Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 552: Suzaku-style god

Although the child of Ibaraki is the body of a baby, his physical body is extremely arrogant. 35xs

When the Ambiente first offered it, the state of the flesh and the eggs cracked the mountain and stone ground. The iron eggs were astonishing!

Its hands are like wolf claws, sharp and unrivalled, shining metallic luster, as if made of tungsten steel. What's more, its small arms are capable of hitting no less than a bear.

This way, now it is five fingers into a knife, stabbing away at the head of Jin Jiashi King, it is extremely terrible.


It made strange noises in its mouth, sounding like a night owl, full of magic and sensational. That was its laughter, joyful laughter. The blood in his eyes was beating, and greedyness was almost turned into substance.


The King of Corpses Jin roared, and the sound of the tremor was a few miles away, and even the clouds in the sky were scattered. The first time he threw away the iron chain, freed up two big hands, and caught the little broken child sitting on his shoulder.

Ibaraki boy is not afraid of it. He is very confident in his attack. He must be able to open the head of King Jinjia's corpse, demand his life, and drink the brain inside.

It can already smell the fragrant smell, full of color and fragrance, and a large amount of tube full!

Because the king of the king of corpses is two or three as big as the average person, it must have a lot of brains in it.


A burst of loud bell-like sounds came out, like iron, and Jin Jia's corpse's brain was splashing with sparks, and Ibaraki's fingers were bent in reverse.


Ibaraki screamed like a child, grinning in pain and throwing his right hand for a while. It used all the power of feeding milk, that is, a cement wall could be pierced. I did not expect to encounter an iron plate on the king of corpses.

King Jinjia's brain is too hard, like copper cast iron, indestructible, its iron fingers only left a few superficial marks on it, even blood and water did not leak out.

Although the physical body of Ibaraki boy is also arrogant, but it is far from being comparable to the king of armors.

What kind of existence of King Jinjia was that during his lifetime he practiced the master, and after more than two hundred years of sacrifice by the Yan family who drove the corpse in Xiangxi, he became a gold armor, and his body was as hard as gold.

In the past two months, the king of the golden armor corpse bathed in magma, refined the earth lung fire essence, absorbed the earth spirit milk, healed the wounds in the early years, the body was born and reborn, the fighting power was comparable to that of Wu Sheng, and he also awakened the flame of control of the vein Art.

Now that his physical body is comparable to a superb golden body, how could a little ghost boy easily split his head with the palm of his hand?


The roar was thunderous.

The King of Corpses is furious, and the consequences will be very serious!

When the boy Ibaraki noticed something bad and wanted to bounce off the king of the armored king, suddenly his two big hands grabbed its two short legs.

These two big hands are like iron tongs, and their brute force is endless, no matter how hard they struggle.

Ibaraki boy is very fierce. Just now I want to break through the head of the king of corpses, and knock on bones and **** the bones, but the king of corpses is also a ruthless character. He lifted up the two short legs of Ibaraki boy, the tiger's body suddenly trembled, his arms exploded brutely, and he tore the Ibaraki boy like a tear, almost divided into two halves.

What a cruel picture!

this is……

Well, that's ...?

Suddenly, with a stunned sound, a small round meat ball fell from the torn "corpse" to the ground, dripping with blood.


The limbs were kicked out of the small meat ball.

A bang again, a little head popped out.

Who is not Ibaraki boy?

"Mad, it's the golden cicada shelling again!" The king of corpse Jinyi had a black line in his forehead, and his heart should be so defamatory.

Ibaraki's skin bag did not know how many, there was no play.

After Jin Chan's shelling, her two short legs kicked to the ground and bounced out like a toad.

Suddenly, a big foot fell from the sky, and it just jumped a foot high, and was stomped under the ground.

How strong the king of the armored king's foot was, stomping and shaking the ground.


The little thing was not trampled to death, yelling, and even tried to get rid of the shell, and escaped from the foot of the king of corpses.

At this time, a sudden scream came out from the lair of Chiyan Longjing.

It was Ambekin, and the boy Ibaraki was trampled under the foot of King Jinjia, and he was bitten back.

Ibaraki boy is his innate deity, and the ordinary ordinary deities have a bigger backlash.

He was standing by the magma pool, and the sudden backlash caught him off guard. He banged his head, fell down, and unfortunately rolled into the magma pool.

However, this old guy is also very happy and has not taken a lava bath.

I saw that the large magma pool, the original boiling magma inside, had dried up. Only the middle danmaru was large, and bubbles were still emerging. The hot heat was like a geyser, spewing from time to time, bringing together Crimson magma.


Good job for the King of Corpses?

Soaking the magma in a bath is really a ruthless person!


An Beijian roared in the lava pool, his face was black.

The mana is running in the palm of his right hand, and a pentagram of starbursts emerges, blooming brilliantly.

Suddenly, a blazing fire flew out, like a meteor, rushing out of the cave.

In the firelight, there was a high-pitched bird song, as if the sky drum was pulsating, ringing through the sky, penetrating the golden cracked stone, sharp and harsh.

The moment the fly shot out of the cave, the fire suddenly skyrocketed, manifesting a huge bird.

What a bird is like a phoenix, bathing in flames all over the body ~ ~ The scales are spread, fierce, and have a wingspan of 20 meters, like a bomber swooping over to cover the sky Day, endless coercion.

This is the Suzaku-style deity, one of the twelve-style gods sacred and sculpted by Anbei Qingming, the ancestor of Yin and Yang, thousands of years ago!

Although it is a spirit body, there is no trace of blood from the ancient Suzaku divine bird. This Suzaku-style **** is still terrifying and mighty!

Its wings were bathed in golden flames, as if the magma was flowing, and the flames were soaring into the sky. These are a pair of iron wings, hard and unrivalled, as if made of **** gold, like two broad knives, with the power to chop everything.


Bringing the flames of the sky, the Suzaku-style **** rushed away towards the King of Corpses.

At this time, the child Ibaraki was also trampled under his feet by the king of armor.

The small things used the golden cicada's ability to shell, and returned several layers of skins, but still couldn't escape.

Seeing the Suzaku-like **** flying, Jinjia Corpse King also felt a great sense of crisis.


Suddenly, he slumped under his feet, forming a big crack.

He can trigger the element of earth vein fire, and under the urge of mana, the crimson magma gushes out like spring water.

Then there was a moment under his feet, and Izaki was trapped in a crack in the magma.

Click! Click!

Magma cracks began to heal.

At this time, the Suzaku-style **** had already flew forward, and the Jinjia Corpse King Xun swooped and hid in a large pit.


The Suzaku-like **** passed by, leaving a sky full of flames in the pit. The head of a small hill was rubbed by its iron wings, and it was cut flat.


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