Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 681: Big and improper

"Ye Xiaozi, see no, my master can metalize his arms, this is the true metal power. You can only metalize with both hands, it's just a junior, it can't be an opponent."

"Is there more?" Ye Tian sneered.

"It's not going to be worse anyway. Ye Xiaozi, you just wait to be stabbed to death by my master!"

"It's really talkative!"

Ye Tian suddenly moved, surprising everyone, and he rushed over to Jin Shixun.

"Then I will make you a dead dog first." Ye Tian roared.

"Master, save me!"

Suddenly, Jin Shixun was not good as a whole. Like eating a dead rat, he deserved to panic and scared the six gods a bit. He is still seriously wounded, and the force field control ability cannot effectively perform, Ye Tian can slap him with a slap.

"Boy, your opponent is me. I want to touch my apprentice, unless I step on my bones." Zheng Dongao intercepted halfway.

He was wearing a silver armor, imposing and imposing, and was full of fighting spirit. He turned a big fist, and blasted at Ye Tian.

His metal control ability was really good. He punched out, endless metal particles in the world were driven, and even some metal blocks were decomposed into metal particles under the power of his control, and gathered into a metal storm. Folded on the tip of his fist.

When his fist exploded in front of Ye Tian, ​​it turned into an iron goblet the size of a grinding disc, like a big hammer, passing across the air, making a rumbling sound, terrifying.

"Big and foolish!"

Ye Tian stunned, and then punched up, the golden battle was raging, and a golden raging wave was drawn in the void, as if a golden sky and sky were hanging across the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth.

With one punch, the world is overshadowed!


Accompanied by the terrible sound of earth-shattering, Ye Tian's golden battle fist and Zheng Dong'ao's large iron fist blasted in one place.

Just like the scene with the wild beast Titan's fist just now, Ye Tian ’s small fist, endless power, and the large iron urn wrapped in Zheng Dongao ’s fist suddenly collapsed and turned into endless metal particles again. The gale swept into a metal storm in all directions.

Booming, the ground continued to sink, crack, and burst into the sky, covering both of them.

And this is just the beginning, then Ye Tian ’s golden fist is like breaking the bamboo, continue to push forward, and Zheng Dongao's silver fist banged a strong.

This was a physical collision, but the sound of a steel collision erupted, deafening, and sparkling sparks splattered.

Ye Tian's fists are golden, immortal like Shenjin, and the transparent feeling of glazed glass, exposing a vast array of golden light.

Zheng Dongao's entire arm can be metalized. It is silver, and his fist is also silver, just like Da Luo Yin Jing, with a bright glow.

"Daluo Yinquan!" Zheng Dongao roared loudly, bursting out a fist name.

His big Luo Yinquan has the power to open the mountain and crack the stone. One punch can blast the tank into iron slag, which is not harmful, but Wu Sheng dare not take his fist hard.

However, this time he met the nemesis, Ye Tian's Golden God Fist conquered his big Luo Yin fist.


The crisp sound of bone fractures sounded, Zheng Dongao's entire arm was bent, bent in the opposite direction, distorted unreasonably, and the silver fist was blurred with flesh and blood. The metal suit of his body was even shattered, broken copper and iron flying out, dust returning to dust, soil returning to earth, and finally the whole person flew out like a meteor.

"Ah, Master! This is impossible, why is this so?"

Jin Shixun, who was watching not far away, exclaimed in exclamation, and couldn't believe it was true.

"I have said that more does not necessarily mean good. Although I can only metalize my palm, my gold is immortal. Although your entire arm can be metalized, your master is broken copper and iron, no matter how much Useless. "


A large hole was knocked out of the courtyard of the Jin family mansion. Zheng Dongao fell into the Han River outside the courtyard and was very embarrassed.

The Han River, the mother river of Han Jing, passed through the city, dividing Han Jing into two parts, Jiangnan and Jiangbei.

The river is very wide and the water is deep. Bridges span the river, with different styles. Neon flashes on both sides of the Han River, the lights are bright, the skyscrapers are lined up in a row, the trees are shaded, the grass is lush, and the night view is very beautiful, so the Han River Night Tour was born.

Sightseeing cruise ships sailed slowly across the river, and burst into laughter and laughter.

"See, this is the mansion of the Four Star Family, Jinfu."

"It's so exciting to be so close to the richest family in our country for the first time!"

"This yard is really big!"

"Half of the Jiangnan area is from the Jin family, can it be small?"

"The courtyard wall is too tall, like a prison, even the power grid is installed."

"Listen carefully. Is something happening in the Jin's courtyard? Why is it so big?"


This is a whole-body white-painted sightseeing cruise ship. Although it is not as large as the Glorious Ocean Super Cruise Ship, it is not small. With a displacement of nearly 5,000 tons, it can carry hundreds of people for sightseeing at night.

Every time the cruise ship comes to the Jinjia Dazhai River section, it is the most exciting time for tourists, because the mansion of the richest family in their country is here.

In addition, the scenery of this river section is indeed very beautiful. The most urban center of the city is very dense ~

On the deck, there were many tourists. They gave pointers to the Jin family mansion, and there was an endless stream of discussions, all kinds of envy and envy.

Suddenly, a terrible thing happened, and I heard a loud noise. A large hole suddenly appeared in the tall courtyard of Jinjia Mansion. A figure shot out, like a cannonball, and fell to the Han River in.

What's happening here?

what happened?

Many people on the cruise saw the scene and were a little scared.

"Save it, someone has fallen into the water." I don't know who shouted first.

Suddenly, there was a mess on the deck, and the voices of yelling for help were rising and falling.

This is the most turbulent section of the Han River. The average water depth is nearly 20 meters, which means that even a good swimmer will hang up.


Suddenly, something terrible happened. A sky-high water column exploded on the river, and a whole body of silver glow leaped from the water column, like a god, hanging in mid-air.

The people on the cruise ship were stung again, one by one with high heads, watching this incredible scene.

People can stand in the air. Is this a movie?

The tourists' faces were full of questions, and it was not clear whether this was a reality or a dream.

Next, something even more incredible happened. In the courtyard of the Jin family, a golden figure with his hands on his shoulders came from the sky, and the sky shook and rumbled.

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