Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 509: Purple Electric Yindao

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Lei Yin was broken, Li Yichen was suppressed by Ye Tian again.

Ye Tian was unpretentious, and Li Yichen was embarrassed. Anyone at a glance knew that he could not be Ye Tian's opponent.

Everyone was stunned, and the whole audience was dead!

Li Yichen is the most outstanding disciple of the young generation of Fengleigu. He is extremely talented in martial arts, young martial arts, and future fairy seedlings, so-called fairy seedlings. He is so powerful that he is not Ye Tian's opponent, isn't Ye Tian ...?

At least a young martial arts!

"It is a weird thing that the martial arts tradition of the secular world is backward, the dharma is incomplete, and it is possible to give birth to a young martial art."

Suddenly, he felt a little intrigued, thinking of a legend heard this time in the worldly world, the young Wu Sheng!

"Juvenile Wu Zong, Juvenile Wu Sheng, ..." He stared at Ye Tian with his eyes intent, and could not help but think of it.

At this time, Ye Tian ’s hands were still throbbing, and Jin Mang jumped at his fingertips, with endless mana surging and surging out. Suddenly he stretched his palm forward and made a push.

At this time, a weird scene happened!

After the golden day of the sun came out of the thunder sea, it stood proudly and suddenly seemed to be pushed by people, crushing Li Yichen in the past, the sky trembling violently and rumbling.

Ye Tian looked calm, surrounded by Jin Hui, like a god, who controlled the sunrise and sunset and pushed the day forward.

What a powerful combat force this was, Li Chundao was stunned.

"At such a young age, he has such great capabilities, and the young martial arts legend in the secular world may be him." Li Chundao's heart became more firm. Thinking back on all the previous things, he felt ridiculous, even wishing to accept a martial art as a disciple.

He has been teaching for more than 500 years in Qingshanmen, and has not yet born a martial arts saint, so he is only a low-ranking third-class sect.

The middle martial arts have Wusheng sitting town, and the upper martial arts have Dixian sitting town. This is the standard for dividing the martial arts strength by the hermit.

Li Chundao now knows that he has been used. It was no coincidence that he and Ye Tian encountered him, but Ye Tianshou was waiting for a rabbit. He was the rabbit that hit the tree.

Just now Ye Tian said that there was a grudge against Fengleigu. He was curious about what this grudge was?

At this moment, the golden seal of the Japanese Sun turned across the sky, as if a chariot crushed Li Yichen away. It was magnificent and inconceivable. Wherever it went, everything was burned. The hard bluestone road surface instantly melted into magma. After solidification appeared Eye-catching marks.

The golden golden sun is condensed by chaotic real fire. Chaos real fire is also called chaotic golden flame. The temperature is higher than the temperature away from the fire. The molten iron is like a hot knife cutting butter, without any effort.

Regardless of the physical crushing ability of the golden big Japanese seal, the temperature that is high enough to melt the steel alone is that the guru is afraid to rush forward and avoid it.

"Look for death!" Li Yichen sang.

After he fell from the golden jade jade to the ground, he quickly stood up again, with blood on the corners of his mouth.

Even if he fell into the downwind, he was still imposing, with long hair scattered, hunting in white, lingering on the moon and white light, and sending out two terrifying beams in his eyes.

In the face of Ye Tian's golden sun seal rolling in like a chariot, he did not shy away, with a bit of arrogance in his expression.

"Come here!" He shouted loudly, his voice trembling.


A sword drew around the purple electric Thunderman's body, bursting out of the golden jade jade, like a lightning, breaking through the void and rushing up the sky.


The sword broke through the air, sending a burst of roar, drawing a beautiful arc in the void, and flying into Li Yichen's hand. The purple sword surged out, thrown all the way, like a nebula, cold and glamorous.

Rumble ...

The sky trembled and the thunder exploded.

The sword drew a vision of heaven and earth, and thunder and lightning came into the world.

Obviously, this is a treasure!

"Purple electricity Yindao knife!" Li Chundao was stunned again.

This is one of the Zhenshan secret treasures of Fenglei Valley. Although it is not the highest level, it is worse than Zhenshan Thunder Seal, but it is also a rare treasure.

The purple electric thunder knife has been tempered in the thunder pool for hundreds of years. It contains the power of lightning and is a peerless killer.

It is rumored that the purple electricity Yindao knife is a scrap. Fengleigu wanted to be a peerless **** soldier, which was comparable to the sun and moon giant sword of the sun and moon sword palace. As a result, he tried his best and failed to meet expectations.

However, it did not meet expectations, and the Purple Lightning Yindao is also a rare treasure, ranking in the top ten in the hidden door. There was a martial art who was willing to exchange a spirit vein and was rejected by Fenglei Valley.

Feng Leigu really valued Li Yichen. He even gave him the purple electricity Yinlei knife.

"Unfortunately, a fairy seed is about to fall." Li Chundao felt a little gloating in his heart.

Li Yichen killed his apprentice, of course he couldn't wait for Ye Tian to kill him.

It was Li Yichen who had the Baoding Purple Lightning Yindao, and he did not consider it as Ye Tian's opponent, because Ye Tian was Wu Sheng and even slaughtered Wu Shengzhan invincible.

The invincible name is also loud in the Hidden Door. This person has made a lot of movements in the Hidden Door and stole cheats from many schools, including the Valley of Thunder and Thunder.

Li Yichen held the purple electricity Yindao knife, the momentum of the whole person rose sharply. The glory of his body is steep, the glow is dazzling, countless purple electricity is intertwined, and thunder is shaking. Purple electricity is blooming in his eyes, like an ancient demon awakening, exhaling the powerful power of swallowing mountains and rivers.

The purple electric thunder knife is about five feet long and almost one person tall. It looks like a perfect work of art, with extremely exquisite workmanship, a wide blade back, and a whole body of crystals. Numerous ray of purple lightning entangles on it, blooming brightly, the blade Sen Han was sharp, his sword-like breath was fluctuating, and a void followed the shock.

Li Yichen's purple electric yin thunder knife was in his hand, and he slashed down directly against the crushed Jin Ri Da Yin.


Accompanying with the sound of howling blades breaking through, a forest of swords of Dao Hanhan surged out of the blade body, forming a bright sword.

The sword slashed down, and a huge electric snake manifested in it. It was as thick as a bucket, several feet long, with scales, tails, heads, eyes, and mouths ...

The electric snake spits out the snake letter ~ ~ lifelike, and even the breath of life comes out.

This is Qi Ling manifestation!

The enchanted soul of a psychic serpent is sealed in the purple electric yin thunder knife.

The number of swords is like a big sword that cuts the sky, swallows the heavens and the earth, stirs the sun and the moon, and splits down like a tofu. Without encountering any resistance, it cuts the mountain-like golden sun seal into two.

Rumble ...

The cut two halves of the golden sun stamp rolled over the sides of his body, rumbling, and finally rolled into the woods by the roadside, turning into a sea of ​​fire.

"Go to death!" Li Yichen's eyes were red and he sang loudly.

As soon as the words fell, he struck again.

A number of Zhang Xueliang's swords descended into the sky, dazzling and dazzling, more horrible than the first sword, even the void was cut off, electric snakes manifested, and thunder roared. As if a blade of heaven punishment, acting for heaven, punishing heaven!

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