Rebirth Of The Queen

Chapter 215 - 215. Daddy And His Daughter

However, in the end, he chose to take Fu Xie Lan's place.

"Let me help you, Grandpa."

Emperor Fu Qing who heard the voice immediately looked up, his eyes immediately met with a very handsome young man. He is Wan Lie.

Is there any problem with his ear? The young man called him Grandpa?

He immediately turned his head towards Fu Xie Lan, but the girl was looking in another direction.

And no matter how he looked, the young man who had just called him grandfather looked older than Fu Xie Lan.

While the three figures standing behind the youth only frowned at Wan Lie's unusual behavior.

"Ah, that is fine, right? If I call you as a grandfather?" Wan Lie said quickly when he realized his mistake.

"Sure, son," replied the Emperor with a smile, look likes not bothering the call he was given.

The commander-in-chief who heard this smiled. As usual Emperor Fu Qing remained friendly.

As for Fu Xie Lan, the girl just sighed at Wan Lie's words.

"Let me, Xie Lan," he said immediately releasing Fu Xie Lan's hand on the middle-aged man's arm.

Hearing this, Gu Yi immediately pulled Fu Xie Lan closer to him in such a slow and gentle motion.

Whereas Fu Xie Lan felt that she still wanted to be near her father after all that middle-aged man was Fu Xie Lan's real father. But still the feelings she felt also belonged to the real Fu Xie Lan.

Clara and Fu Xie Lan were the same souls.

That means that Emperor Fu Qing is also her father right? Sometimes she also wants to feel what it's like to have a father.

Because in her previous life, since childhood, she had never seen what her father and mother looked like.



They walked up the stairs, while the crowd of guests who had previously filled the hall immediately dispersed and returned to their respective activities, as did those who previously filled the arcadia inn-yard.

"Daddy, rest first. Later this afternoon we will meet again. There are many things I want to ask and tell you," said Fu Xie Lan when they were right in front of the Emperor's room.

"Really? I feel the same way," the middle-aged man replied.

"Enjoy your time, Dad," said the girl again.

"Well, thank you," said the Emperor. Look, even the emperor is so polite with his daughter.

"You should also rest. Even though it's still very early, I haven't seen you sleep since last night," Emperor Fu Qing said to his royal commander in chief.

"No need to look after me," he added.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty," the commander-in-chief replied with a slight bow.


"So you were in that prison when I was ten?" asked Fu Xie Lan to the emperor Fu Qing.

Currently, they are relaxing enjoying the air during the day, sitting on the gazebo in the middle of the arcadia inn garden. At first glance, people might think that those sitting in the gazebo are just ordinary people.

It was because Emperor Fu Qing was only wearing an ordinary suit that seemed so simple. No frills robes and crowns of his greatness.

"Erm, that's what I remember. And after that I don't know what happened here anymore," explained the middle-aged man.

"Does Daddy know that the concubine and Fu Xi..."

"The commander-in-chief has told me everything," said Emperor Fu Qing, cutting off word's Xie Lan.

"So all this time, where have you been living? To who?" he asked again without waiting for Fu Xie Lan's response.

"I'm with them, don't worry," she said as he turned to Wan Lie and the other three.

"But, aren't they wizard?" asked the Emperor, frowning. He didn't know that Fu Xie Lan was also included.

Previously, when the commander-in-chief told the incident that had happened in the palace, the man had not mentioned the name of the person who had protected them all from the black witchs.

Just telling the outline.

While the royal commander in chief chose to keep the emperor private for the time being, at this moment the commander in chief felt like beating himself up for not giving detailed information to the ruler of the Zu Kingdom.

While on the other hand, after hearing that, Xue Ning and the other two who were behind Fu Xie Lan glanced at each other and exchanged glances. The girl did not sit in the gazebo, neither did Ju Xian and Xue Ying. The three of them chose to stand behind Fu Xie Lan as if guarding her.

"Those with me are not black witch, Daddy. They are a good attitude, don't worry," replied Fu Xie Lan.

"Thank goodness," Emperor Fu Qing smiled again for the umpteenth time.

His eyes occasionally scanned them all there, but more often stole glances at where Gu Yi was.

Not without reason, because the Emperor had been very curious about the man who always clung to his daughter. Even so, he did not dare to ask any questions, considering that the people he was with were not human beings like him.

"You are one of the very lucky ones, Fu Xie Lan," said Fu Qing suddenly after the conversation had been paused for a few minutes.

"But I'm so grateful you're still alive," he added.

"I still remember when you were just born, the healer said that your age would not last until one day after being born into the world. And sure enough, it happened. You who were born at night stop breathing before it even reaches dawn. But after a few minutes, the magic happened."

"Your lost breath suddenly appear, and then returned to acting like another child.."

And this time, you came back safe wish luck to always be with you," Emperor Fu Qing said.

"It's all over, Daddy. Forget it. The most important thing right now is Daddy's safety first. Don't think about the past. Let everything be a memory," Fu Xie Lan replied.

"Please, Your Majesty," suddenly a voice from the side caught everyone's attention.

The woman's hand appeared to contain snacks and several cups containing refreshing drinks. Judging by the clothes she was wearing, one could know that the woman was one of the maids who worked at the arcadia inn.

The commander-in-chief who was standing right next to Emperor Fu Qing immediately received the food carefully and then placed it on the table that was right in the middle of the gazebo.

"Ehm, Fu Xie Lan. I want to ask you something," said the emperor to Fu Xie Lan.

"What is it, Daddy?"

immediately Emperor Fu Qing's eyes scanned the gray-haired man who was next to Fu Xie Lan. Since earlier the man seemed very close, close in an unnatural sense.

Just imagine, right now, at a glance, the man with the gray hair looks like he is holding Fu Xie Lan on his lap.

Gu Yi, who understood the meaning of the emperor's gaze at him, smiled faintly. It's so faint that no one notices it.

"I am Gu Yi, Fu Xie Lan's future husband.

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