Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 863: East Amber

Toei, Kyushu Island.

A large snake is enshrined in an ancient shrine.

This big snake looks very strange. It has eight heads and eight tails, and is covered with black scale armor. It looks very intimidating, like ghosts, and it is daunting.

Yes, this is the famous fierce beast in the myth and legend of the East Dragon, the Yachi snake.

This shrine is also named after this, the Yaki Shrine.

Although the Hachigi snake is a fierce beast and is considered to be the embodiment of disaster, there are still many believers in Dongzhang, a country that is extremely respected for force.

The shrine is full of incense, and many people come to worship every day, not only ordinary people, but also the value of the hordes of the Eightfold Snake, which has also attracted many monks, hoping to receive its blessings and cultivate peerless martial arts.

Nourished by the constant devotion of believers, the statue of the Hachichi serpent became more real, and even had a sense of agility, as if born and reborn, transformed, and given life, black scale armor glorious, eight pairs Sixteen eyes are like magic lamps, and every night it will bloom with bleeding awns.

At this moment in the night, the shrine was closed to thank the guests. The statue of the Hachichi serpent seemed to have come alive, and the whole body bloomed with a ray of glow, permeating a weird atmosphere.

On a futon under the statue, an old man sat cross-legged.

When I saw him, his hair was whitish, his face was wrinkled, and his age was unknown. He was as old as a fossil, motionless, his breath was undetectable, and his heartbeat was almost stopped.

He is wearing a purple gold yin and yang robe, wearing a purple gold yin and yang high hat, and has an ancient style. He looks quite old, and has been washed a bit pale.

However, the breath permeating his body was extremely terrifying, and the void around him was distorted, collapsed and shrunk, condensing into a piece of iron, comparable to the iron wall of a copper wall.

On the statue of Baqi serpent, a ray of glow emerged, like a trickle, and finally converged into a long river of thought, like a golden waterfall, drooping down above the old man's head, watering his body.

Behind him, an eight-barred serpent looming, eight heads with large grinding disks swayed lightly, and the blood was widened, like a whale drinking water, greedily absorbing thoughts.

He is Amber Shengming, an ancestor of the Ambe family, and the first yin and yang master in Dongbei today.

Behind that, the big Qi snake is his destiny god, which has been refined into his law, which is related to his life.

At regular intervals, he will come to the Yagi Shrine to refine the sentient beings absorbed by the idols, which nourishes his destiny and nourishes himself.

This is the case, his aging is irreversible, Shou Yuan is about to reach the end.

Unless he can find the medicine to continue his life, or break through the wonderland, he can prolong his life.

Huh! Suddenly, a rush of footsteps came. A middle-aged man and a young woman were walking towards the shrine. They were in a hurry and looked anxious.

Huh! Just outside the shrine door, a man in black suddenly came out, blocking the door and preventing them from entering.

The man in black was extremely tall and as strong as a bull. He stood outside the door and blocked the entire door.

The breath in your body is very strong. Destructive power can erupt from raising your hands and throwing your feet. Obviously, it is an amazing master.

However, his expression was indifferent, his eyes were awkward, and his movements were almost mechanical.

"A beast, dare to stop me, get out!"

The middle-aged man who came came scolded.

The tall man in black didn't answer, and his expression was still indifferent, as if it were a wooden puppet, unmoved and left.

"I let you go, can't you hear me?

Let me go! "

The middle-aged man was so angry.

The man in black still stood as loose, like a door god, very competent.

Middle-aged men really couldn't help it.

"Dad, forget it! He is the grandfather of the grandfather's sacrifice, and he will only obey his grandfather.

Let's wait here.

Grandpa and Grandpa should be refining their minds at this time and can't be disturbed. "

Said the young woman.

She is extremely beautiful, her skin is as white as gel, and her figure is undulating and undulating. She is the palm princess of the Abe family, Abe Miki.

The middle-aged man with her is her father, Amber Long.

And the big man in black was the King of Corpses.

His suffering was tragic. After being taken away by Amber Shengming, he was once again refined into a zombie, a soulless trench.

He is the body of a zombie gold armor, born to be refined into a trench.

Although trenches and Shishin are different in nature, they are both war spirits.

Ye Tian snatched the two gods of the Anbe family, and Ambe Shengming took away the King of the Golden Armor and refined it into a trench, which is also reasonable.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, Jinjia Corpse King has a martial arts level, which is not much worse than the deities.

"It's a big event and can't wait any longer. You must tell your ancestors as soon as possible."

Abe Long said.

It seemed like something had happened, and he looked very nervous and very anxious.

"Let them come in."

At this moment, an old voice came from the door.

After hearing this voice, the king of corpse corpses quickly and respectfully opened the door, and asked Amber Longyi and Amber Maggie to enter.

"What panic?"

Ambei Shengming put away the eight-phase snake serpent image, the old **** was there, his face was neither happy nor sad, but the sound was a little unhappy.

He is refining sentient beings and hates being disturbed.

Both Abei Longyi and Abei Meiji bowed to the ground in a sincere and fearful manner, as if facing a **** and being reverent.

"Old ancestor, then the young demon king of Hua Guo, Master Jiang Nanye is alive."

Amberon said in a panic, kneeling on the ground, and dared not raise his head.

"is it?

so what?

Are you worried that he will come to Dongying to trouble our Ambe family? "

Amber Shengming said faintly ~ ~ As if it was a cricket ant, he could be crushed to death with one foot.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and two old mans burst out from the dark eyes, full of length and length, and penetrated the walls through two holes.

There is also a terrifying coercion, such as the storm raging and rolling the world.

Outside the door, the king of Jinjia's corpse shuddered and almost fell to the ground in shock.

"My ancestor, although Master Jiangnan Ye was a teenager, he was incredibly powerful, and he was promoted to the kingdom of God at a young age.

My Ambe family has to guard! "

Amberlong worried.

He watched the young demon king's combat power in the aurora small country on the Internet. One person can be an enemy country, and only one hand can cut the divine realm.

"Yeah, ancestor.

The young demon king will report, and he will be murderous.

We have captured his disciples, and he will certainly not give up.

To be safe, our Ambe family is well prepared. "

Amber Maggie also said.

She once saw the means of the young demon king with her own eyes.

"The juvenile devil has offended too many people, and all of us can join hands."


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