Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 945: Lost contact

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In less than half an hour, five furnace spirit molds were released, and Dan became a masterpiece.

This type of magic is too magical!

However, as for the soul-sculpting Dan is the middle-class Lingdan, both Dongfanghe Laozhangjiao and Nanming Taishang are skeptical.

"It can't be Zhongpin Lingdan, I must have read it wrong. I can make Zhongpin Lingdan at any time, because I teach Tao Lingxian Masters who don't have this ability. Unless this boy is the legendary Dandao Guru. "Nanming Tai shocked in his heart, unbelievable.

He had witnessed Ye Tian ’s entire alchemy process just now. He waited for the elixir, which was dazzling, and he did not understand.

However, when they saw the effect of Soul-Shaping Pill, they couldn't help but believe that it was Zhongpin Lingdan.

Ye Tian took one of the five Soul-Shaping Pills and served them to the real person.

Suddenly, the spirit of the Realm of Realms shook, only to feel that the soul was being baptized, and the wound healed at a very fast speed.

The surging medicine power of Plastic Soul Dan caused a raging wave in his consciousness. The barriers were broken and the medicament reached the depths of the consciousness, inspiring a more powerful spirit.


A light golden soul burst out of his forehead, as bright as a flame.

This is the ultimate condensed spiritual power, also known as divine knowledge.

The mental strength has become stronger, and the physical vitality of the boundless real person is also recovering, as if returning to old age, full of vitality and full of strength.


With no thoughts, the real person flew, and a burst of spiritual power flew into a stream of light, like a sharp blade, hitting a small hole deep in the hard stone wall.


The real person rushed out without boundaries, looking at the small hole in the wall, with an incredible face, and said to himself, "Is my spirit so powerful?"

Dongfang Crane and Tai Nanming were also startled, as if witnessing a miracle.

They are both divine realms, and it is impossible for spiritual power to knock holes in the walls. That can only be done with godly knowledge.

With a thump, the real person on the horizon kneeled in front of Ye Tian and thanked him.

This time Ye Tian not only saved his life, but also made him blessed by the disaster. He was deeply grateful.

Nanming Taishang was greatly stimulated, his face was dark, and he froze like an eggplant beaten by cream. Daoshu can't compare with others, Danshu can't compare with others. The only pride in his heart was stepped by Ye Tian, ​​and he was trampled.

The Oriental Crane did not feel frustrated, his eyes glowed, and he stared at the remaining four soul-sculpting dans in Ye Tian's hands.

His soul is also hurt, and there is a demand for the soul-sculpting dan.

Of course, even if the spirit is not hurt, he also wants to get the soul-sculptor because the effect is so amazing. His body is dying, but there is still room for improvement.

When he offered to buy a soul-sculpting dan, to his surprise, Ye Tian did not refuse him.

In the end, he took out a hundred spirit stones and exchanged them for a soul-sculptor.

This kind of thing, which is only found in the immortal world, is almost invisible in the secular world. Longhu Mountain even has a spiritual stone in its collection, which shows its profound heritage.

After eating the soul-sculpting dandelion, the oriental crane's mental strength suddenly improved a bit, and his consciousness was like a knife. He even hit a half-foot deep hole in the wall, and he could differentiate up to five ideas at a time.

Seeing the transformation of Dongfang Crane, Mr. Nan Ming was also tempted, but he finally resisted.

Next, Ye Tian continued to practice alchemy, and Nan Ming Tai observed it carefully and remembered it. Although he could not understand it, he slowly figured it out, which would greatly benefit the growth of Danshu.

I saw that with the release of a panacea of ​​medicinal herbs, there were fewer and fewer medicinal materials in the medicine cabinet.

Ye Tian's alchemy speed is too fast, the slowest can be one furnace in half an hour, as fast as ten minutes in one furnace, it is just the production of elixir in the assembly line.

Both Taishang Nanming and Dongfang Crane were secretly crying, and then they knew that Ye Tian had played a trick and suffered a lot.

But they had something to say first, even if they regret it, there is nothing they can do. They can only watch a bunch of medicinal materials fly into the Dan furnace, quickly refining them into a piece of Dan medicine, and Ye Tian puts it in his pocket.

However, he said that while Ye Tian was hiding alchemy in Longhua Mountain Yaoge Jinhua's fighting room, the news about him had spread to the sky.

His decisive battle in Tianshifu was witnessed by many people. First, the ten elders were hanged, and then the two divine realms were too aggressive and severely abused. But when he went to the depths of Tianshifu, people disappeared.

This change caused many people to have a bad hunch and think he was dead.

"In the legend, there is a small enchanted world in the back mountain of Tianshifu, which is the true essence. The young demon king disappeared in the back mountain of Tianshifu, probably into the small enchanted world." Someone on the Internet revealed the inside Road.

Although Dragon Tiger Mountain is hidden deep, but the netizens can not bear the magical powers of the vast world, even the enchanted small world of Dragon Tiger Mountain knows.

"In the small world, the young demon king must have had a war with Dongfang Crane Laozhang ~ ~ unfortunately we ca n’t appreciate this wonderful battle. The young demon king has n’t appeared yet. I have suffered a poisoned hand. Alas, a generation of juveniles are so proud, it is so regrettable! "

"It's impossible. The elders of the ten mysteries and the two gods are too close together. They are not opponents of the young demon king. Can an oriental crane fight the young demon king?"

"Yes, will the young demon king defeat the Oriental Crane and step on the whole Dragon Tiger Mountain under his feet, and he is eating and drinking in the small world of enchantment?"

"Oh, step on Longhu Mountain under your feet, you are too underestimated, and Oriental Crane is the last of Longhu Mountain. Forty years ago, Oriental Crane could defeat Amber Shengming, today he must Can defeat the young demon king. "

"In the past two thousand years, Longhu Mountain has suffered many disasters, but it has always stood still. There is a reason for this, God ’s Dragon and Tiger Mountain!”

"Isn't the people in Longhushan always active on the Internet? Why are you diving now? Bubbling one, let me give you some information."


Tianhai City, the small world of Dongshan, Ye Tian's family is anxiously waiting for the news.

When Ye Tian came to Longhu Mountain, they didn't follow up because they didn't want to mess up Ye Tian and help. But now, Ye Tian can't be reached. The news of Ye Tianbing's defeat of Longhu Mountain on the Internet is so overwhelming that they can't sit still.

"Wait, wait, Xiaotian will be fine." Ning Haifeng comforted everyone.

Gu Xiaoman was also pretending to be calm, and rosary in his hands, praying to his son.

When it was almost dawn, Su Mengyao finally didn't want to wait any longer, and said, "No, I'm going to Longhu Mountain to see."

"Alright, let Lao Zhao accompany you, be careful about everything." Gu Xiaoman said.

Then the two set off in a car, anxious, and went straight to Longhu Mountain.

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