Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 874: Meet Qinghan

The Ye family was not just that simple. It almost became the public enemy of the upper class of Yancheng. They hated not to eat, and then quickly expelled from Yancheng.

Because Ye Tian made a lot of noises at Ye Yezi's birthday feast, several top families were offended almost once, especially the Huangfu family, the worst offender, and the two heavenly arrogants were abolished.

Now the Ye family is experiencing a change, the Huangfu family has risen strongly, and the high society of Yancheng has always stood on the side of the Huangfu family and beat the Ye family into the water.

The families that had been close to the Ye family have betrayed one another. For example, the Qiao family where Qiao Chenguang is located is one of them.

One of the most renegade rebellions in the Ye family was the Bai family.

From the moment Ye Tian killed Bai Minghao, Bai's son-in-law, the Bai family and Ye family were inseparable, and the relationship between the two was at an end.

Although Bai Susu was the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, she stood on the side of the Bai family, obeyed the words of her father and elder brother, and had promised to divorce Ye Wenhua, and to take away half of Ye family's property.

Now the Ye family ’s business territory is encountering the joint siege of the major families. It is when the funds are tight. At this time, the Bai family wants to take away half of the Ye family ’s property. It is pushing the Ye family into the abyss. Home may be over.

But where does the Bai family care about these, I wish the Ye family had finished their eggs earlier, and the iron heart wanted to divide the family property at this time and drag the Ye family into the abyss.

In addition, there are many families standing behind the Bai family and secretly supporting them. Among them is the shadow of the Huangfu family. The ambition of the wolf is obvious.

Many people said with emotion that the Ye family's qi was over, and they would finish it within a few months, and there was no possibility of returning to heaven.

The Qiao family betrayed the Ye family and took refuge in the Huangfu family, so at this moment Qiao Chenguang dared to be rough with Ye Lang.

His mad pursuit of Qin Qinghan was to avenge Ye Tian, ​​and some people behind him supported him to do so.

When Ye Lang knew about this, he had warned Qiao Chenguang not to do it, but Qiao Chenguang ignored him at all.

"Who is this? So arrogant, dare to hit people openly?"

"Isn't it also a suitor of Qin Dahua?"

"Just like him, it looks like silk at a glance. I don't have the qualifications to raise shoes for school flowers. I still pursue school flowers."

"People don't look good, maybe they are a rich second-generation, just low-key."

"It's the second-generation rich, and the ninth-rate. The demolished wealthy, the old hat, nothing."


A group of people pointed and pointed at Ye Lang, speaking sarcastically.

Although he was beaten even worse by Qiao Chenguang, after all, he took the initiative first, and few people sympathized with him, thinking that he was deserved, but many people applauded Qiao Chenguang.

The Ye family suffered, and one of his second ancestors was also excluded by the rich second-generation group, and his life was very miserable. In the past, he traveled and hugged, but now he is left alone.

However, he has something to admire. When the Bai family and the Ye family split, he chose to stand at the Ye family.

Although the Bai family promised him a lot of temptations, and even if he was willing to change his surname to Bai, he might turn the Bai family into his hands in the future, but he refused.

For this reason he not only fell out with Bai's house, but also with his mother.

"I spare you this time, and if the next time, I will kill you!" Qiao Chenguang said fiercely.


Like kicking a dead dog, he kicked Ye Lang several meters away.

Just then, an exclamation came suddenly:

"The school is out!"


A pair of eyes looked into the gate of the girl's dormitory building.

I saw a young girl wearing pink woolen pajamas and wearing pink plush slippers rushing out.

She was so casually dressed, even a little "draped," but it surprised everyone.

The slender girl was slim and slender, with a slim waist and unyielding grip. Her skin was as white as ivory, her teeth were bright, her lips were bright, her facial features seemed to be sculpted, and her beauty was beyond beauty.

She should have just taken a bath and her hair was not completely dry. Everywhere she passed, she brought a refreshing fragrance.

"I'm stuffed, did Xiaohua agree?"

"As long as the effort is deep, iron rods can be ground into needles. Dao Qiao confessed for a week and even the stone girl was moved."

"Congratulations, Big and Young, for the flowers."


There was cheering at the scene without knowing who started first.

Qiao Chenguang was about to leave. When he saw Qin Qinghan coming out, he was overjoyed, and quickly shook his suit. He bowed his head and showed his most handsome side.

He does have a good skin pack. There are not a hundred or fifty girls who are confused by him, and there is never a shortage of girls around him.

Someone hated Ye Tian, ​​and gave him a task, pursued Ye Tian's girlfriend, and gave up.

He was too good at chasing girls, and he hated Ye Tian very much, so he gladly accepted the task.

He confessed for a week, and at this moment he was finally going to bear fruit. He couldn't help but be a little excited.

"Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian, ​​you never imagine that your girlfriend will fall into my hands one day. You can rest assured, and I will treat her well." Han welcomed him.

"Qin Qinghan, don't be fooled by him ..."

Suddenly, Ye Lang crawled and rushed out halfway.


A bodyguard's eyes were so fast that he kicked him out.

"Miss Qin, you finally promised to meet me. It's so cold, why don't you wear thick clothes, you really can't take care of yourself." Qiao Chenguang smiled handsomely.

He was very considerate and took off his trench coat to put on Qin Qinghan.

Suddenly, another group of girls was moved.

Handsome and golden, good-tempered, considerate and considerate, the legendary male **** is just that, right? I couldn't find the second one while holding a lantern.

However, in the envious and envious eyes of the students who were watching, Qin Xiaohua didn't show his respect to Qiao Dao, but passed him by, just like he didn't see him, facing farther away. Rushing away.


"what's the situation?"


All people are dumbfounded.

Qiao Chenguang's face is also green ~ ~ It's embarrassing and shameful.

Everyone's eyes looked along with the running direction of the girl, and in the heavy snow, a young boy was coming forward, holding his arms open and smiling brightly.

The girl rushed unscrupulously, and finally put her in the arms of the teenager, as if a long-lost lover reunited.


Zhao Chu of the 508 dormitory of the Department of Archeology was shocked and recognized that the boy was here.

Wang Yan wiped my glasses, and the more he looked at the boy, the more like the boss in their dormitory.

At the same time, the young man also recognized Qiao Chenguang. His pupils shrank suddenly, his body was like a falling ice cave, and his soul was shivering.

"Mad, he's not dead."

He didn't dare to stop for a second, rushed into the car the first time, and left.

The devil is back, something is going to happen!

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