This time, the situation stirred by the young devil is too big, and the whole world is discolored.

The name of his devil is even more true.

League of Empires, headquarters.

The leader of the League of Gods, Barov, is always concerned about the situation of the aurora small country. Although he has expected the result, he did not expect that the young devil will win such a simple, absolutely crushing, sweeping thousands of troops with one blow, letting a country bow.

This kind of strength is almost a god. Mo said that pushing a small country horizontally, that is, some big countries in the world, is difficult to resist in the face of it.

Barov also had to admit that the strength of the young devil was above him, and it was impossible for him to kill the young devil alone. Even if all the members of the entire Imperial League of God come out together, they will win more and lose less.

The young demon king is a **** realm. If he wants to kill him, he can only use the strong **** realm. The realms below are all chickens and dogs. It is useless to send more.

Or, use the ultimate killer, nuclear weapons!

Although this time in the small world of the Arctic Oasis, the young demon king escaped from nuclear weapons, but the Lord of the League of Gods Barov still has confidence in nuclear weapons.

According to the information he has, nuclear weapons can kill the divine realm, and large equivalents of fission nuclear weapons can sweep almost all divine realms. And if you use large-equivalent fusion nuclear weapons, the ancient immortals will have to drink hate.

Now, a press conference is being held in the capital of the aurora small country, the Ministry of National Defense Building, and the lobby of the conference center, which is broadcast live to the world.

General Padre sincerely regretted the conspiracy of the Imperial League and attacked the young demon king.

Balov hated itching, but there was nothing he could do, and things were out of his control.

The whole world suddenly realized that the young demon king was wronged, and the Eastern Powers were innocent. Everything was worshipped by the Imperial League of God.

Of course, there are also some western powers that have also participated in this conspiracy and exerted pressure on the eastern powers.

As the culprit, the silence of the great empire seemed to be the default.

However, the Western powers are not calm, because of the young demon king ’s obscenity and fear of revenge by the young demon king, they have held a press conference for the first time to find various reasons, try to shed light on this matter, and throw olive branches to the eastern power .

The so-called Western powers have long lost their prestige, and they are all no less powerful than the small Aurora. Maybe in the front, they can still beat the young demon king. If the young devil is overcast, a sneak attack on the back can make them turbulent in the country in a matter of minutes and make them die in a few days.

Because of this press conference, Ye Tian washed away his guilt, won the favor of many people, and worshipped him as a hero.

Although the young demon king is strong, he has his own principle of action. People do n’t offend me, I do n’t offend. If anyone offends me, even the King of Heaven will give me some colors.

Isn't this the code of conduct most people follow?

However, more people still feared and hated him, thinking that he had been wronged. He was the first Aurora small country to hunt and kill him. He should not kill so many people, and his crimes are unforgivable.

Even others believe that General Padre was persecuted, but this is not the case.

"I am a sinner, I am ashamed of my motherland, and I am ashamed of my people. I take all the blame alone. Young devil, please forgive my country and let them go."

At the last confession, just at the press conference, General Padre killed himself and blood splattered on the spot.

The audience was dead and everyone looked heavy.

This is really a great tragedy!

General Padre is truly unpardonable and no longer has the capital to make a comeback. Suicide is his best ending.

"Juvenile Devil, is this what you want to see?"

"Are you satisfied with this ending?"

"Are you convenient to take off the mask? I want to take a close-up of you."

"Juvenile Demon, ask yourself, do you really have no guilt?"

Under the bold questioning of reporters, Ye Tian left the military building and showed his attitude. He and the Aurora small country were clear.

There is a doubt on the Internet: Is the young demon king going to avenge the great empire? Will they go to seek the League of Empires?

"I don't think the young demon king dared. When the military power of the great empire in the world topped out, a hundred aurora small countries couldn't compare. The young demon dared to go and be killed in minutes."

"I think so. When the great empire of the world had the world's premier nuclear arsenal, it could destroy the entire planet many times, let alone kill a human, even the so-called divine realm."

"The Imperial League of God is no small matter. It is the most powerful superpower organization in the world, capable of producing s-class powerhouses in an assembly line. The dragon of the Eastern Powers is like a kindergarten child in front of it, and it is not enough to look at."

"I heard that the League of Empires and extraterrestrial civilizations maintain contact, so I have mastered a lot of black technology beyond this era, and I don't know if it is true or false."

"Stop bragging, extraterrestrial civilizations, how is that possible? If there are extraterrestrial civilizations on earth, why don't they rule the earth by themselves? Is it interesting to find a dog leg?"

"Yeah, the great empire in the world has been mythologically by some people ~ ~ It is not as scary as imagined. Haven't heard that all imperialism is a paper tiger?"

"The young demon king is mighty and defeats imperialism. I will wait for the keyboard man to be your strong backing and shout to cheer you on the Internet."

The Internet is tumultuous. The great empire of the world was also preparing, and the three armies were mobilized.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case!

Of course, the biggest movement is the Imperial League of God, an organization where gods generally exist.

The divine realms are full of dragons, and it is difficult to find them in a short time, but the nuclear arsenal of the great empire in the world was abundant, with 10,000 pieces.

At the headquarters of the Imperial League of God, a Tian Luo Di network composed of nuclear weapons was quickly laid out. The high standard configuration is that even when the immortals come, they must drink and hate.

However, they were disappointed and many people were disappointed. The young demon king did not go to seek revenge on the imperial alliance, but returned home.

He did prepare to go against the League of Gods, but after listening to Long Xiaoyun's words, he changed his mind.

Two months after he disappeared, the enemies came to the door. Some bad things happened in the family. The king of the armored corpses sitting in Tianhai was taken away by an old man from the east, and Ye Chenghua, the father of Yancheng, was abolished by the king of heaven.

What made Long Xiaoyun speechless was that Ye Tian even cared more about the King of Corpses than his father Ye Wenhua.

"Amber Shengming?"

"Yes, the first Yinyang division of contemporary Dongyu, the descendant of Yinyang's ancestor An Beiqingming, an old monster who has lived nearly two hundred years old. I didn't expect him to be alive now. Strange, how did you offend him? You have intersections ?"

"Ambe, Ambe ..."

Ye Tian thought about it, and soon understood how the enemy came.

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