Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 867: Next post

All the big brothers were at a loss when they saw the comer, and the savior came.

This is an extraordinary existence, the future owner of the Dongbei Ambe family, Amber Ryuichi.

It is said that this person's one-handed yin and yang technique was superb, reaching the level of the magical realm. Looking at the entire Dongyu, the top yin and yang masters are.

Immediately after him, a young figure appeared, also dressed as a yin and yang division, with a strong breath, a tall body, an extraordinary hero, and an aggressive look.

"Su Jinglong, met Archer Amber."

Han King Su Jinglong first surrendered and worshiped immediately.

The hatred between him and Ye Tian is like the sea, endlessly, and suddenly a savior comes, of course he must hold his thigh tightly.

Seeing this, a group of big guys looked at each other and were about to move.

They were faced with a choice between surrendering Anbei Longyi and surrendering Jiangnan Ye.

They are a savior and a killer, and the strength behind them is very strong. It is really difficult to make a choice! Although Abei Longyi may not be the opponent of Master Jiangnan Ye, but the Abei family has a god-like ancestor, Abei Shengming.

Some time ago, the old man came to Tianhai once. There were big guys in the field who had the good fortune to see him. It was incredible. Hao Shou Bai Xu, He Fa Tong Yan, has a fairy style, like a living god.

On the comprehensive strength, the Anbe family, who has been passed down for two thousand years, must be above Master Jiangnan Ye.

With that in mind, it doesn't seem to be too difficult to make a choice.

"Chu Liancheng, meet Archer Amber."

Then, Chu Liancheng made a sincerity to Amberon.

He has no choice, Ye Tian will not let him go, there is still a chance of surviving Anbei Long.

Wow! Under his leadership, a group of big men had an idea, followed his footsteps, and stood behind Amber Long.

The situation suddenly became clear, and Master Jiang Nanye became an orphan.

"Let them go. They are all poor people."

Abei Longyi said to Ye Tian very seriously.

He was like an old hen, protecting a group of chicks behind him.

Of course, he was not kind.

In the meantime, these big brothers were of great use to him. Their Ambe family preached to the Central Plains and opened their doors to establish a foothold.

In the second place, he will frustrate Master Jiangnan Ye's spirit.

Ye Tian killed several people in the Ambe family. His younger brother Ambe Jian and his nephew Ambe Shunsuke died in Ye Tian's hands.

What made them intolerable was that Ye Tian snatched the two deities left by Qingming's ancestors.

Such hatred is not shared! If it wasn't for fear of hitting, he would have shot Ye Tian to death.

"Where are the cats and dogs daring to scream in front of me?

When can I get your hands on my work? "

Ye Tian coldly reprimanded.

"Presumptuous! Young devil, you're going to die, why not?"

The young man behind Amberon stood up and said, his eyes were wide and mad.

He is a high apprentice of Amber Long, named Takasugi Shupin, and is one of the best in the younger generation of Eastern Jushu.

"Why are you here to kill me?"

Ye Tian sneered.

"We can't kill you. Someone can kill you.

You are wicked ... "" Xiu Ping, shut up! " "

Abe Long suddenly scolded.

Then he said to Ye Tian, ​​"Juvenile Demon King, we will resolve your grievances with my Ambe family.

They are all innocent. Let them go. "

Although he is not very tall and strong, the burst of breath is very amazing.

He wears a black and white yin and yang high crown, and wears a black and white yin and yang robe. There is a slick movement between his eyes, as if the yin difference from hell.

"If your ancestor is here, I may look at his old age and sell him a thin slice of noodles.

You are a junior who is nothing, what qualifications do you have to discuss with me? "

Ye Tian turned his lips against each other and did not give face at all.

"Bold! Young devil, you are too arrogant. My teacher's house is kind and persuasive, but you don't know how to advance and retreat. Do you really think you are invincible?

As everyone knows, in front of my ancestor, you are nothing! We are here to give you war stickers, you will live shortly. "

Takasugi shouted, his eyes were congested, and he was very angry.

He even took a step forward and couldn't help it.


Snapped! Ye Tian raised his hand, the golden light flowed, and a large palmprint across the air exhaled, beating against Gao Su Xiuping's face.

Rumble! With a thunderbolt in hand, it was as if a chariot was swept across the sky, and the void was compressed and roared.

Seeing such a strong palm, everyone in the field changed color.

If this is drawn, the head will not blame.


Amberon drank a lot and shot quickly.

He squeezed his hands with his hands and hurriedly gathered a five-star star seal in the void. He pushed it in the direction of Jinguang's palm print and tried to stop it.

Click! Just like a piece of thin paper, the five-marked star seal was instantly overwhelmed by the golden palm print.

After all, he shot in haste, and the mana gathered in France and India was far from strong.

"Dog ghost, save me!"

Takasugi's pupils shrunk sharply, screaming loudly.

I saw a blood spurt from his mouth and turned into a monster with a dog head in front of him. He was two meters tall, had two horns on his forehead, carried a steel fork, and was wearing a black and white yin-yang robe. The majesty is fierce and fierce.

This is his innate deity ~ ~ Ghost! Suddenly, the wind and the wind roared between the heavens and the earth, and the whole room seemed to turn into Shura Hell in an instant.

Roar! The dog-ghost-like **** roared suddenly, and suddenly burst out, bursting into a mighty fierce power, and rushed to the golden light palm that Ye Tian hit.

boom! However, it turned out that the mighty body of the dog-ghost-like **** hit the golden light god's palm, which was not as strong as the five-horse star printed by Amberon's one shot, and was snapped.

puff! The blood splattered, and Takasuho flew across, half of his face was smashed, his jaw was thin, and his flesh was blurred.

Bang! His body hit a solid on the wall, and a pit appeared. The whole man leaned back and forth, hanging on it like a mural, and the whole man passed out.

"You you you ..." Amberon was stunned.

"What are you doing, dare to say one more nonsense and kill you together!"

Ye Tiantong's body was full of murderous qi, his voice was trembling, and it was shocking, as if a **** was killed.

"Okay! I don't care who you want to kill.

I'm just here to give you a message. One week later, my ancestor Shengming will go to the Central Plains to meet you and settle the grudges between you and me.

Don't shrink back then. "

"Really, that's great, and I do.

However, considering that your ancestor is old and has difficulty moving, I'd better go to Dongying. "


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