Rebirth Of The Queen

Chapter 343 - 343. What Is Arrogance?

"And you want me to believe it?"

"There will never be a person who has two abilities as you say. You should be aware of that."

"Looking at all the successive events and disasters that have befallen the Fairy Territory, do you still believe in that person, a stranger who suddenly appeared and offered help for nothing in return?"

"Nowadays, who would still do something like that? People would usually ask for something in return, and that girl? I might believe it more if she was the mastermind behind all this incident," said Mr. Shin, hurling accusations to his heart's content, continuing to babble incessantly, as if what he said was all true.

"Don't be too quick to judge something just by hearing it, Master. You don't know who the girl is yet, and you're accusing her carelessly," replied Mr. Zyn, not accepting the middle-aged man's words. Even though it was his first time meeting Miss Xie Lan, that didn't mean he couldn't judge her well. If just judging someone gave him trouble, then he wouldn't be the leader of the Inner Region Fryz.

A rough sigh escaped Mr. Zyn's lips, he knew this was going to happen. Meeting the leader of Fryz from the core region would always end up like this. If the middle-aged man did not boast, then he would underestimate the person he met. Spit out everything he thought was wrong as if forcing others to follow his thoughts, always feeling that it was the most right thing.

"Do you recognize her? You don't even know her name," said Mr. Shin again. He still remembered the time the two Fryz insisted on getting in the way of what he was going to do that night, just because of a girl they didn't know the name of.

"Now where is she?" asked Mr. Shin again.

"Let me meet her," he added.

Immediately Master Zyn and Jiao turned around, but the figure of the white-dressed fairy he had seen a moment ago was no longer in her place. The two men then looked in all directions, but could not find the figure they were looking for.

"You guys looking for me?" Suddenly a soft voice sounded from above, and the next second a girl who was none other than Fu Xie Lan landed on the ground, right next to Jiao and Master Zyn.

At the same time, the pair of wings on her back disappeared right then and there. Made everyone in the place freeze on the spot, including Mr. Shin.

Except for Jiao of course, because the man had seen this before.

"Y-your wings, Miss," stuttered Mr. Zyn after regaining his senses, somehow suddenly his chest felt very tight as if something heavy was pressing on him.

"Ah, what about my wings?"

"H-how can it be lost like that?" Mr. Zyn's hands seemed to be pressing his chest, it was also experienced by all Fryz in that place.

"It just happened," said Fu Xie Lan with a shrug, all of their conversations reaching her ears without missing a beat. She watched silently only to judge the figure she knew by name was Mr. Shin, a middle-aged man who was the leader of Fryz in the core region.

While on the other hand, Master Shin who saw the fairy in front of her was still standing. Swallowed his saliva deeply.

The mana he felt from the girl's body was very strong, especially when the wind from the fairy's wings fluttered against his face, slightly stinging, even though there were no wounds on his face.

Not only that, that girl's figure was perfect in Master Shin's eyes. Even though her dress looked a little dirty, it didn't detract from her elegance.

And just by looking at the two violet eyes, anyone can already guess how perfect the curve of her face is behind the cloth that hangs down her face.

The domineering aura emanating from the girl's body made Master Shin break out in a cold sweat. He who was already the leader of the core region Fryz had never met someone like that in his life. Who is that girl? His subconscious immediately gave a signal, that he should not make trouble with the figure.

He has been for hundreds of years, and he has gone through many experiences. But no one had ever given him the feeling he did now, not even Queen and King.

There are no words or sentences that can describe how he feels right now, the aura of the girl in front of him seems to force people to submit at that moment, including himself.

During this time, Master Shin had always felt that he was the most powerful after the King and Queen in the Fairy Territory, and because of that also made him treat other people arbitrarily, except for the Fairy King and Queen of course. To think that no one would dare to fight him other than those two figures.

With just the presence of the fairy in front of him, Master Shin already doesn't feel well. All his arrogance all this time instantly vanished at that moment. He felt that he was nothing compared to the power of the fairy that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Who's looking for me?" Fu Xie Lan's voice was heard, the girl had spoken for the third time but no one responded.

Jiao and Mr. Zyn, let alone making a sound, even breathing was very difficult. You can see clear water flowing from their foreheads. The happened to the other fairies.

A faint smile appeared on the girl's lips, immediately she withdrew the aura she had deliberately released a moment ago.

And at the same time, the sound of gasping breaths rang out from the mouths of all the fairies, seemingly trying to take in as many breaths as possible, as if the next second the oxygen would run out all around them.

Fu Xie Lan did everything on purpose. After she heard the conversation of the Fryz, it turned out that Mr. Shin was arrogant and acted casually. Even Jiao and Master Zyn didn't move in front of the middle-aged man.

If only Fu Xie Lan had plenty of time, maybe she would have played around with that Fryz leader a bit. It's just that with a situation like this, she couldn't do it.

Until finally she decided to meet Master Shin in person, releasing her aura on purpose only to bully the middle-aged man.

There will be no cure for arrogance other than arrogance itself. She was already in two lifetimes, Fu Xie Lan was very understanding of people like Master Shin. Arrogant attitude is often owned by people who feel capable and feel better than others, there will be no way to get rid of it except by giving a direct slap that what they have is nothing and that there is something better or stronger from him.

When hiding earlier, the girl could sense the mana level of each of the Fryz, including with Master Shin. And that meant that her mana level was much stronger than all of them.

One can only sense another's mana level only if one has a higher level.

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