Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 599: League of Empires

"If you don't say anything, then I can only shatter your dead body and feed it to dogs." Ye Tian threatened, holding a captured tiger tooth dagger in his hand, on the gene warrior Squashed.


The skin of the gene warrior was really thick, as hard as iron skin, and the dagger swiped on it, making a sound of moving steel, sparks, and only a simple mark was made.

"Dare you! I urge you to release me quickly, otherwise, not only will you and your family die, your country will suffer. I am not kidding you, I am so big, you can't offend me."

He was very arrogant, that is, he became a prisoner under the ranks, and still maintained a high posture, showing how strong his inner sense of superiority.

"Ah ..."

Suddenly he screamed, and as soon as Ye Tian pressed hard, a blood hole appeared in his body.

The so-called copper tendons and iron bones are always vulnerable to absolute strength.

"You die for me! Trash!"

In the roar, he broke out with a fierce blow at the end of his strong crossbow.

He is a huge man, with the shape and normal state of the armored king of corpses. His arms are thicker than the thighs of ordinary adults. His bones and muscles have been strengthened and transformed. The flesh can shake the chariot with his bare hands. Elephant, brute force is amazing.

Wolverine-like claws are embedded in the back of his hands, and they are one foot long. I don't know what the material is. They are silver and white, sharp and cold, and iron-cut.

Suddenly he rose suddenly, clenching his fists, straightening his claws, and splitting Ye Tian fiercely.


Although it is just a claw, it cuts out the howling of the blade.

The three battle knives went side by side, blooming three seven-foot cold mansions, and finally converged into a matchless Xueliang sword, tearing the void, chopping the sky, and chopping to Ye Tian's head.


A blood-drenched tiger-tooth dagger slashed back, bringing up the sky's blood awns to meet the sharp claws.

He sneered. Although the Tigerfang dagger was also made of steel, it was not comparable to his sharp claws. His claws are the crystallization of the highest technology. Strange metal is mixed in it. The overall performance is unmatched. Cutting iron such as shaving can break hair.


Two cold weapons clashed, making a loud noise.

The result was a surprise for the Gene Warrior. His three claws seemed to be pinched by mud, and he was cut off by a tiger tooth dagger. The tiger tooth dagger had nothing at all, not even a gap.

"How is this possible?" He was startled.

That's it, he still didn't give up, the other hand waved out, the three sharp claws shimmered and extremely sharp.

The tentative ending of this temptation was even more tragic. Ye Tian stunned his backhand, a blood rush appeared, and his wrist was broken.

In the end, when Ye Tian threatened to make him linger, he explained everything.

"U.S. Emperor, it really is the same as I guess. I don't seem to provoke your country?"

"No provocation now, it does not mean that you will not provoke it in the future. Your growth is too fast, my authorities are very afraid to kill, and then kill quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to sleep and eat."

"It is really a domineering country, so shameless that it has no borders. If you are afraid of one person, kill someone. If you are afraid of a country, wouldn't you want to destroy a country?"

"Yes, my Great Empire has always operated this way. Now I said everything, can you let me go?"

"I'm not in a hurry. What's your hurry? I ask you, what kind of organization is your Imperial League?"

The genetic soldier gritted his teeth and said, "The organization is the same as your Huaguo Dragon Guard. However, my League of Gods is the largest super team in the world, far from your Dragon Guard. This is like the military strength of your country. Like the gap in the military power of our empire, it is a hundred years behind. "

"Is that so? There are such awesome super teams, why sent you this waste?"

The gene warrior's face was black. This insult was not accompanied by drafts. It was too hateful.

"I ’m just here to investigate the enemy ’s situation, not to do anything to you. I ’m just ordinary in the League of Gods, and there are many more powerful soldiers than me. Oh, by the way, my God ’s League has said that if you want to join My God League, we open our arms and welcome you on condition you can, money, beauties, ... "


Ye Tian picked up his sword and dropped his head.

Ye Tian has no doubt about the power of the League of Gods. After all, this is a super clan belonging to the first empire in the world, and there are countless natural talents. But fear is not enough. As long as it is a divine organization on the earth, there cannot be too much abnormal monsters, because the law of the road suppresses.

At present, among the monsters that have been born, the SS-class strong is the limit, comparable to the martial arts wonderland in the east.

Ye Tian is now an acquired spiritual state, one step away from the congenital wonderland. He can already feel that there is a avenue in the mundane world to suppress it. Similarly, the birth of SSS-level monsters is almost impossible.

Fortunately, Ye Tian found the hidden gate small world, and the upper limit of the avenue there was Dixian. After he accumulated enough in the future, he could break through Dixian in it.

Of course, the US emperor can not be underestimated. It can even produce the Awakener, Gene Warrior in an assembly line, and can reach the S-class combat power, and even the SS-class combat power. This is abnormal, and it will once again be invincible on the battlefield in the future. .

Of course, the SS level should be rare, and there are certainly not many S levels. Otherwise, if you set up a hundred-man S-level team, you can sweep a middle country.

This is a nuclear-weapon power. It is so strong that it is perverted and has to guard against it. It is likely to have a war with it in the future. Ye Tian thought so.

He now has to urgently improve his combat strength to be invincible in future battles.

Although his physical body can hold artillery, there is still a gap between hard anti-nuclear weapons and even some heavy killing weapons may cause trauma.

"My chaotic golden body has five changes to complete and it is only one line complete ~ ~ When the five elements are complete, when the world can hurt me, there are not many hot weapons. When my five elements are complete, the golden body enters Dacheng, it is very difficult for nuclear weapons to kill me. "

"Completing the five elements is not easy. I want the five elements to be successful, and I need some good chances."

After cleaning the battlefield, Ye Tian returned to the small world of the Dongshan enchantment.

Beimingxian Palace, the main hall, he sat cross-legged with his hands flat on top, and a section of Omura vine hanging between the palms of his hands. With the operation of the chaos method, Otomu spirit rattan was continuously refined, condensing droplets, crystal clear and verdant.

The droplet is Omiki spirit fluid, which contains endless vitality. A small drop can create a pure land, let the old tree spring, and let the withered grass germinate.

The healing power of Omoki Lingye is very strong. Ordinary monks dare not take it directly. They must be made into Omoki Dan or Omoki Dan. Otherwise, the flesh will lignify and become a tree.

Ye Tianben also intended to be made into Otaki Daidan. The encounter in the small world of the hidden door gave him a physical rebirth, and he also took Earth milk, soil can grow wood, and has no fear of the strong efficacy of Otaki Ling liquid. .

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