Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 941: Help you protect

"It was me who was greedy and hoped that the heavens and men would be able to atone for sin." Dongfang Crane said positively, and once again spoke with a bow.

Although he said very seriously, he could still see regret in the depths of his eyes. He regretted that he could not find the immortal law from the soul of the real person without boundaries. He regretted that Ye Tian was too powerful. He wanted to compete and win. Have weakness.

"Although I don't know your true identity, but you have such a practice at a young age, so amazing and brilliant, you must have a certain immortal method, which is far beyond what I can learn from the incomplete final method. If There are still people in this world who can make the earth fairy, you must be one of them, at least years, as many as ten years. By then, the Pope of the Holy See also achieved earth fairy, not as good as you. The first person in the world is invincible on this planet, and even the great empire in the world is afraid to face your edge. "

"There is no shortage of immortals, straight to Dixian Avenue, or even higher, who can not look down. Unfortunately, all this has nothing to do with me. If you are weak, I can still fight, now you have grown up It's sharp, if I take a shot, it's tantamount to finding my own way. "

Dongfang Crane said sullenly, he was heartbroken, which was a bad idea in his heart, and the conspiracy was not concealed.

Although he found another way to achieve immortality, it was another desperate road, which was too desperate.

If it is someone else, bow down to Ye Tianmen, call Ye Tian a teacher, and after gaining trust, maybe he can be taught immortal law.

But the Oriental Crane, who has lived for nearly two hundred years, is a legend. Where can I get this face? And he had offended Ye Tian, ​​even when he knelt down on the ground, Ye Tian would not accept him as an apprentice.

After listening to Dongfang Crane's words, Ye Tian was not surprised. When he discovered that the real person was searched by the soul, he could guess that Longhu Mountain captured the mind of the real person.

It is said that above the abandoned earth globe, it is in the cultivation of immortals. An inexhaustible immortal method is precious. It is the essence of any martial art. Only the best disciples can cultivate.

Longhushan wanted to find the fairy law from the real people without boundaries, it was too foolish.

As everyone knows, although Ye Tian's teachings about the real people from the endless world come from the Xiuxian Realm, they are only nine-level, and they are still incomplete. Even if the cultivation reaches the end, they can only stop at the **** state.

Although the real world is Ye Tian's apprentice, he is not valued.

It is not willing to bow down to Ye Tianmen, but because the defeat, the two sides signed a spirit contract and were forced. Sorry, he sold it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian accepted him as an apprentice, just to let him use it for his own purposes. Because at that time, Ye Tian was not strong enough and had a weak influence, so he needed to cultivate his own influence.

With this relationship, how could Ye Tian teach his complete higher-order exercises.

It is Zhao Tianlong. Although his background is not good and his background is average, he has won the trust of Ye Tian. His teaching "Taikoo Dragon Elephant Gong" has a higher grade and is far superior to the teachings of the infinite real person.

However, if Real Life Realm does well in the future, Ye Tianwei will not take him as one of his confidants and cultivate him well.

"You said so much, did you want me to let you go?" Ye Tian looked indifferently.

Dongfang Crane talked a lot with him. For others, it is the secret of the earth fairy. Rumors will certainly shock the world, but for him, it is basically nonsense. In other words, the Western Holy See practiced by the power of faith. The contemporary Pope may be a half-step immortal, which put him on his mind, and he was wary of the Holy See.

"I really savage Ye Tianren. However, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Tianren to want the compensation of Zhenshan Leiyin from Longhu Mountain. The two heavy weapons of my dragon and tiger mountain are extinct. Dingluo and Yantianhuagai have been destroyed by you, Zhenshan Leiyin said nothing to leave. If Ye Tianren insists, I will fight with you even if I die my life. Otherwise, I will have it after my death. He faced me to teach the sages of all ages. "Dongfang crane voice cried.

There is a thunder mark hanging on his head, and the thunder light is all over the body, as if numerous thunder dragons are entangled in his body. This moment is unprecedentedly powerful.

Although he knew he was not Ye Tian's opponent, it seemed that Ye Tian did not want to defeat him so easily.

Longhushan's elders and disciples were also on guard, as they were facing the enemy.

Ye Tian groaned for a moment, and did not forcefully ask for Lei Yin.

After all, this Thunder Seal is the treasure of Zhenzong in Longhu Mountain and cannot be easily given to him.

Moreover, this Lei Yin is not absolutely necessary. I think he ’s reincarnated from the immortal world. What kind of magic weapon has never been seen. The Leiyin of Zhenshan in Longhu Mountain is just an ordinary spiritual treasure. If you look at it from his previous life, it is like rubbish.

Therefore, it is not necessary for him to win the treasure in a strong way.

"Then what do you say to compensate?" Ye Tian asked a step back.

"If I remember correctly, a few days later, Ye Tianren and Dongbei Yinyang Master Abe Shengming had an appointment. I can help you protect the road to prevent accidents, so as to compensate me for your debts to Longhushan. What do you think? "Dongfanghe said, some words were shocking, not only Ye Tianyi, but also the elders and disciples of Longhu Mountain were staring for a while, some were not quite understandable.

"Go to Dongluo to help me guard? Do you think I'm not that Amber Shengming's opponent?" Ye Tian sneered, apparently dissatisfied with the suggestions made by Dongfang Crane, and some even thought it was funny.

"That's not ~ ~ Ambe Shengming is just a level with me, it's not very powerful, how can it be Ye Tianren's opponent. However, the Dongren people are cunning, you go to Donglian alone, Do you really think there is only one Amber Shengming? I ’m afraid that all the ancestral gates of Dongbei will treat you as a public enemy. Although Dongbei is a small country, martial arts and martial arts have deep inside information. Finding out three or two **** realms Not difficult. "

"So what, the small projectile country is only a small projectile country after all, there are some details, I can also step on my feet." Ye Tian said proudly.

"Thanks to Ye Tianren's ability, Dongzhang really can't help you. But don't forget, besides Dongzhang, you have offended many enemies, the Holy See, the blood, and the Imperial League. Any of these three forces can It ’s overwhelming. If they jointly attacked you in Dongying, would you really be reckless? "

"Did you know my enemies so well, what information could you have received?" Ye Tian sneered at him suddenly.

"Ye Tianren joked." Dongfang Crane changed his face slightly, and said, "Your enemies are well known to the world. They will attack you in Dongyu, it's just my guess."

"Really, then I would like to thank you for your reminder. However, it ’s okay for you to help me protect your path. You and I have never lived, and I ca n’t believe you. As for the compensation for my real people, Zhenshan Leiyin me Please don't. Take me to the medicine hall of your refining hall and let me take some medicines to compensate. "

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