Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 659: Kill Hanking

Outside the hall, everyone was waiting anxiously. Especially Ning Xiaoyu, if it wasn't for Meng Yao, he would have rushed in already.

"Xiaoyu, give your brother some time, he can." Meng Yao advised.

"How long has it been? Why isn't it good? Is it my mother that she is already, already ..." Ning Xiaoyu sobbed, dare not to say any more, the tense nerve was on the verge of collapse.

"Xiaoyu, you have to believe your brother."

Mengyao's eyes were also red, and she held Xiaoyu in her arms, giving birth to some comfort.

Ning Haifeng was desperate, sitting on the stone steps and sighing. He is a teacher and believes in science.

"come in."

Suddenly, a voice shouted, a trace of exhaustion in the magnetism.

"Brother, what happened to mom?"

Ning Xiaoyu rushed in first.

Then, other mermaids came in.

Above the platform, I saw that Gu Xiaoman's entire body was glowing, his injury was healed, his eyes had been opened, his face was red and his spirit was good.

A fortune rune, five drops and five elements of chaos blood essence, massive otomi aura and earth mother gas, is like a peerless great dan, not only rescued Gu Xiaoman from the gate of the gate, but also opened up the meridians of her body, The body is almost reborn.

Her skin had become delicate and fair, and all the wrinkles on her face had disappeared and she looked radiant.

"Where is this? What happened?" She was confused, some memories were temporarily forgotten, and she looked at the strange surroundings.

When he saw Ye Tian, ​​he froze for a moment, asking vigilantly: "Who are you?"

This is her son. She didn't recognize it. It was not amnesia, but her son's change was too big. Her hair was gray and her face was vicissitudes. At first glance, it seemed like two people.

Of course, this is temporary. As long as Jingqi Shen makes up, the appearance can be restored as before.

"Are you, my brother?"

Ning Xiaoyu ran in with a look of astonishment.

Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

Ning Xiaoyu was crying, but Lihua was carrying the rain. He moved his brother to make a great sacrifice, and was pleased that his mother survived.

"Look, I said aunt will be fine." Su Mengyao helped Ning Xiaoyu wipe his tears.

"Xiaotian, it's hard. You look like this, oh ..." Ning Haifeng was distressed.

"Rest assured, Teacher Ning, I'm fine. My mother's injuries have recovered and she needs to be recuperated. You can take care of me."

Ye Tian turned around and left.

"What are you doing?" Ning Haifeng asked.

Ye Tian didn't answer, but there was a voice in my heart: Murder!

"Teacher, let me go with you." Meng Yao said.

"It's me. This kind of thing is more suitable for men to do." Zhao Tianlong was eager to try. Of course he knew what Ye Tian was going to do, and revenge Xue Xue.

The King of Corpse Jin did not speak, but in his expression he could see that he was willing to go to battle with the enemy with Ye Tian.

"No, you all stay, just take care of my family."

Ye Tian rejected everyone's kindness and left alone.

In Villa 8, a beautiful woman was sitting on the sofa, waiting for a long time. She called Ye Tian's cell phone over and over again, but couldn't get through.

"Why are you at my house?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded abruptly.

Then a figure of a mighty shore came in through the gate, accompanied by a sudden murderous look.

As soon as he entered the room, the temperature inside the room seemed to drop several degrees in an instant, making people goosebumps.


Long Xiaoyun was surprised and scarcely knew each other.

"Auntie, are you okay?"

After all, Long Xiaoyun is Long Xiaoyun, and soon came back to God, and made some reasonable inferences, why Ye Tian became like this.

On weekdays, she saw Ye Tianhui's various provocative gestures and all kinds of temptations, of course, all joking, but this time she got it right.

Even her dressing style has changed. It is no longer a hot leather jacket and leather pants, but a small suit, pencil pants, small leather shoes, clean and crisp, like a professional female white-collar worker.

"Who is the killer? Tell me where is the person?" Ye Tian answered the wrong question and was aggressive.

In his eyes, the flame of hatred was burning, and his pupils became golden, not because the chaotic golden body was opened, but because of congestion.

Teng Teng's murderous spirit rushed out of his body, blowing his clothes and hunting, almost turning into substance, making people dare not approach.

His appearance made Long Xiaoyun scared.

"Ye Tian, ​​don't be excited first. Sit down and I'll talk to you." Long Xiaoyun lowered her posture and said well, trying to stabilize Ye Tian first.

"I don't have time to talk to you and tell me everything you know. Don't force me to search your sea of ​​knowledge, it will leave a strong sequelae and even damage your mental powers."

Uh, uh ...

Ye Tian stepped forward, every step was rumbling.

An intangible pressure permeated, terrifying and terrifying, so that Long Xiaoyun's heart was born in the face of an illusion of ancient Warcraft.


She had just stood up, sitting on the sofa with another butt, leaning back, as if to be violated.

"It's Jin Shixun!" She had to tell the truth.

"Where is the person?"

"Not found yet."

"I found someone, and told me the first time, I'm going to crush him by hand!"

Ye Tian said fiercely, then the lightning usually disappeared in the living room.

Long Xiaoyun was relieved, such as amnesty.

She knew that the matter was no longer good, and Ye Tian had lost control and was likely to scoop up a huge basket.

That Jin Shixun was not an ordinary person and so on. Long Wei caught people and dared not kill them because the impact was too great.

However, the best situation now is to catch Jin Shixun ~ ~ and let Ye Tian kill to resolve the hatred of the heart. Otherwise, with Ye Tian's temper, he will surely kill Han Jing, settle the Jin family, kill the blood, and the bones will be everywhere.

Like him, a martial saint-like powerhouse is almost a god. Once heartbroken, the consequences are really dare not to imagine. It is not difficult to slaughter a family, and even slaughter a city is easy.

This whole day, Ye Tian searched six cities in the south of the Yangtze River, Chuzhou in the north of the river, and Haicheng, disappointing him, and found no trace of Jin Shixun.

Similarly, Long Wei also found nothing.

After all, it's too easy for a person to hide. Not to mention that Jin Shixun is an S-level psionicist.

When Ye Tian was scorched and furious, a provocative phone call came, and it turned out that Jin Shixun called, telling Ye Tian that he had returned to Hanjing, and admitted that he had been killed.

"If you have a seed, come to Hanjing to find me! Hahahaha."

In a wild laugh, Jin Shixun hung up the phone.

"Ye Tian, ​​don't be impulsive. There must be a conspiracy here." Long Xiaoyun persuaded.

Needless to know, the Jin family will deploy the Tianluodi net, waiting for Ye Tian to go to the net.

This crippled super-large family whose entire territory of Northeast Asia will be shaken, how terrible the energy that can erupt, and how terrible the Tianluo Di net will be.

However, where Ye Tian could hear it, Lei Guang's wings flew and people flew away. Target, Northeast Asia, Hanjing!

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