"How can there be clouds? Mad, we seem to be in the sky, very tall. We are about to finish the calf again."

As soon as he fled, Liang Fei's screams rang.

The small world turned out to be in the sky. I didn't know it was a few thousand meters high, and he was free to fall as soon as he fled, which made him very restless.

It is now November, the northern hemisphere is entering winter, and the arctic point is entering night, and the sun is not visible all day and night.

However, the ground was white, and the huge ice sheet frozen in the Arctic was still faintly visible, and the scene was spectacular.


Somewhere above the North Pole, there was a sudden shock, and ripples rippled out of the void, but three figures flew out of the sky from the air, which was very abrupt.

Fortunately, there is no one here, otherwise if anyone saw this scene, they would have to be scared to death.

Ye Tian did not expect that the small world would float a few thousand meters above the sky, and immediately opened the thunder wings, Liang Fei and Sima Xuankong were once again included in the dragon pattern from the fire Baoding, and then flew like lightning. Gone, the target went straight to the small country of Aurora.

He is not in a hurry to return home now. He has a bill to calculate with the small Aurora country.

The aurora small country dared to attack him for no reason. First, the steel warship attacked the sea, and then three long-range bomber fighters were launched during the Arctic ice sheet. The fierce firepower was enough to wipe out a large city with a population of millions from the planet. It's almost lost.

Fortunately, Ye Tian's magical power is vast. If he changed to another person, even if he was a god, it would be likely to be killed.

Ye Tian and Aurora Small Country have no grudges and enmities. He came to this country for the first time. He just borrowed a word, but was attacked for no reason. Of course, he had to discuss an argument.

There is also the Imperial League of God. There is a big account that needs to be calculated well. Ye Tian can no longer wait.

The use of nuclear weapons this time shows that the Imperial League of God has no scruples in order to kill him. If he doesn't master the initiative anymore, give the Imperial League a little color to see it, the consequences will be disastrous, I don't know what other moths they will make.

As for Liang Fei and Sima Xuankong, he prepared to send them to the capital airport of the aurora small country and let them fly back by themselves.

"Mom, why hasn't Aurora appeared yet? I have to wait for the flowers to thank."

In a Boeing wide-body airliner flying over the Arctic Ocean, a four- or five-year-old boy was lying on a porthole, his eyes were soaring, he looked at the night sky outside the window, and wanted to wear it.

From the point of view of painting, this passenger plane belongs to an airline of the aurora small country, and the direction of the flight is exactly to the aurora small country.

"Stupid boy, Aurora doesn't have it every day. You have to be very lucky to see it." A beautiful woman sitting next to the little boy laughed with a look of kindness.

"Oh, I must be out of luck today." The little boy muttered, very lost.

Seeing this, the beautiful woman felt distressed, and touched the little boy's head lovingly, and said, "That's not necessarily so. You close your eyes, shout for one, two, three, maybe you can see the aurora. It always comes when people are most surprised. "

The beautiful woman was of course just teasing the little boy, but the little boy took it seriously and quickly closed his eyes.

"Wow, what a big bird!"

When the little boy opened his eyes, he was suddenly stunned. The Aurora didn't see it, but he saw a huge bird flying past the plane, his whole body was glowing, just like the little sun, very striking.

"Mom, come and see. There is a big bird that can fly fast." The little boy said excitedly, holding his mother's hand and letting her come over to see.

"Really?" The beautiful woman laughed as soon as she heard it, naturally refused to believe it, but turned her head and looked out the window.


"It's flying away, you see that white spot of light. It's flying too fast, it's already far away." The little boy pointed to a white spot of light in the night sky outside the window.

That white light spot was moving, much faster than the passenger plane, like a meteor, dragging a long tail of light, and flew out of the distance.

"Are you sure it is a bird, not a shooting star?" The beautiful woman laughed.

"It's either a shooting star or a bird. I saw its wings. It's very big and it's flying fast." The little boy said seriously.

The beautiful woman said nothing, but didn't break it, and let it pass as a big bird.

At this time, the two pilots were stunned in the cockpit.

"It has reached six times the speed of sound. What the **** is flying so fast?" The captain stared, staring at the white light spot that was going away at high speed, bursting into shock.

"Meteor, I think." The deputy captain was relatively young and made a judgment casually.

"It's impossible. Meteors don't fly so horizontally. They all go straight into the atmosphere and end up on the surface of the earth." The captain didn't agree.

"Will that be a weapon tested by a certain country, such as a hypersonic aircraft? I read in the news that many countries are now studying this thing, and the speed of flight can reach six or seven times the speed of sound."

The captain frowned, feeling that this was possible, and he suddenly felt angry again, saying, "The test firing of weapons actually entered the flight route, this is murder. Don't let me know which country is firing weapons, Otherwise I will definitely complain to the United Nations. "

"If it is a hypersonic aircraft, you do n’t have to guess which country it belongs to, it must be China. The country ’s achievements in this field are second only to Mi Di. The test shots have been very successful for several consecutive times, and have preliminary combat strikes. ability."

"What? Hua Guo?" The captain suddenly frowned ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ his face turned wild.

"Oh, I'm just guessing." The deputy captain smiled at this.

"If it is really Hua Hua, then his heart can be stunned. The heart of the wolf must be guarded! Hurry up and contact the control tower and say that there is an enemy attack, it is likely that the supersonic weapon from China will let the military do it early. Be prepared. "The captain turned wild and panicked.

The young deputy captain was so shocked that he couldn't keep up with the captain's thinking.

But after the captain explained, he suddenly "woke up."

The trajectory of this six-fold-speed white light is very consistent with the route of this flight, and it is likely to fly to a small country of Aurora.

If it is really a hypersonic aircraft launched by Hua Guo, then you have to guard against it, because the relationship between the two countries has been very stiff in the past two months, and even to the point of withdrawing from the museum.

Two months ago, a steel warship in the Aurora small country was split into two pieces by the young demon king, causing more than 2,000 deaths and injuries, shocking the entire world.

The responsibility should be borne by the young demon king, but the young devil disappeared in the small world of the Arctic Oasis, it is likely to die, and can not bear responsibility.

The juvenile devil is from the east, and the small aurora country puts the responsibility on the big eastern countries, unites the western world, and makes the big eastern countries lose money and apologize.

Of course, the great powers of the East rejected the unreasonable demands of the aurora small country, did not admit that there is a young demon king, and did not accept such a **** that a person can split a thousand-tonne-displacement steel warship, thinking that the aurora small country is slandering, bloodshed, and speculation.

As a result, the relations between the two countries were fraught and even the museums were withdrawn.

In the small country of Aurora, a large-scale violent crime of smashing, robbing and burning occurred against Chinese people in China.

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