Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 937: Concession 1 step

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Hearing this voice, the elders and many disciples of Longhu Mountain looked solemn and awed.

This is the voice of the old crane of the Oriental Crane!

He had been in retreat, and the old man must have been disturbed by the war.

Everyone thought he was going to take a shot, and he was going to fight against the young demon king, but he never thought he would say such a thing, so that the elders would let it go and let the real people go.

This is admitting, admitting softly!

Although he spent a lot of energy when searching for souls, and his combat power was not at its peak, it was not without the power of World War I that he was still one of the strongest in the world.

The juvenile devil injured several elders and disciples in Longhushan, destroyed two Longhushan heavy weapons, and the war has destroyed Tianshifu once. The feud with Longhushan is endless. How can we Let him off easily?

Therefore, the elders who cast spells will be hesitant and do not know if they should stop.

Ye Tian looked in a direction, and found a quaint little hall on the top of the mountain. The wall was covered with patina, and it was a bronze hall. The voice came from this bronze hall.

"Is the Oriental Crane?" Ye Tian squinted and guessed.

The other party would show weakness, which was unexpected to him. He was still thinking about a big battle, stealing the town of Leiyin in Longhushan. If the other party had to admit defeat, it would be difficult to do so.

"The door is particular about detachment. It can be picked up and put down. Can't you put it down?"

Dongfang Crane's voice re-emerged, still sounding like a Dao Lun sound, deafening, as if a master of Taoism was teaching the disciples to the disciples.

Although he was standing high on the hill in the bronze hall, everything that happened outside seemed to be known, that is, all the emotional fluctuations of the elders could be grasped by him.

"I would like to hear the teachings of Dongfang Zhang. I waited for greed. This put the person away." Jiu Xuan said in a deep voice, and his attitude was very low, so he quickly collected Zhenshan Thunder Seal.

Although he did not quite understand Dongfanghe's words, he believed that Dongfanghe said that there must be his reason and his consideration.

Maybe Dongfanghe thinks that the young demon king is too powerful, and he can't deal with it above Longhu Mountain.

Perhaps it is the background of the Oriental Crane that is afraid of the young devil.

And, possibly other reasons.

Dongfang Crane is the old palm teacher of Longhu Mountain, a generation of legends and one of the strongest in the world. The words spoken are boundless. Everyone dare not follow.

The rest of the elders also received mana in turn, as if fighting a defeat, feeling down.

Today's battle is destined to be portrayed on the pillar of shame in the history of Longhu Mountain, and the faces of the ancestors have all been lost.

Since the other party threw an olive branch and took the initiative to admit defeat, Ye Tian naturally gave a step down, for whatever reason.

After all, Dongfang Crane is a generation of legendary figures. It also has great prestige in the secular world, and it is also worthy of Ye Tian to give him a face. Although the heart of this old guy may not be so pure.

At this level of his character, he reached the top and overlooked the world. All beings were as ants to him. The only thing he pursued for the rest of his life was transcendence, and for transcendence he could do everything. He has now come to an end on the road of Divine Realm, and Shou Yuan is almost at the end, and he is extremely eager for detachment.

It was the cave that Ye Tiangang found when he came in, and two disciples from Longhu Mountain walked in and brought out the real person without boundaries.

Seeing the real person without bounds, Ye Tian was furious immediately.

This is a real person in the mysterious realm. He was tortured into a shameless way, with ragged clothes, yellow muscles, and eyes blinded.

Ye Tian concluded the soul and soul contract in the soul of the real person without borders. When the mind moved, he knew that the soul of the real person without borders was damaged, so people looked a little dumb.

This is caused by the soul search. In order to be able to get the immortal skills in the real soul of the boundless world, the Oriental Crane searched for three days and nights. If it were ordinary people, I don't know how many times I have died.

Moreover, the method of searching for souls in Longhu Mountain is too low. Searching for souls is simple and rude, which will cause great damage to the souls of those who are searched. Even the soul-searcher was uncomfortable, like the Oriental Crane. After three days and three nights of soul-searching, he spent a lot of energy and spirit, as if he had been searched by the soul.

If Ye Tian were to search for the soul, this would not be the case. Why would it take three days and nights to search for a person's soul in minutes, and it would not cause much damage to the other's soul.

"Master Ye, you are here."

The real person without borders could still recognize Ye Tian, ​​and worshiped it in the head, but it was kind of mechanical and muddy.

"Who did it?" Ye Tian yelled, his anger was extremely extreme.

Peng! Peng!

Two clusters of flames emerged from his eyes, burning the void.


There was also a horrible breath coming out of him, filling the entire small world of the enchantment instantly, letting the small world ’s boundary membrane swell, hunting and hunting, as if it could not bear to burst.

Under the heavy authority of the mountains, the disciples of Dragon Tiger Mountain either fell to the ground or fell to their knees, trembling, like a god.

Since coming to Longhu Mountain, Ye Tian has been passively defensive, and he has burst into real power. At this moment he saw the real person being boundlessly tortured into a state of unprecedented anger.

Even the elders of Longhu Mountain were stunned, their souls throbbed deep, their qi and blood were disordered, and their mana could not run freely.

In other words, the two gods are too calm and can remain calm, not controlled by his coercion. However, they can still feel the horror of Ye Tian and the disparity of each other's strengths, so that they have the illusion of being taught by the old palm of the Eastern Crane. The old palm teaching broke out with all its strength, and it was so horrible!

"Juvenile Devil, what do you want to do? My Dragon Tiger Mountain has taken a step back. Don't you know what to do?" Jiu Xuan yelled angrily.

The Zhenyin Leiyin was again held in his hands by speaking, and the mana was urged in case of accident.

"Boundless real people have betrayed me in Longhu Mountain, and naturally have some hardships. I have a few soul-sculptors here. You can take them back to eat them, and they will be intact within a few days." Nanming Tai Shang said.

He reached into his arms, took a few pills, and threw them to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took it in his hands, and after looking at it for a few moments, Kaka squeezed it thinly, and then angrily said, "A few inferior Pei Yuan Dan, also want to confuse me to be a soul-stealing Dan, do you think I'm blind like you ? "

Ye Tian was revealed on the spot, and Nan Mingtai immediately became black with two old faces.

This is really just a few pieces of Pei Yuan Dan, not Soul-Shaping Dan.

The refining of Suhundan is too difficult, and Nanming's ability to be too high cannot be refined. In addition, the herbs required by Danfang of Soul of the Soul are quite precious ~ ~ It is not easy to get together.

If Longhu Mountain has a soul-sculpting medicament, the old man of the Eastern Crane teaches soul-searching where to retreat for a few days after he has searched the soul.

"Pei Yuan Dan Gu Ben Pei Yuan also has the effect of shaping the soul." Nan Ming stubbornly said.

"Pei Yuandan does have the effect of shaping the soul, but your inferior Pei Yuan Dan has not even eliminated the toxicity. It will not only sculpt the soul, but it will also harm the body. I think you are deliberate and harmful to me The thief is immortal! "


Nanming Tai almost vomited blood.

"So what do you want?" Jiu Xuan asked warily.

"I wo n’t bother you if you ’re hurting. I can make my own remedy to help him rebuild his soul. But if you have done so much damage to him, ca n’t you justify it without making some compensation? I see you This thunder mark is good, or it will be treated as compensation for the damage suffered by my apprentice. "

As soon as Ye Tian said this, the elders and disciples in Longhushan suddenly became furious!

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