Rebirth Of The Queen

Chapter 287 - 287. Old Book: The Story Of The Wingless Fairy

As if understanding Fu Xie Lan's words, the bird flew back and landed on her forefinger. Gripping firmly while flapping its wings, as if pulling her to stand up and take the book in question.

And of course, Fu Xie Lan followed the bird's wishes, using the mana in her free hand, she pulled the book out without needing to stand up.

And at the same time, the bird let go of its claws, flew to Fu Xie Lan's side, and perched on the swing where she was.

Looking at the book that was in front of her, it looked worn out. Brown color with a slightly peeling edge of the cover. Not too thick, if Fu Xie Lan estimated it might only be around a few pages.

The girl slowly opened her book, and the first thing that entered her sight was just a picture.

In the picture, she can see several winged fairies flying in groups, and there is also someone just walking down there.

Looking at the color on the image of the robe he was wearing, it seemed that both the walking and the flying people were the same fairy race. It's just that the person who appears to be walking doesn't have wings like the others.

In the picture on the first page, Fu Xie Lan more or less understood what it meant.

Turning to the next page, the wingless fairy was seen walking alone, with a dejected expression, and there was no one around her.

Fu Xie Lan concluded that the fairy was ostracized because of her differences. Not having the wings that were the hallmark of her race made the fairy constantly gloomy.

Fu Xie Lan opened the page again, the wingless fairy seemed to be sleeping and had a dream.

On the next sheet, the fairy is again depicted walking alone, only her facial expression has changed. A face that is no longer sad, looks very happy.

Fu Xie Lan continued to open the page, the wingless fairy entered a very dark forest, only the moonlight seemed to light her way, the full moon was perfectly depicted on the page.

The fairy was seen walking continuously through the forest until she came to a lake which was described as having very clear water.

The lake is in the middle of an uninhabited forest.

Turning the next page, the wingless fairy is pictured jumping into the lake at that very moment, with a very calm facial expression.

"Eh? Suicide?" Fu Xie Lan muttered.

Immediately opened the next sheet, the fairy was not found again. Just a picture of a lake with ripples moving waves in slowly.

"It turns out that she did ..." Fu Xie Lan's words trailed off when she saw the picture on the next page.

The wingless fairy reappears in the picture, no, not without wings, because in the picture a pair of wings appear behind her back. A pair of wings that are so wide, transparent white looks and various shades of different colors fill it. As if all the colors of the rainbow seemed to form several different patterns, filling the pair of wings.

Fu Xie Lan continued to flip through the pages without stopping, paying attention and digesting all the meanings of the images that filled every page of the book.

Although the color has faded a little, it can still be seen clearly by her.

On the next page, a picture of a happy expression is plastered on the fairy's face.

Slowly coming out of the lakeshore while flapping her wings slowly. The robe that the fairy was wearing was already torn cause of the wings.

Also, the knee-length dress she was wearing was torn at the back, revealing her skin.

So far, Fu Xie Lan still understood the meaning of the image.

Opening it again, the Fairy returned to her home through the forest she had passed before with her dress torn at the back.

ToFu Xie Lan's knowledge, each fairy only had one color on its wings. Never has a fairy had more than one color on its wings? Different from that fairy tale who suddenly has a pair of wings with a variety of very beautiful color combinations.

The painting of her smile looks so clear in the picture. This indicates that the fairy is very happy because she finally has wings.

But what Fu Xie Lan saw in the next picture made her frown, there were some fairies with surprised expressions when they saw her. And after that, some of them tried to harm her out of jealousy and envy.

Continued to open the page until the last page, it turned out that the fairy who had no previous wings ended tragically.

The emergence of feelings of envy from the other fairies because she suddenly appeared with a pair of very beautiful wings, making her ostracized and even treated badly.

The hope of getting people to like her and stop being ostracized vanished in an instant.

Finally, the smile on her face faded and turned into an expression that looked extremely desperate. The fairy then flew back through the uninhabited forest towards the lake. Jumped into the lake many times and in the end, she did not appear again.

And Fu Xie Lan concluded that maybe that Fairy drawn on the page was trying to remove a pair of wings so that it could return to its original state. Because if it wasn't so, why did she have to jump so many times?

And because of the feeling of sadness and despair that overtook her, the fairy ignored her exhausted body, and her mana was depleted, so that she lost her life, dying at the bottom of the lake.

It's a very tragic ending.

Reading down to the last page, Fu Xie Lan closed her book.

"Hmm, something that is too lacking is not good, but something too much is also not good," she muttered in a slightly whispering tone of voice.

"I've seen all the pictures."

"This is the story of a wingless fairy. And many things can be learned from this fairy tale," said Fu Xie Lan, then turned to where the bird was.

"Thank you, it seems that out of all the books I've read, this fairy tale is the only one that intrigues me a little," the girl added as she put the old book back where it belonged.

And, as the book landed on a tree branch, the bird flew back and landed on Fu Xie Lan's shoulder.

Slightly gripping the clothes she was wearing while flapping its wings.

"Eh? What else?" asked Fu Xie Lan.

The bird didn't stop and continued to do the same thing for a few seconds, tugging at the clothes she was wearing making the girl's brow furrow very clearly.

"Calm down," said Fu Xie Lan, her words as if she was talking to someone else. When in fact, the girl was talking alone to a bird.

"Calm down, later you will ruin my clothes," added the girl again.

'Let me just eat it, Miss,' the hum of Hao's voice echoed in her head, and at that moment the creature was rewarded with a glare from Fu Xie Lan.

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