The oriental boy wearing a mask turned out to be the young devil, and everyone in the field was astonished and could not believe it.

Because of the large-scale propaganda of the aurora small country and the scamming of the scams, the name of the young devil has completely resounded throughout the world, and it is even more famous in the aurora small country.

Of course, the aurora small country propaganda is all kinds of negative news. The young devil is an executioner who does not blink, kills the good of the heavens, and everyone wins it.

"Did he just split the Padre steel warship with one sword?"

"Master Joseph should not admit the wrong person, and this young man is really a young demon king."

"No wonder he is so powerful. He turned out to be a young devil!"

"Why do I hear that the young devil is dead, dead in the Arctic, why is he alive? Who is lying?"

There was an uproar in the audience, and the discussions were one after another. №ⅰ№ⅰ

Many people were terrified and fearful, fearing that the authorities could not surrender the demon king, and finally they would usher in the mad revenge of the demon king and plunge the entire country into disaster.

Of course, there are also righteous outragers, who yelled, urging the authorities to soften the hard, hard to die hard, use big killers, heavy firepower, be sure to kill the young demon king to comfort the more than 2,000 dead and injured in the spirit of heaven.

General Padre was under great pressure. He would never use the big killer because he knew it was useless.

The last time he killed the young demon king, he dispatched more than one steel warship, and three long-range bomber fighters. The firepower was enough to destroy a city with a population of one million, but all were killed by the young demon king.

In addition, he also learned that the Imperial League did not use the big killer a few times in the hunting of the young demon king, but it did not work.

Now he can only hope that Joseph and Augustus, the two best powers, will hunt down the young demon king.

Even if the two of them can't kill the young demon king, there are still powerful organizations behind them, the blood race and the Holy See.

These two organizations are too huge, and they have been passed down for thousands of years. The experts are like clouds and countless talents, and their comprehensive strength is comparable to a large country.

General Padre was confident that as long as Ye Tian offended any of these two organizations, he would eventually escape.

"Is he really the young demon king? If so, let's forget it, let's give in." General Padre stunned, looking helpless.

Augustus was slightly moved, and it seemed that he did not know the true identity of the young devil, but Joseph ignored him.

"You kill my maiden, it is hard to atone for one's sins!" Joseph said again, his voice was strong and powerful, two blood awns bloomed in his eyes, and a blood column rushed to the top of his head. It burned in general, and was imposing. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The blood maiden is actually the **** witch who was beheaded by Ye Tian in the oasis small world, the son of the blood king.

The oasis small world collapsed in the nuclear weapons, and all the people who entered it were dead, but the information inside was controlled by the Imperial League of God and recorded by the camera. The reason Joseph knew about this was, of course, that the Lord Al-Balov informed him. It was also because of this that he was willing to help the small country of Aurora, to deal with my big country in the East, and to deal with Long Wei.

"It's nothing to kill your maiden. If you dare to provoke me, you will be killed together." Ye Tian was extremely powerful.

During his speech, he trembled with his palms, the magnetic seal of the magnetism fell down like a mountain, fast as a meteorite crashed into the ground, and as if in no one's realm, the power of Joseph's seal of space was like a mash of paper. Lost.


I heard a loud noise, and the ground subsided into a huge deep pit, which was in the shape of a monument, reaching several tens of feet in depth. The destructive power was comparable to the impact of a meteorite, and the land ten miles away shook violently. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The imperial alliance's four strong men could not even see a trace of blood and mud, and they turned into fly ash and disappeared completely.


Joseph's pupils shrank sharply, and he was very surprised.

The power of his seal of space is not the magical power repaired by the flesh, but it is played with the help of the "savage spoon" of the Supreme Holy Blood. The power of the seal is unparalleled.

The fierce spoon is a magic weapon of space. It can not only control the space, but also open up space. Although the fighting power is not outstanding, these two space special effects alone are also among the top 13 holy vessels of the blood race.

Joseph couldn't think of it anyway. The Elemental Magnetic Seal is also a magic weapon in space. It can also control and open up space. Compared with his murderous key, all his murderous key seals will fail.

Yuanci Shenshan is a rare breed raised in heaven and earth. Ye Tian is just refined and integrated into the body. It is still an innate magic weapon. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The bloodline's fierce spoon is an acquired magic weapon.

Compared to innate magic weapons, acquired magic weapons generally lag behind.

"Master Joseph, rest for a while, I'll try his depth."

Augustus was full of blood and warlike spirit. Although he knew Ye Tian's true identity and knew that he might not be an opponent, he could not help but take a few moves with Ye Tian.

They exist at the top of this pyramid, and it is not easy to find an opponent.

For a warrior, the fastest way to grow is to fight, to fight against someone stronger than himself, to realize between life and death, and to find a breakthrough in life.

"You really want to hit me?" Ye Tian looked indifferent, his eyes squinting.

"Want to fight!" Augustus resolutely said. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"Then you are not afraid of death? Fight with me ~ ~ not only have to win or lose, but also have to die."

"If I'm afraid of death, I won't embark on this path. Furthermore, I'll fail."

"Okay, let's do it, stop talking nonsense."

"I'm a knight. Keep your knighthood. Put down your girl companion. I want to fight against you fairly."

Augustus stood on the steps in front of the court door, his voice was indifferent, and he did not intend to shoot suddenly, giving Ye Tian time to prepare.

He was dancing with blond hair, a red robe hunting and hunting, and the flaming sky halberd fell on the ground. The halberd pointed away from Gao Tian, ​​his blade was spitting blood, and a wave of killing swept out. He doesn't look like a paladin, but more like a killing god.

Ye Tian had a little surprise, but Augustus would never say such a thing.

Carrying Zhang Qian was indeed a towing oil bottle, so Ye Tian put her down and let her stay with a group of people in Long Wei.

The Dragon Guards were defeated, captured by Joseph, imposed restraints, and all lost their fighting power, lying on the ground in front of the court.

"Relax, I won't kill them by hand. As long as you can defeat me and Augustus, you take them away," Joseph said suddenly.

"Okay, I can consider leaving you a whole body." Ye Tian said lightly, still strong enough to make people palpitated.

Augustus suddenly moved, holding the Chitian War Halberd, stepped into the void, and launched a fierce offensive against Ye Tian.


The celestial war halberd trembled fiercely, sweeping out tens of millions of phantoms, and the void was blazing, as if it exploded in a big day, and made a violent sound like a stormy sea. The breath of destruction spread over the sky, like a wild animal from across the heavens. , Opened the mouth of the blood basin, biting Ye Tian away.

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