Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 807: Strong showdown

"It's impossible! How can you be so powerful as a fetus?"

The King of God growled like crazy and flew out.

The true arm ’s right arm was shattered, and his right arm was also severely damaged. His bones were broken, his bones were broken, and a bunch of blood beads were scooped out, which dyed the void into a gorgeous red.

"A bite of a fetal ant, do you really consider yourself a god? You are the true god, and I am butchered today!"


Ye Tian stomped himself in the void, transformed into a streamer phantom, broke through twice the speed of sound, as if a heavy artillery shell was vented, and collided with the true divine method flying backwards.

This time he did not use any martial arts skills, nor did he use any magical magical powers, and relied purely on the flesh to confront the true divine law.


A violent explosion sounded through the world, as if two meteorites were colliding.

A huge cloud ring transpired, and the terrifying air wave turned into a shock wave, sweeping in all directions, destroying and dying, breaking all the big trees in the arms.


The body of the true gods is like porcelain, with several cracks, and a large pit is sunken in the chest, but it remains intact.

Not far away, the King of God, who was also flying backwards, coughed for blood, feeling that his chest was suddenly bombarded by heavy artillery. If it was not arrogant enough, the blow would have to fall apart and turn into a pool of bones .

Ye Tian was also shaken backwards by dozens of feet, and his body was unharmed, but the blood in his body was rolling and boiling.

"It would be nice to be able to carry my flesh cannon, and come again!" He yelled, with a little excitement.


He stomped again and stomped the void, and the whole person rushed out like a breech cannon. The speed broke through the speed of sound instantly, and a white air wave was drawn in the void. Reached an astonishing three times the speed of sound.

This time, the true God of Law actually made a counterattack, raised the trident, and stabbed Ye Tian in the past.

The true divine law is as high as ten feet, the power is surging, the hand can be thrown up the mountain, the trident in his hand is as thick as a high-voltage electric pole, and it is pierced by a halberd. What a terrible power that pierces the void and emits a sharp With the sound of tears, the halberd's tip even burst into flames.


Each azure **** mang burst out from the tip of the halberd, and each one was as thick as a water tank, as long as one hundred feet, the ultimate condensate, the extreme sharpness, and the extreme brilliance, as if it were a peerless **** arrow.

Between the light and the flint, the true **** method stabbed 108 guns. A total of 108 water tanks were shot out of the azure gods, forming a dense array of gods. The entire sky was dyed. With the sky blue, Ye Tian overwhelmed.

Once the true gods have mastered the initiative, the power that erupts will be amazing. Although there is only a hint of Jin Dan, it is not something that the divine realm can parry.

Suddenly, a horrific murderous sweep swept the audience, and the coercion was so heavy!

All the onlookers straightened their teeth and shivered like sieve.

At this moment, they really seemed to see the advent of a Jin Dan true god, and a random blow could erupt the power of destruction.

"Kill!" God King gritted his teeth and growled.

He burned the essence and blood in his body, and the divine power poured out in madness. Not only was the injury on his body healing at a very fast rate, but the true divine aspect was also being completed at a very fast rate. Out.

"The essence and blood are burning so fast, there is no backhand, right?" Ye Tian said wryly.

"I have so many backhands, burning blood is just trying to kill you earlier." God King also exclaimed.

Ye Tianmu's eyes flickered. Although his tone was arrogant, his scalp was numb in the face of the overwhelming arrowhead forest.

There is a hint of Jindan in this arrow forest. Mo said that Shenjing dare not rush forward, even the land fairy has to be cautious.

Although Ye Tian's physical body is tyrannical, he will not be stupid enough to run directly into Arrow Forest.

In the flash of light, he flipped his palm and called the dragon pattern away from the fire treasure tripod from the space ring. He zoomed in at high speed, propped up in front of him, and used it as a protective weapon.


I heard a loud and loud noise, one hundred and eight heavenly gods were broken, and the dragon pattern was safe from the fire Baoding, but it was just hitting some pits.

The dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding is made of dragon pattern red copper, but it is an extremely rare metal between heaven and earth. Although it can not be compared with immortal gold, it is also a magical metal that can be used to condense heaven and earth treasures.

In addition to its superior material, the dragon pattern is also a rare spiritual treasure from the fire treasure tripod. It has been sacrifice for many years, and there are dense **** patterns on it. Needless to say, how strong it is.

Ye Tian propped up the dragon pattern Baoding protection, and easily broke through the Shenmang Arrow Forest, and finally rushed to the front of the true gods at supersonic speed, colliding violently with the trident in the hands of the gods.


The trident in the hands of the French phase collapsed into pieces.

After all, this is not a true trident, it is a combination of mana, and it is far from being as strong as a true trident.


After breaking up the trident, the dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding finally exploded on the body of the true gods.

However, due to breaking through many obstacles, Baoding's physical lethality decreased sharply, and only a few cracks were broken in the body of the true divine law, and the body of the law was destabilized.

"If you say yes, you have to play tricks. Okay, then I will play tricks too."

Ye Tianzheng said that the dragon pattern spewed endless flames from the burial of the fire Baoding, flowing down like magma, covering the body of the true **** of law.

For a while, the flames filled the sky!

This is one of the five elements of Lihuo, a different kind of fire in the heavens and the earth. The temperature is extremely high, and the true **** can be smelted.


The true **** of law fell, fell on the iceberg, and turned into fly ash.

At this time, the body of God King Retos was also emitting black smoke.

"Damn!" He scolded his teeth.

Ye Tian, ​​however, carried Baoding and flew over to him to experience the taste of being burned by the fire.


The King of God drank, his breath was so bad that both eyes stood up, glowing like a torch.

The trident in his hand swept away, and a huge piece of ice flew out, hitting Ye Tian like a shell.

Then he flew out and rushed to Ye Tian. The spears in his hands were stabbed out one after another, and the azure gods were brighter than the comet.

Ye Tianshen escaped, and almost all the gods and men passed him by mistake ~ ~ The icebergs and woods of the small world were ravaged and destroyed a large area.

The God King was like crazy. He was clearly attacking indiscriminately. A few unlucky onlookers died without his whole body under his attack.

"Don't you feel ashamed if you defend yourself innocently?" Ye Tian said wryly.

"It's just a bunch of ants. It's not a pity!" God King didn't care.

"Others are ants in your eyes, but I do not know that you are ants in the eyes of some people, such as me!"

The King of God dodged from side to side, and did not dare to run into Ye Tian again, but in the end, Ye Tian chased him. A record of Baoding exploded, his bones were broken and N roots were broken.

That's it, he's not dead!

"I am a descendant of the true God. He is inexhaustible and immortal. You can't kill me!"

The King of God vomited blood and laughed wildly, and he was so stupid.

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