Rebirth Of The Queen

Chapter 336 - 336. Guardian Fairy And Forest Fairy

Until several tens of minutes passed, the rumbling and storm that occurred had not stopped but had begun to subside. The dust that had been billowing under the shade of the former core region had also begun to lessen.

That night, all the fairies in the Fairy Territory woke up, even some of them still didn't realize what was going on and had been crushed by the rubble.

Fu Xie Lan watched all these things without blinking.

She had obtained the ruby ​​star stone which was her main goal but never thought that something like this would happen.

Fu Xie Lan's body suddenly stiffened, remembering Master Liu's presence in the core region.

She hopes nothing happens to the middle-aged man.

"How could this happen?"

"Come on..take a closer look."

"That's over there... HEY...Where's the core region?"

"Use your eyes well, the territory is collapsing."

"BIG DISASTER!!" Shouted one of the fairies among them, looking so panicked.

"Why did this happen? Who did it?"

Suddenly Fu Xie Lan's sense of hearing caught a commotion coming from behind her.

Turning to the source of the sound, her violet eyes caught a group of forest fairies and also a guardian fairy who seemed to have just come out of the forest there.

The focus of all the fairies was fixed on a single point, the inner region, exactly where the collapse occurred, and was unaware of her existence.

"This is truly a disaster..."

All the fairies were glued to the spot with their eyes glaring sharply as if they couldn't believe everything that was happening in front of their eyes.

"We'd better go down and help those who were hit by the rubble," said one of the guardian fairies who first regained consciousness.

"Yes, but it would be best if we waited for the wind to subside."

All the fairies seemed to line up on the edge of the boundary cliff, none of them were aware of Fu Xie Lan's presence.

The girl could tell what kind of fairy it was just by looking at the color of their wings. if she remembers correctly, Master Liu once said that forest fairies have brown wings, while guardian fairies have green wings.

Until the strong wind that hit the entire area subsided, all the fairies who were on the boundary cliff intended to come down and see the situation there.

"Wait!!" shouted Fu Xie Lan when she saw them start to move.

Suddenly the fairy who was not far from her turned around.

They are some guardian fairies and some forest fairies.

"What is it, Miss?"

"Is there anything we can do to help?" asked one of the fairy guards approaching the girl.

Right after the little creature finished his sentence, several fairies immediately flew ahead of her and headed closer to Fu Xie Lan.

Around her body, right at the back, where the two wings flapped slowly.

"Miss... Your wings... So beautiful."

"It's beautiful..." said some fairies, looking stunned by Fu Xie Lan's pair of wings.

Only a few seconds passed, and the girl was already surrounded by many fairies. They all felt amazed at the same time. Fu Xie Lan who suddenly received such praise just stood frozen on the spot, not knowing how to react.

Even she found it a little difficult to look around her because her vision was blocked by the existence of the fairies.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't gather like this," said one of the guardian fairies.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, Miss," he added.

Fairy guards and forest fairies can be said to have a special affinity because their habitation is adjacent to each other.

Sometimes, many forest fairies play to the edge of the outer region. Because that's the only area they can visit in a short time. But, that doesn't mean they haven't visited the inner region or the core region.

Hearing the words of one of the guardian fairies, the fairies immediately took a little further away from Fu Xie Lan's whereabouts.

The girl only smiled faintly behind the cloth covering her face.

"Where are you guys going?" asked Fu Xie Lan starting to sound, as if she had not heard their previous conversation.

"Eh? I think I've heard your voice, Miss..."

"But where?" said forest fairies with a frown, as if trying hard to remember something.

"It's just your feelings."

The forest fairies had seen Fu Xie Lan before, and that time when Teacher Liu was traveling with her.

However, they didn't recognize her, and that was because at that time Fu Xie Lan was wearing a mask that only covered one eye and a third of her face. Meanwhile, at this time, the girl was wearing a face covering that only showed her two violet eyes.

Of course, the forest elf didn't recognize her.

"Forget it, where are you guys going?" Fu Xie Lan repeated.

Hearing the girl's words, suddenly all the fairies seemed to wake up from their admiration.

"We intend to go downstairs, Miss."

"Aren't you two guardian fairies and forest fairies?" asked Fu Xie Lan pretending not to know.

"That's right, Miss."

"Are you all going downstairs?"

Just a moment ago, the girl's violet eyes had caught the tens or even hundreds of guardian fairies and forest fairies that had flown down, leaving only those around her at this time.

"Like you said. There's no way we're just sitting here, and we should immediately help those who need help, Miss. The collapse of the core region was never expected before. Although we don't know what caused it, we all need to get there immediately," replied forest fairies.

"The area that was under the auspices of the previous core region was the area with the most fairy population from other areas," he continued.

"And you guardian fairy are going there too?" asked Fu Xie Lan.

Several green-winged fairies just nodded.

"So who's guarding the border?"

For a moment the little fairies looked at each other.

"I suggest that you fairy guards stay on guard at the border, who knows if someone will take advantage of this incident? Well, that's if you want to hear me out. I'm just giving advice. The rest is up to you," said Fu Xie Lan at length.

Those who heard the girl's words seemed to whisper to each other.

"What this lady said is true. You should return to the border area," said one of the forest fairies.

"Okay, we're sorry. Our bodies seemed to move on their own when we heard the sound of explosions and roars that were heard earlier, so we forgot our real duty," said one of the guardian fairies.

"Then we'll be back."

"Again, our apologies and for you, thank you for reminding us, Miss," said the fairy which was immediately nodded by another fairy.

"We'll go first. You guys are careful," he added and then turned to leave, followed by the other guardian fairies.

Letting go of the few fairies, the forest elf turned to Fu Xie Lan and asked, "How about with you, Miss? What are you going to do?"

Hearing that question, Fu Xie Lan was suddenly dazed. What kind of answer should she give?

"Looks like you just came back from down there.. Seeing how dirty your dress is," said another forest fairy.

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