Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 543: Wind Thunder Valley Death

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Lei Jie has gone, and the return is distant. The elders all sighed with sorrow.

Compared to the peerless soldier, what is a fairy seed?

Wu Sheng holds the magic soldier, and when there is the power of the battlefield fairy, the strength of Tianxuan Jianzong will bring a level of improvement, and he will be able to sit more firmly on the throne of the largest religion in the southern region.

"Old ancestors, don't be sad. The time is up and the soldiers are not willing to be born, we will wait for a while." An elder comforted.

"Yeah, the anxiety is useless. I think it should be in recent years. The Tianxuan Excalibur will definitely shine out and reproduce the glory of the Sun and Moon Excalibur thousands of years ago."

"Well, I teach that if there is a thunder pool, use the thunder pool to refine the army, the Tianxuan Excalibur can be born at least 30 years in advance, why it took 80 years to spend endless manpower and material resources." Some elders sighed.

"Who said no, if there is a thunder pool, where can we wait for the thunderstorm to come to life, the thunder pool can replace the thunder disaster."

"I hate that the wind and thunder valley, even under the guise of too close to the elders retreat, closed the thunder pool, and did not teach me to use. In the past, it was taught to me, and the time was strictly limited, and long-term use was not allowed."

"If it wasn't for fear of being too vain, I would teach to wind down Thunder Valley and win the Thunder Pond. Such a miracle would fall into the hands of a third-rate sect, and it would be a violent thing!"

"That's too empty for thirty years. I'm afraid it's already dead. Fengleigu is just pulling a banner to make tiger skin."


A lot of elders talked about it, the more the words became more outrageous, it turned out to be a verbal criticism of Fengleigu, and it was shameless to push the responsibility of Tianxuan sword not to be born to Fengleigu.

However, he said that the two religions had formed an alliance in their early years, and it now seems that this alliance has long since existed in name only.

After leaving the Jianchi Pond, the elders rushed to Xiao Tianshu's house of the lord again, visited the ancient Hanyu of Xianmiao under the door, and asked the cause of the injury.

Gu Hanyu was in a coma for three days and three nights, and almost died, but was eventually rescued.

When the elders knew the reason for his injury, they filled with injustice.

"Feng Leigu deceives people too much, even I teach Xianmiao to dare to move. Is this a deception to teach me no one?"

"I teach that I want to step out of the Thunder and Thunder Valley and win the Thunder Pond. I am suffering from a nameless division. This is all right, and the name is right. I suggest starting the army today to fight against the Thunder and Thunder Valley!"

"Crying the wind and thunder valley, blood debts and blood compensation! A third-rate small martial art, how dare you go against the sky?"

"Strange things, why has Fengleigu ever had such a good boy? Han Yu didn't have a force in his hands, and even Chixiao was snatched away."

"Yeah, Han Yu is already in the middle of the transformation. Holding the Chixiao Feijian, he has the power to fight against the saint. Now he is easily defeated and lost in a mess. Is that young boy martial arts unsuccessful?"

"Juvenile Wu Sheng, what's the joke? I think Han Yu Bacheng was wrong, secretly, the three elder Zhang Junshan was doing it. The old guy always looked kind-hearted, but he didn't expect to start so hard. I must personally He can't cut it! "

"Han Yu also said that Fengleigu may have experienced a change, and Zhongxu Reality is still unclear. I suggest sending a few elders to secretly probe the reality and then make a decision! After all, the elders of Fengleigu are probably still alive. , And even rumors have repaired the Taiyin Shenlei, which is a major factor of instability.

"Take it to me, too! Wind and Thunder Valley must perish, and Thunderchi must be taught by me!" The elder Tai Shang suddenly stood up, his expression decisive, and his voice snoring.

Although his blood was dying, he could still glow with terrible divine power. His previous record, but not too inferior to the thunderous valley's taciturn son, for the Southern Region generation.


However, since Ye Tian beat Tianxian Jianzong's Xianmiao Ancient Hanyu for a half-dead, Fengleigu is also on guard at all times. After all, Tianxuan Jianzong is the largest religion in the Southern Region, and it is extremely powerful.

However, they were not very afraid, because Fenglei Valley has a Dinghaishen needle, Master Jiangnan Ye from the worldly world!

The elder Zhang Junshan was also thinking of a bad idea. He wanted the Tianxuan Jianzong to attack, so that Ye Tian could fight with them.

Although Ye Tian surrendered to Fengleigu, Elder Zhang Junshan and many disciples still regarded him as an enemy, and Tianzi No. 1 enemy did not dare to show it.

If Tianxuan Jianzong came over, Ye Tian defeated them, weakening Tianxuan Jianzong's strength, which would naturally benefit Fenglei Valley.

If Ye Tian is defeated and killed by Tian Xuan Sword Sect, the enemies of Feng Leigu will have to be reported. Similarly, Tian Xuan Sword Sect's enemies can also be reported, because only Ye Tian shot when Gu Hanyu was beaten.

The only thing Zhang Junshan can't guarantee is that if Tianxuan Jianzong wins, will the lion open his mouth and ask for some compensation, or the wolf ambition will swallow Fenglei Valley. After all, the Thunder Pond in the Thunder Thunder Valley of Tianxuan Jianzong is not news in the Storm Thunder Valley, even some disciples know it well.

Zhang Junshan considered all aspects, but did not expect that Tianxuan Jianzong would secretly kill the killer, and performed that shameful assassination.

This is an ordinary night. The stars are sparse, and the wind and thunder valley is shrouded in mist, such as the fairy house, hazy, and the main hall is looming ~ ~ Quiet and peaceful, I can't feel any murderous.

Zhang teaches the hall, a chic practice room, in which Zhang Junshan meditates and practices.

Suddenly a sound of footsteps approached.

Zhang Junshan suddenly opened his eyes, and two Shenmang burst out, breaking the window paper, while he jumped up and made a dodge motion as quickly as possible.

Almost at the same time, a snowy swordman broke into the window, speeding like a lightning.

This is a small flying sword with a large palm. It is black and full of light, and the sword is like the sea. It rolls up heavy waves and breaks the entire window. It is thunderous and thunderous.

Zhang Junshan gave a great sense of urgency.

His response was extremely fast, but he was still rubbed to the shoulder by Feijian, the skin fleshed, blood and water gushed, and the interlocking bones were cut off.

Awesome sword!


Zhang Junshan only screamed, and even too late to scream, notifying Ye Tian of Houshan that two more flying swords were flying.


Jianmang's disease is like electric light, sharp and cold, murderous, bringing heavy waves of sword energy, like the bright galaxy, the breath of killing spreads over the sky and cuts the void.

The speed of the flying sword was too fast, like a landslide and tsunami, coming and going, it was unexpected, Zhang Junshan escaped the first sword, but failed to escape the second sword, and his chest was pierced with a blood hole. The third sword was the most deadly. A large wound was cut in the neck, and the entire head was almost cut off.

Before returning to death, he widened his eyes and finally saw the people who assassinated him, the three elders of Tianxuan Jianzong.

This night, the blood of the Thunder Thunder Valley flowed into a river, and the bones piled like a mountain. Except for Ye Tian and Su Mengyao who practiced after the mountain retreat, no one lives!

Wind and Thunder Valley, a large gate in the southern region, is completely dead!

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