Huo Tingxiao is only a few years older than his cousin Huo Tingxuan. Being so young can successfully become a horseman, indicating that his talent is not bad.

I just, my cousin was born with a psychic constitution and was born close to the fairy house.

的 Adolescents of this constitution are called Lingtong locally. They are rare and very rare, especially favored by the fairy family.

As a horse fairy, Wu Lingtong can reach a higher level in horse fairing and benefit more people, thereby gaining more merit points, and ultimately benefiting the possessed fairy family.

His cousin was extremely talented. Huo Tingxiao couldn't match how hard he could work. In the end, he failed to be seen by the fox, and missed a chance to reach the peak of life.

"Huo Tingxiao, I know you have always wanted to be the grandfather's successor, so that the fox owl is attached to you.

In this way, I give you the opportunity, you let me go.

You know I've never been interested in Chu Ma Xian. "

Huo Tingxuan said, looking serious.

"It's a pity your psychic constitution."

Huo Tingxiao carried his hands, shook his head gently, and paced closer to his cousin.

"What do you mean?"

Huo Tingxuan gave birth to vigilance and could not help but step back.

"I mean, you have a psychic constitution, but you don't know to cherish it, it's really regrettable.

If I could have your physical talent, I would definitely be the best horseman in history, stay in the name of Qingshi, and be beautiful in the past.

However, with the help of the fox owl, I cannot become the best horseman in history, or one of the best horseman in the world.

My cousin, you should never, shouldn't stop me! "

Huo Tingxiao smiled, and a killing accidentally emerged.

"Huo Tingxiao, you are not here to pick me up.

怎样 What do you want?

I have promised to give you the opportunity.

After that I will run away from home and never show up again.

Aren't you willing to let me go? "

Huo Tingxuan said angrily.

He knows what his cousin is going to do, and it ’s really hateful to be selfish and hand to foot.


哪里 Where are you going to hide? "

Huo Tingxiao sneered, "With the presence of the fox, you can flee to the ends of the earth and catch you back.

So, only if you die, the opportunity will always belong to me, and I can rest assured. "

Speaking of which, his eyes became as fierce and fierce as wolf eyes.

There was a strange breath revived in his body. His right hand had five fingers spread and his joints crackled. He was about to start doing something to his cousin.

At this moment, a voice came suddenly: "This is your cousin?

It's so cold outside, why not ask to sit in the dormitory? "

Not too far away, a teenager was walking, wearing thin clothes, snow creaked under his feet, his waist was straight, his pace was steady, and he was better than walking in peace.

"Ye Tian, ​​don't come here, hurry up!"

Huo Tingxuan shouted, panic.

The young boy was Ye Tian. He continued to approach as if he did not hear Huo Tingxuan's warning.

Huo Tingxiao wanted to do something, and hesitated a moment when he saw someone coming over.

没 He didn't expect that in the moment he was hesitant, the cousin turned out to be preemptive and hit him.

As I saw, Huo Tingxuan's **** were linked, forming a strange handprint, not like a human hand, but more like an animal's paw. It was silvery, shining, shining into a streamer, and shot him suddenly past.

Huh! Hearing a dull sound, Huo Tingxiao was sturdy by the fingerprints on his chest, stepped back a few steps, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

He apparently was traumatized by this cousin's fingerprints.

Xie Yetian's eyes were slightly narrow. As he expected, Huo Tingxuan was not ordinary, but he could understand the arts, although he had only the lowest level of legal realm.

Huo Tingxuan didn't dare to fight in battle. After his cousin messed up his cousin, he ran away against Ye Tian, ​​reminding Ye Tian to run while running.

He knows that Ye Tian is a master of martial arts, which is very powerful, but his cousin is a master of magic and has great powers. He doesn't think Ye Tian will be an opponent.

他 In his concept, the technique must be above martial arts, which is a higher-level means of killing, just like the difference between high-level civilization and low-level civilization.

"Yes, yes, cousin, you are worthy of being a psychic body, and your blood is extremely talented, but with a little spare time, you have cultivated this Tianhu fingerprints to the third level.

I hate my hard work and hard work, but I have only cultivated to the fifth level. "

Huo Tingxiao shook his head, and was envious and envious again.

"If I have your talent and my diligence, I am afraid that Tianmu's fingerprints have already been cultivated to seven levels and eight levels, and the horse immortality can already be top-notch."

妖 His eyes flashed with a strange red mang, which was the hatred of jealousy.

Boom! A horrible breath erupted, and he had his hands printed, as well as a sky fox fingerprint, which was bigger, more condensed, and more vigorous than the cousin he had just made. He could even see the vague shadow of a white fox. Even better.

"Hehe, what do I see?

Is really eye-opening. "

Suddenly, a 嗤 laugh came, and it turned out to be a female voice. If it was daytime, it would be a bit sweet, and in this situation, it was a little scary, like a female ghost.


Huo Tingxiao's pupils shrank, his gaze looked like a hawk-head in one direction, and the Tianhu fingerprints that had just come out in his hand also stopped, and did not blast out to his cousin.

At this time, Huo Tingxuan rushed to Ye Tian, ​​grabbing Ye Tian's arm and fled, and suddenly a ghost appeared, blocking their way.

This is a young woman with a beautiful appearance, long hair, and a bit of beauty, wearing a yellow long dress, beautiful and frozen.

"Huang Xiaoxian, why are you here?"

Huo Tingxuan was shocked.

The girl in a yellow skirt laughed softly ~ ~ and said: "Huo Tingxuan, you have today.

If you ask me, promise to be my son-in-law of my Huang family, I hope I will save your life. "

Huang Xiaoxian, the young lady of the Huang Family's main hall of Huang Xian, is a young immortal teacher at a young age. She is well-known in the industry and can be regarded as a leader of the younger generation.

Huang Huo had proposed marriage, Huang Xiaoxian looked at Huo Tingxuan, but Huo Tingxuan had been drunk and had no idea what to do. He rejected the marriage, which caused Huang Xiaoxian's hatred and the relationship between the two was stiff.

"Going home son-in-law for another life, I think it can be considered."

Xi Yetian joked.

"shut up.

Where do you come from, A Cat and Dog? Here you are also talking. "

Huang Xiaoxian reprimanded Ye Tianxun.

Ye Yetian smiled, and did not have general knowledge with her.

Huo Tingxuan said to her, "Don't think about it."

"It's tough to die before you die. I think you're stupid to read."

Huang Xiaoxian shook her head.

"Do beauty save heroes?"

Ye Yetian was a bit messy. He was unstable for a while, and didn't take any action for a while, and watched the changes.

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