Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 853: Sword Cut Soul

"Master Joseph? Why haven't you come out yet?"

"Don't die in the magic weapon of the young demon king?"

"Impossible, Lord Joseph has a magic weapon in space, which can break the barriers of the dimensional world. Any void mysticism is invalid for him."

Tens of thousands of onlookers, as well as tens of millions of viewers who watched the live webcast, were a little anxious. The crowd was about to move, and the discussion sounded gradually.

Ye Tian ’s palm was lightly shaken, and the element magnetic seal disappeared instantly and integrated into the body, but a large golden key remained in the palm, as if struck by a dog, countless sword marks were densely covered, like a piece Ordinary broken copper and iron, I can see no difference.

The outbreak of the sword world is too horrible. It is the so-called holy weapon, which can't bear the terrible destructive power.

However, the fierce spoon was not completely destroyed, and it should still be usable after re-cultivation. №ⅰ№ⅰ

Seeing this thing, everyone's eyes were straight, stunned, unbelievable.

"Did I read it wrong? How does this look like the magic weapon that Joseph used?"

"You're right, this is indeed the magic weapon of Lord Joseph, the key."

"Oh my God, is it true that Lord Joseph was really killed by the young demon king?"

"I don't believe this is impossible!"

The onlookers in the audience looked as if they were ashamed.

The death of Lord Joseph represents their defeat, and the entire Aurora small country will be trampled by the young demon king.

What a terrible thing this is, it is too unacceptable.

Today, their small country of Aurora should have given a power to the great powers of the East, shook the big tree, and made the whole world look at it. I didn't expect it to be the end. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"You you, did you really kill Lord Joseph?" General Padre's two old faces were swollen with pig's liver, and one of them was swollen into a bun, how ugly and ugly.

The soldiers around him, as well as celebrities and politicians from all over the world, all felt anxious.

Ye Tian's gaze was faint, and he laughed without saying a word.

Suddenly, a bland murderous key burst out of blood, and it turned into a blood-colored Changhong at high speed, and radiated away from the distance.

In the blood, a figure was faintly visible.

"Juvenile Devil, you destroy my body, I and you endlessly. When I reshape the body in the future, I will be addicted to your flesh and blood and slaughter you!"

A vicious voice sounded through the sky, and it was Joseph's voice that came out of the blood. №ⅰ№ⅰ

His physical body was destroyed, but the spirit hid in the holy spoon holy weapon and escaped by accident. At this moment, he performed the blood sacrifice technique and fled quickly.

There are taboos in the blood to reshape the body. As long as his spirit can escape, he will be able to reshape the body in the future.

The blood sacrifice technique is an extreme sacrifice technique, at the cost of burning the essence of blood and Shou Yuan, the escape rate is far faster than other sacrifice techniques, and it is mostly used as the last life-saving means, and will not easily be used.

In the eyes of everyone, a blood rainbow rose into the sky and fled away, just like a rocket vacated, the speed broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and kept climbing, so fast that it was almost impossible for human eyes to catch.

"Willn't let him escape?"

Long Wei's people changed color.

The onlookers burst into cheers, as though Joseph was defeated, but glorious. №ⅰ№ⅰ

With a loud noise, Canglong smashed the big hammer in his hand.

The dragon battle will throw a flying knife.

Sima Xuankong also hit an ice spear.

As soon as Joseph's body was destroyed, the soul was left in vain, and eighty percent of his mana was gone, the restraint imposed on a few of the dragon guards failed. Now their mana is all back, one after another.

Long Wei's people shot together. For a time, the sky was full of swords and swords, chasing after Joseph who fled.

But it was of no use. Joseph's blood sacrifice was too fast. Ordinary weapons and spells could not catch up.

"Your Dragon Guard, and even the entire Eastern Powers, **** it. Just wait for the mad revenge of my bloodline! Today's revenge, I will repay you hundreds of thousands of times." Joseph again said arrogantly. №ⅰ№ⅰ

At this point he had escaped far, and could only see a small spot of light. But his voice, like thunder, can reach far and far.

"Since you say that, then I will leave you more." Ye Tian said before, looking extremely indifferent.

He slammed his sleeve gun suddenly, and a golden sword rainbow burst out suddenly, like a golden lightning, which was faster than Joseph's blood sacrifice, and much faster.

In just a few fingers, the golden sword rainbow caught up with Joseph, and the distance was shortened from a few kilometers to less than a hundred meters.

What makes Joseph feel more afraid is that this sword rainbow can even be locked up, no matter how he avoids it, he keeps up.

"Juvenile demon, how dare you offend my bloodline? You don't want to think about the consequences?" He looked wild and scolded. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"Where's so much nonsense, dying man. Take it!"

Jianhong broke through the air, sounded like a thunder, and rushed away instantly, beheaded at Joseph.

At this moment Joseph was flying in midair, and his blood was so hot that people in the whole city could see it.

The sword rainbow that Ye Tian played was even more horrible. It was a hundred feet long, and it could be called the sky. With a sword, the void above the entire city seemed to be split.

Those who are close will find that this sword rainbow is actually a long sword, and the rainbow is just the dazzling sword gas bursting out of the sword body ~ ~ Damn it! "

Joseph was finally scared at this moment, and his soul throbbed and shuddered. If he were flesh, he would be shocked with cold sweat.

Between the flashes of light and flint, he turned and turned into a figure of a catapult, and turned down suddenly, as if a meteor fell to the ground.

He is very wise to do so, because the city is below, there are many high-rise buildings, and the streets are densely packed and criss-crossed, which is more conducive to his escape.

As soon as he saw him, his body plummeted and he passed by a 100-meter-high skyscraper in the city.

"Oh my god, what did I see? Has anyone jumped?"

This 100-meter-high skyscraper is a five-star hotel. In a luxurious suite, a beautiful blonde woman stands by the window and is enjoying her delicious afternoon tea.

Suddenly, she saw a shadow falling from the window. The shadow fell so fast that she didn't see what it was, but faintly heard a terrifying cry.

She was about to look out, and a more terrible scene happened, and a sword sword that cut through the sky followed the shadow.

The blonde saw a sharp cold light passing by her, and a narrow gap on the window sill where only one finger could be accommodated. The gap starts at the top of the building and extends all the way to the ground.

A whole skyscraper was split in half.

What a shocking sword! ?

"Oh no!"

Above the ground, a blood-colored light group was chopped by Jian Hong, and a loud scream came.

After all, Joseph couldn't escape his birth.

"I'm not willing!"

In the scream, a ray of spirits turned into fly ash.

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