the size of the rough jadeite stone is generally not too large, it is usually between a few kilograms and hundreds of kilograms, and it is rare to be able to reach half a ton of wool, and more than one ton is rare. It will take years to mine a piece.

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